blueSGL t1_j7qkcza wrote
Reply to comment by jason_bman in Just watched Googles Bard launch event and I am completly underwhelmed. by Nico_
What a plodding boring presentation, even at 2.8x it still feels slow.
blueSGL t1_j6vscmk wrote
Reply to comment by farcetragedy in GPT tool that lets you connect to databases and ask questions in text. by Mogen1000
If the cost is per query answered then we might even see a day where you are not waiting on hold ever again. Companies boasting about "No queue customer support" will catch on quick.
blueSGL t1_j6ocz41 wrote
Reply to comment by fignewtgingrich in I love how the conversation about AI has developed on the sub recently by bachuna
UBI will act as the capitalism off ramp. The cushion needed to take the world from the current paradigm to the next without wide spread destabilization.
What's the next paradigm? That will completely depend on the speed that certain technologies proceed at, breakthroughs in the next few years will shape society going forward.
blueSGL t1_j6j049u wrote
Reply to comment by slfnflctd in Nukie: the strange story behind the forgotten ET knock-off by SixtyFours
> The results of the auction made Nukie the most expensive VHS tape in history
RLM memed a copy of Nukie into the most expensive VHS tape ever.
Now this is shitposting.
blueSGL t1_j6i4rli wrote
Reply to comment by tinylobsta in Nothing, Forever — AI-generated, always streaming parody of ‘90s sitcoms by tinylobsta
> We started this about four years ago before OpenAI and SD kinda swept the landscape and are thinking now how to incorporate pieces of those into it.
Elevenlabs can be used for voice cloning and synthesis
SD is being used to create textures directly in blender using the depth map feature of 2.0
and you can likely find a prompt for GPT3 to create Seinfeld scripts (there are some other voice synth tools linked in the description)
blueSGL t1_j69254v wrote
Reply to comment by malcolmrey in Google not releasing MusicLM by Sieventer
some people use words like that as turns of phrase and are not religious.
You will find atheists uttering phrases like "God fucking damn it" and "Jesus Christ" as expletives because it's common parlance.
Much like 'pray' being synonymous with 'hope'
Same with using Yiddish expressions without being Jewish.
blueSGL t1_j62fbwn wrote
Reply to If given the chance in your life time, will join a theoretical transhumanist hive mind? by YobaiYamete
intrusive thoughts that pose a whole new level of terror. Now you can share the fun!
blueSGL t1_j623dds wrote
Reply to comment by starstruckmon in MusicLM: Generating Music From Text (Google Research) by nick7566
Being able to whistle a lead line and then have the prompted 'style' turn it into whatever you want.
Anyone that's thought of a catchy line in their head but no musical ability...
Music is going to get very interesting in the next decade.
blueSGL t1_j61tx2e wrote
Reply to comment by symphonic_dolphin in Shutterstock Has Launched Its Own AI Image Generation Tool by vadhavaniyafaijan
Even in cases where you are not uploading to a site to sell photos/art a lot of websites where you submit any sort of image needs to have it in their T+Cs that they can do a shitload of things with the image just so they have permission to share it to other people, move it between servers, process the image (compress it to save space) etc...
those all were ok until generative AI came on the scene and now those same terms is like giving cart blanche to the site if they want to create or fine tune a model.
blueSGL t1_j5uzwkq wrote
Reply to comment by CasaDeCastello in [D]Are there any known AI systems today that are significantly more advanced than chatGPT ? by Xeiristotle
why did you put that evil in my mind.
The willpower needed not to use that at every possible juncture might be a bit much for me.
blueSGL t1_j5i4k00 wrote
Reply to NVIDIA just released a new Eye Contact feature that uses AI to make you look into the camera by strangesmagic
need to add in the stochastic triangular eye darts, you get when looking at another persons face and also have a threshold for turn radius so once you start facing away too much (could even be bias per left/right as a setting to compensate for webcam angle) the eyes sync back up with your real ones.
blueSGL t1_j5bzmor wrote
Reply to What do you think an ordinary, non-billionaire non-PhD person should be doing, preparing, or looking out for? by Six-headed_dogma_man
In the short term, If you are in a company and they introduce an AI helper like those that are going to be coming with Microsoft Office, start using it, learn it inside and out. People that eschew it will have worst performance and will be the first on the chopping block.
In the long term, hope alignment is solved and that we don't copystamp the light cone with paperclips or atomic scale smiley faces.
blueSGL OP t1_j53yvki wrote
Reply to comment by zero_for_effort in I was wrong about metaculus, (and the AGI predicted date has dropped again, now at may 2027) by blueSGL
> but it just keeps jumping closer to the present.
Connor Leahy described this as a "pro gamer move"
> "If you see a probability distribution only ever update in one direction, just do the whole update instead of waiting for the predictable evidence to come, just update all the way bro."
Kinda looks like Kurzweil's "Law of Accelerating Returns"
blueSGL OP t1_j53btzc wrote
Reply to comment by icedrift in I was wrong about metaculus, (and the AGI predicted date has dropped again, now at may 2027) by blueSGL
You might find this section of an interview with Ajeya Cotra (of biological anchors for forecasting AI timelines fame)
Starts at 29.14
Where she talks about how several benchmarks were past early last year that surveys of ML workers had a median of 2026.
Also she casts doubt on people that are working in the field but are not working on specifically forecasting AGI/TAI directly as a source for useful information.
blueSGL t1_j532w0u wrote
Reply to comment by GlobusGlobus in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
Only thing I think it can be is the Helion reactor design. Extracting the energy directly rather than Heat > Steam > Turbine. I'd imagine that would lead to much cheaper plant design and fabrication. Also if the design is good at a specific scale then arrays can be constructed.
Submitted by blueSGL t3_10gg9d8 in singularity
blueSGL t1_j4yoiks wrote
Reply to comment by gay_manta_ray in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
I wonder just how vast the amount of problems is, that can be suddenly fixed because the spec now includes "access to unlimited cheap/free energy"
If this does not outright break it's going to severely dent the
Good/Fast\Cheap triangle.
blueSGL t1_j4yh9bs wrote
Reply to comment by technofuture8 in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
>He is chairman of the board for Helion and Oklo, two nuclear energy companies. He has said that nuclear energy is one of the most important areas of technological development.[
blueSGL t1_j4y34dt wrote
blueSGL t1_j4y33rk wrote
blueSGL t1_j4xmobd wrote
Reply to OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
One thing that I've not seen anyone pick up on was Fusion, as far as I know Mr Altman is backing Helion, that 'having something to show very soon' and 'commercial by 2028' are likely telling as to what Helion are getting up to.
Edit: might as well add the refs here too:
blueSGL t1_j4smtax wrote
Reply to comment by Smellz_Of_Elderberry in Is it wishful thinking that I feel like we’re way closer than we thought? by fignewtgingrich
I've heard plenty said about the societal level benefits of a one party rule country, e.g. being able to plan ahead without fear that it will get stopped or defunded when an apposing party comes to power. This has allowed for a lot more progress in terms of planning and infrastructure than otherwise would.
However the downside of such a thing is that there is lack of care to the individual, and at some level, ends justifying means.
The rules and guides for a lot of safety measures are written in blood, ways to make sure that dire mistakes can never happen again.
I feel there was a very real benefit to this at the speed everything moves at, drugs can be proscribed along with a verbose list of side effects and cofounding medication.
I do also feel that rules and guidelines need to be updated to reflect reality. e.g. as drug simulation becomes better it should be relied on more, I feel regulations should alter in lock step with how easy it is to verify drugs in silico.
blueSGL t1_j4qrbqg wrote
Reply to comment by Primo2000 in Is it wishful thinking that I feel like we’re way closer than we thought? by fignewtgingrich
> Maybe from technological standpoint but it will take time for humans to adopt it.
Look at what happened with ChatGPT. There is no adoption on-ramp, it was released to the world and now educational institutes are scrabbling to play catch up.
You can bet if a headline reads 'china cures [x]' where x is anything from aging to cancer to any much sort after medical treatment, that timelines will be shortened due to public pressure.
blueSGL t1_j4jy4w4 wrote
Reply to comment by boo5000 in [P] I built, a list of GPT-3 generated paper summaries by niclas_wue
don't need to check the comment history that style of formatting shines like a red light now, woe betide anyone that naturally types like that. They'll need to change things up to avoid being accused of being a bot!
(or on the other extreme, people get so used to reading things formatted with that cadence, it starts being unconsciously replicated in their own work.)
blueSGL t1_j7rqa0q wrote
Reply to Based on what we've seen in the last couple years, what are your thoughts on the likelihood of a hard takeoff scenario? by bloxxed
I think solutions are going to be found to a lot of things that people currently ascribe as needing AGI some time before AGI itself is created.