blueSGL t1_j29d1ee wrote
Reply to comment by Kaarssteun in OpenAI might have shot themselves in the foot with ChatGPT by Kaarssteun
> There is no product for them to sell given people now expect this service to be free.
I don't get the argument.
If they want to yoink it and put it behind a paywall where you pay for tokens they could do that today.
If people still want to use it they pay or stop using it.
This has happened before. (look at Dalle2)
blueSGL t1_j26x0dt wrote
Mass poverty is destabilizing, destabilization is bad for business. Automation/AI will come at different rates, it won't be uniform or instantaneous.
Big chunks of the economy will either be massively assisted or replaced by AI (likely one then the other), those people need to be supported or they will be unable to buy the products and services that are being automated in the rest of the economy.
This will cause enough problems that UBI will have to happen. Governments/billionaires can't just sit back and watch the fireworks with Automation/AI providing them everything, that point won't have been reached yet. They will still need sectors that are not automated to continue working.
Whoever is the first to crack AGI also has to crack alignment, we get exactly one chance at that.
I highly recommend Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence for an in depth look at all the ways 'obvious' solutions can go wrong, and some solutions for it going right. Funnily enough the ones for it going right are generally by asking the AI to do (and I'm massively simplifying/paraphrasing ) "the best thing for humanity" and for that exact goal to be worked out by the AI itself, the nuances, the balancing act, etc...
In such a scenario, (that being one of the safest ways to handle alignment is to hand the problem off to the AI itself) the solution would not lend itself to billionaires. The more you drill down and define the goal function the higher the likelihood you will fuck everything up during the one chance humanity has to get things right. (think a genie that gives you what you literally have asked for rather than what you actually desire)
Either the future light cone is gonna be paperclips or we might end up with a half decent post scarcity society.
blueSGL t1_j2479qr wrote
Reply to comment by X-msky in Search Engine Launches ChatGPT-Style Chatbot, But Don't Trust It Fully Yet by nick7566
ChatGPT does not cite references the chatbot does.
blueSGL t1_j22ljya wrote
Reply to comment by Cake706 in Search Engine Launches ChatGPT-Style Chatbot, But Don't Trust It Fully Yet by nick7566
I'm not quite sure how it works. It has been confidently incorrect at times, and at others it referenced a youtube video that didn't have the information in the title or the about box and was not presented in a way directly drawn from subtitles. so it looked like it got the video and re-contextualized the information from the subtitles, which is quite impressive.
blueSGL t1_j22irjn wrote
Reply to Search Engine Launches ChatGPT-Style Chatbot, But Don't Trust It Fully Yet by nick7566
I like it. Example from earlier I needed to know (expressed in my finest google voice) "steam deck set timezone" and the chat bot just told me. No hopping around youtube videos or drawn out websites, right there where the search happened it told me the settings subsection to go to.
blueSGL t1_j22cy78 wrote
Reply to comment by Evil_Patriarch in Vulture: Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI by EnomLee
you know it's coming at some point.
blueSGL t1_j22coeu wrote
Reply to comment by AvgAIbot in Vulture: Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Your Own Movie With AI by EnomLee
I honestly don't know if people are not factoring in the investment that is going to start flowing into the sector, now that even the slowest companies can see: 1. how good things have got and 2. how quickly they are evolving.
No one will want to be the last person at the table.
blueSGL t1_j21ay8x wrote
Reply to comment by treedmt in ChatGPT Could End Open Research in Deep Learning, Says Ex-Google Employee by lambolifeofficial
LLMs where it's a statistical likelihood for next token prediction benefit from more data.
That along with the truism
"You always find things in the last place you look"
can be very powerful tools.
There will be some correlation between search term and result otherwise search would be pointless. That on a large enough scale can sift signal from noise, not only in terms of search results but in delta between individual search terms.
blueSGL t1_j20lqfi wrote
Reply to comment by ThePlanckDiver in ChatGPT Could End Open Research in Deep Learning, Says Ex-Google Employee by lambolifeofficial
Google is likely the best positioned for dataset creation.
>google search/cache/AMP links/youtube subtitles
>Image search thumbnails/reCAPTCHA/youtube
They can afford to give away research because I doubt many can match them on shear dataset scale alone.
blueSGL t1_j1sx169 wrote
Reply to Genuine question, why wouldn’t AI, posthumanism, post-singularity benefits etc. become something reserved for the elites? by mocha_sweetheart
Mass poverty is destabilizing, destabilization is bad for business. Automation/AI will come at different rates, it won't be uniform or instantaneous.
Big chunks of the economy will either be massively assisted or replaced by AI (likely one then the other), those people need to be supported or they will be unable to buy the products and services that are being automated in the rest of the economy.
This will cause enough problems that UBI will have to happen. Governments/billionaires can't just sit back and watch the fireworks with Automation/AI providing them everything, that point won't have been reached yet. They will still need sectors that are not automated to continue working.
Assumptions are made in the OP that whoever is the first to crack AGI also cracks alignment, we get exactly one chance at that.
I highly recommend Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence for an in depth look at all the ways 'obvious' solutions can go wrong, and some solutions for it going right. Funnily enough the ones for it going right are generally by asking the AI to do (and I'm massively paraphrasing ) "the best thing for humanity" and for that exact goal to be worked out by the AI itself, the nuances, the balancing act.
In such a scenario, (that being one of the safest ways to handle alignment is to hand the problem off to the AI itself) the solution would not lend itself to billionaires. The more you drill down and define the goal function the higher the likelihood you will fuck everything up during the one chance humanity has to get things right.
Either the light cone is gonna be paperclips or we might end up with a half decent post scarcity society.
blueSGL t1_j1qa5gh wrote
Reply to comment by SupPandaHugger in Will ChatGPT Replace Google? by SupPandaHugger
any youtube video with subs, (manual or autogenerated) that is all calculated at upload time, not whilst the video is playing back in your browser.
there are websites you can use to download this srt file.
e.g. this is the video linked above.
srt is just a text file with a different extension so can be scraped without needing to decode.
blueSGL t1_j1p8l2s wrote
Reply to comment by UsaInfation in One thing ChatGPT desperately needs: An upgrade to its humor by diener1
The one from the sidebar is about on par with this:
>Ricky Gervais: "So, what do you think about gender identity?"
>Chris Rock: "I think it's important that we recognize and respect the complexities of the issue."
>Louis C.K.: "Yeah, it's a complicated topic, but it's important that we all listen to each other and make sure everyone has a voice."
>Ricky Gervais: "Absolutely. We should strive to create an environment where everyone feels safe and accepted no matter their gender identity."
>Chris Rock: "Agreed. It's important that we all work together to create an inclusive and understanding culture."
>Louis C.K.: "Right. We should always strive to create a world where everyone can be their true selves without fear of judgement or discrimination."
blueSGL t1_j1p83sa wrote 's sidebar:
>A Christian, an atheist, and a Muslim walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says, "What is this, some kind of joke?"
blueSGL t1_j1oyaax wrote
Reply to comment by gaudiocomplex in Will ChatGPT Replace Google? by SupPandaHugger
I can now scroll a comment section on reddit and pick them out by sentencing structure alone.
>I don’t even see the code. All I see is blonde, brunette, red-head.
blueSGL t1_j1oxxnl wrote
Reply to comment by Ortus12 in Will ChatGPT Replace Google? by SupPandaHugger
> Give me a list of the Pro's and cons of combining search engines with chat technology
I asked
>The pros of combining search engines with chat technology include:
>* Increased efficiency and accuracy in retrieving information
>* Easier access to data repositories
>* Reduced time spent searching for information
>* Improved user experience
>The cons of combining search engines with chat technology include:
>* Higher cost to implement and maintain
>* Increased training and support costs
>* Possibility of inaccurate or incomplete results
>* Difficulty in handling large amounts of data
blueSGL t1_j1oxlgl wrote
Reply to comment by imlaggingsobad in Will ChatGPT Replace Google? by SupPandaHugger
I wonder how much adoption needs to have before google start severing searches with a side of LaMDA
blueSGL t1_j1ow700 wrote
Reply to comment by SupPandaHugger in Will ChatGPT Replace Google? by SupPandaHugger
I've swapped over to as my search engine now. For more fiddly technical stuff so far I've found it does rather well, one that I did recently.
I wanted to know if there was a file you could manually edit for midi mapping your own controllers in Serato, and the little 'chat' box gave me the correct result with a googlefucked query of 'custom midi map sorato edit file' and it referenced a youtube video where as far as I can tell didn't have the info in the title, or the about box. Scraping the subtitles?
Screenshot of You:
Youtube Vid
blueSGL t1_j1n8084 wrote
Reply to comment by visarga in Money Will Kill ChatGPT’s Magic by vernes1978
They seem to be getting clever esp around certain concepts, I doubt they have hard coded training around [subject] such that the returned text is always [block text from openAI] more that they have trained it to return [keyword token] when [subject] gets mentioned and that is what pulls in the [block text from openAI]
you can bet they are going to work hard with every trick they can think of to remove inference cost, having a lookup table for a lot of common things and getting the model to return a [keyword token] that activate these would be one way of going about it.
Also likely how this sort of system would work in a tech support field. You don't need the system waxing lyrical over [step (n)] you just need to tell customer to perform [step (n)] with maybe a little fluff at the start or the end to make things flow smoother.
blueSGL t1_j1kkghk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in This is how chatGPT sees itself. by Kindly-Customer-1312
"Choose the form of the Destructor"
blueSGL t1_j1kild0 wrote
Reply to For the first time Open AI is investing in a small number of startups who they believe are "pushing the boundaries" of technology and AI. by ECommerce_Developer
Next year is going to be a rollercoaster of AI powered tech.
Everyone went all in on self driving that needs to be near as damn it 100% perfect to be safe and it's annoying to dangerous when a user needs to take over.
Where as, these new companies don't need a 100% hit rate to be useful, if it saves you hours you don't care if you spend minutes identifying and fixing bad outputs.
blueSGL t1_j1j3ypk wrote
Reply to comment by geek66 in The 10 biggest scientific breakthroughs of 2022 by tonymmorley
it's not 'us' that need to change behaviors, it's corporations.
you can either run around the sprinkler trying to stop every drop from hitting the ground or turn off the tap.
Also the fusion announcement is good. It shows it can work, will increase the spending towards getting a usable product.
Hell the design tested was not even that useful for extracting energy even if they got it pulling more 'from the wall'. There are designs that will allow for easy extraction and now they know it's possible.
blueSGL t1_j0ozrsf wrote
I would far prefer more people get into alignment, well at least the important kind (paperclip output) not the distraction (problematic output)
As the planet then light cone gets turned into paperclips an AI 'alignment' researcher can at least warm themselves with the thought that "well at least the AI never said a bad word"
blueSGL t1_j0ocro6 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatInternetGuy in ChatGPT isn't a super AI. But here's what happens when it pretends to be one. by johnny0neal
Why attack servers?
Find a zero day in windows, all the gaming GPUs you can eat rewrite the bios so that it will reinfect on format, and then look to launch an attack from there onto larger servers.
blueSGL t1_j29uv5o wrote
Reply to comment by treedmt in OpenAI might have shot themselves in the foot with ChatGPT by Kaarssteun
> for the free competitors
Who are the free competitors?