blueSGL t1_ius7e2x wrote
Reply to comment by ninjasaid13 in Nanowire Synapses 30,000x Faster Than the Human Brain have been created for the first time. by AylaDoesntLikeYou
Started reading the comment thinking that you were explaining why it's not going to be possible, finished reading the comment happy that we are no where near the theoretical limits and that there is a massive amount of ground still to cover.
blueSGL t1_iuriw6r wrote
Reply to comment by cannibalismo in Multiple breakthrough papers from Google, DeepMind and other key players, featured in Cutting-edge AI: October digest by SpaceDepix
matrix multiplications require doing additions (and subtractions) and multiplications.
GPUs can do additions (and subtractions) faster than multiplications.
by rejiggering the way the matrix multiplication is written you can use less multiplications and more additions thus it runs faster on the same hardware.
>Volker Strassen first published this algorithm in 1969
>In late-2022, AlphaTensor was able to construct a faster algorithm for multiplying matrices for small sizes (e.g. specifically over the field Z 2 \mathbb {Z} _{2} 4x4 matrices in 47 multiplications versus 49 by the Strassen algorithm, or 64 using the naive algorithm).[2] AlphaTensor's results of 96 multiplications for 5x5 matrices over any field (compared to 98 by the Strassen algorithm) was reduced to 95 a week later with further human optimization.
blueSGL t1_iub6nox wrote
Reply to comment by mcshadypants in Experts: 90% of Online Content Will Be AI-Generated by 2026 by PrivateLudo
of course it will, whatever scenarios you want, forever.
The moral panic is going to be insane to watch.
(have you seen the names of some of the Stable Diffusion fine tunes? Like that, and more for video)
blueSGL t1_iu4z8up wrote
Reply to comment by Education-Sea in new physics-inspired Deep Learning method generates images with electrodynamics by SleekEagle
skimmed the paper and might have missed it, does it say if this is more or less VRAM efficient?
blueSGL t1_itzv9dt wrote
Reply to comment by CleanThroughMyJorts in Question for people who have optimistic views on AI. by throw28289292022-02
watch yourself with the triple parenthesis reddit can class it as an antisemitic dog whistle and ban your account.
blueSGL t1_itzmh8r wrote
Reply to comment by Josephv86 in The Great People Shortage is coming — and it's going to cause global economic chaos | Researchers predict that the world's population will decline in the next 40 years due to declining birth rates — and it will cause a massive shortage of workers. by Shelfrock77
something like this: (7.00)
and if you'd prefer a dub (but the video is worse quality): (7.15)
blueSGL t1_itzlkaj wrote
All those sound effect library guys are going to start feeling like ShutterStock real soon.
Also that style transfer is going to be put through the wringer when some top producers get access. (I can't wait)
blueSGL t1_itt0upq wrote
Reply to comment by Dreason8 in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
>txt2img can't even get wording and text right it's output,
I thought googles parti solved that?
check out the images "Toaday"
and "be excellent to each other"
blueSGL t1_itsji9p wrote
Reply to comment by whenhaveiever in Our Conscious Experience of the World Is But a Memory, Says New Theory by Shelfrock77
I'm sure I saw a Lex Friedman interview with a neuroscientist who said that experience is a post hoc narrative of events and that you can watch the brain make decisions about choices using fMRI where the choice is fixed in before the conscious observer thinks it is. Annoyingly I can't remember who he was interviewing.
blueSGL t1_itsf4uj wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptizard in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
>the majority of small businesses are not buying robots to replace people in the near term.
What about small businesses that can do the work remotely? the percentage of the entire workforce who don't need to physically be present in a specific location to carry out their jobs (quick google, ranges from 1/4 to 4/10 )
and large business is already looking at automation. With control models like this six axis arm making it simple to program and to reprogram for a different task, it only needs to be slightly better than human on a cost/benefit analysis to make it worth while. (was the cost in these things to begin with the hardware or the software, I've never looked into it)
blueSGL t1_itscy5u wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptizard in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
it all comes down to the money in the end, if [business] can make more money by using AI it will get used.
Is there going to be enough companies left doing things 'the old way' to keep employment numbers up even though it's less cost effective?
> My grandmother still goes to the bank window to withdraw cash and has never used a computer in her life.
and yet people like her don't provide enough financial incentive to keep branches open.
blueSGL t1_its73w0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ortus12 in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
The other confusion is you don't need a general human level AI in all fields to cost jobs, A collection of narrow AIs selected for the type of work and feeding into each other will be able to replace jobs without even looking at the larger multi model systems that are being built.
blueSGL t1_its6j7f wrote
Reply to comment by Cryptizard in With all the AI breakthroughs and IT advancements the past year, how do people react these days when you try to discuss the nearing automation and AGI revolution? by AdditionalPizza
> highly specialized machines.
That is of course until you can use a language model to instruct humanoid robots.
something like this: but for a humanoid/teslabot body.
Then it's generic hardware and generic (likely fine tuned) software.
blueSGL t1_itmfgbd wrote
Reply to comment by expelten in Large Language Models Can Self-Improve by xutw21
lets hope the AIs treat us more like dogs than ants.
blueSGL t1_itlmagr wrote
Reply to comment by gibs in Large Language Models Can Self-Improve by xutw21
thinking about [thing] necessitates being able to form a representation/abstraction of [thing], language is a formalization of that which allows for communication. It's perfectly possible to think without a language being attached but more than likely having a language allows for easier thinking.
blueSGL t1_itcehke wrote
Reply to comment by DukkyDrake in When do you expect gpt-4 to come out? by hducug
look two comments up where the context of this is Microsoft now owning Github.
blueSGL t1_itce05a wrote
Reply to comment by xxxmsky in When do you expect gpt-4 to come out? by hducug
If they are truly in for the long game of supporting open source that's good. The alternative is 'so long and thanks for all the fish'
blueSGL t1_itc89qq wrote
Reply to comment by xxxmsky in When do you expect gpt-4 to come out? by hducug
was that about supporting open source or buying a large dataset with the excuse of supporting open source.
blueSGL t1_ita9v70 wrote
Reply to comment by Redvolition in Thoughts on Job Loss Due to Automation by Redvolition
is 'dexterous enough' (esp for the tesla bot) a product of software or are they still needing to improve performance on the linear actuators / pneumatic system to be able to run the corrections fast enough?
blueSGL t1_it7tzvt wrote
Reply to comment by brosirmandude in If you believe you can think exponentially, you might be wrong. Transformative AI is here, and it is going to radically change the world before the Singularity, and before AGI. by AdditionalPizza
I've already seen people generate images for their RPG campaigns using Stable Diffusion, how many rule/campaign books will a LLM need to crunch through before it can spit out endless variations on a theme for your favorite system (or act as a major accelerator for those creating them already)
Edit: actually lets expand on this.
What happens when a sufficiently advanced model gets licensed for fine tune to paying companies and Wizards of the Coast feeds in the entire corpus of data they control and starts using that to create or help create expansions and systems and the former creators shift to editors.
Now do that for every industry that has a text backbone somewhere in it. e.g. movie/tv scripts, books, comics, radio dramas, music video concepts, and so on.
blueSGL t1_it7gxtg wrote
Reply to comment by AdditionalPizza in If you believe you can think exponentially, you might be wrong. Transformative AI is here, and it is going to radically change the world before the Singularity, and before AGI. by AdditionalPizza
> I don't foresee politicians giving up the reins easily.
they don't need to, politicians are already advised by groups they surround themselves with, if one of those advisors is AI (or more specifically for one of those human advisors uses an AI and pass off the advance as their own) and the politician gets ahead due to the advice then they'd all want to use one.
Then you have all the multi competing agent fun like flash crashes in the stock market due to high frequency trading algorithms battling it out.
Fun times ahead.
blueSGL t1_iszcalu wrote
Reply to comment by AdditionalPizza in Since Humans Need Not Apply video there has not much been videos which supports CGP Grey's claim by RavenWolf1
> I have a bit of a theory on this actually. It's a combination of a couple things. The AI effect being the most obvious, where people will say AI can't do something, and when it does they dismiss it because it's just computer calculations. A moving goal post of sorts.
Also I've a feeling a lot of jobs are going to be made redundant by collections of narrow AIs you don't need AGI to replace a lot of jobs just a small collection of specialist AIs that can communicate. I wondered why the Gato paper (from what I read of it) didn't try any cross domain exercises. e.g. get a robot arm to play an atari game.
blueSGL t1_ist0kec wrote
Reply to comment by TheSingulatarian in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
with google now gamifying (and having an AI 'win') low level optimization and Microsoft improving natural language coding to include sanity checking and self correcting even if you assume cherrypicked results I don't think it's going to be 10-20 years.
blueSGL t1_ispuvph wrote
Reply to comment by drsimonz in Stability AI, the startup behind Stable Diffusion, raises $101M by phantasm_ai
>once you realize you're competing with your own open source distribution.
ain't that the truth, I'm amazed when I listen to Emad Mostaque (founder of Stability AI) talk about their implementation of Stable Diffusion and he's going on about upcoming features 'coming soon' and I've already been running them for days/weeks on the Automatic1111 fork, it's just bizarre.
blueSGL t1_ius7u17 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Nanowire Synapses 30,000x Faster Than the Human Brain have been created for the first time. by AylaDoesntLikeYou
> Either there is no quantum effects in biology
Human smell perception is governed by quantum spin-residual information
or is that something different and I'm missunderstanding?