bluesheepreasoning t1_j9ijiqa wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A polish man finds a magic lamp that has a genie. by etternalentity
"I want you to take away half of my liver."
bluesheepreasoning t1_j9ijg43 wrote
Reply to comment by Michael-T-B-1969 in A polish man finds a magic lamp that has a genie. by etternalentity
A line of 100 ugly people are in line, waiting for a genie who only grants 1 wish.
The first person comes up to the genie and wishes to be beautiful. The wish is granted, and the first person leaves.
The second person comes up, same wish, same deal. No problem.
By the time of the twentieth person to meet up with the genie, the last guy in line begins giggling to himself. Those in front of him pay him no attention.
Half the line has gotten past the genie, and the guy begins laughing. Those in front of him are peeved, but don't really care that much.
As the guy nears the genie, he begins wheezing and rolling on the floor. Annoyed but determined to make their wish, the last few people ahead of him step right up to the genie. "I wish to be beautiful."
When the last guy steps up, he is rolling on the ground. The genie asks him what he's laughing about, and he responds, "I wish they all became ugly again."
bluesheepreasoning t1_j6lztmh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New Poster for 'Creed III' by MarvelsGrantMan136
In the trailer for Quantumania, Kang's suit is damaged, revealing Jonathan Majors' swole arm. Kang then uses it to choke Scott Lang. It's the closest we've got so far.
bluesheepreasoning t1_j6gf1z4 wrote
Reply to comment by ZorroMeansFox in What song from a movie completely changed the way you heard said song? by Dangy_boy
Personally, I first saw a version of it in a demonstration of DALL•E's variation feature, which added a haunting and robotic undertone to the video. I later learned that this particular version of Daisy Bell was the first ever song synthesized by a computer.
bluesheepreasoning t1_iy947v6 wrote
Reply to comment by mansnothot69420 in A chemistry teacher is a bunch of atoms explaining what atoms are by IntelligentPassion7
Younger human designated secondary upper bodily appendage:
bluesheepreasoning t1_iy79fyo wrote
Reply to comment by Outlaw_Trucker1977 in Three guys decide to stop for a drink after work on Christmas Eve. by specious_foofaraw
There's a reason why Saint Lucas allowed the guy through; check the team's name.
bluesheepreasoning t1_ixl6fr7 wrote
Reply to comment by wpmason in Movies whose plot can be explained in a line but are great in terms of direction, cinematography, etc. by Best_Investigator_15
Citizen Kane / Amélie / ? / Before Sunrise? / Before Sunset? / Before Midnight? / Easy Rider / ?
bluesheepreasoning t1_iueri9e wrote
bluesheepreasoning t1_iuc3cu2 wrote
Reply to How much cocaine can Charlie Sheen do? by Senepicmar
bluesheepreasoning t1_iua78zf wrote
Reply to comment by Zyodvb in Two people go into an empty bus... by CK17_live
Old Internet clickbait memes say: "If you see it, you will shit brix!!1!1!!11!!"
bluesheepreasoning t1_jad2k0a wrote
Reply to 60% of the time, it does it everytime by Captain_Orange-Bud
Escher moment