blueskieslemontrees t1_j9z7and wrote
Its a really great regional airport. The only complication other than food availability is if your flight gets in super late it could be problematic. Once I picked up a friend. Flight was supposed to come in at 10:20 pm. Delays leaving the prior airport and they got in at 2 am. They got locked in. All of the picker uppers arrived to the exit gates shut and locked. Airport was empty. Several of us ran around until we found a janitor who had to make a call to TSA. The plane of very weary travellers had to stand at the gate waiting for them. They had to call the baggage handlers back in from home to unload the plane. After so many delays it was salt in the wound
blueskieslemontrees t1_j9jkpi4 wrote
We had 11% last year and 6% this year. Has there been any new developments near you? It does appear they were all targeted adjustments
blueskieslemontrees t1_j9cq6a0 wrote
This is more for her than you but myBirth RVA is a fantastic coop that can connect her with a lot of providers, doulas, midwives, prep classes, post partum, lactation consultants etc.
blueskieslemontrees OP t1_j8d9f3u wrote
Reply to comment by KellyLynnVA in HHHunt - good or bad? by blueskieslemontrees
Thank you! Do you have kids in elementary or middle school and if so do you like the schools?
blueskieslemontrees OP t1_j8bgilo wrote
Reply to comment by Vapid_Ingenue in HHHunt - good or bad? by blueskieslemontrees
Good to know. Thank you for confirming
blueskieslemontrees t1_j2dpjw6 wrote
Reply to comment by Toadlips72 in In opposite : could you list things cheap today that will be unaffordable in 2030 ? (and why) by salutbobby
But with the exception of a few choice mega cities, you literally cannot get around (school, work. Doctor appointments, grocery shopping) without a car at all. Numerous visitors to the US have attempted walking to scoff "those lazy Americans" and about a block and a half in turn around and give up because its a fatal mistake. Quite literally. Pedestrians are not safe at all woth how our entire infrastructure is built. You would have to etch a sketch end the entire system and start over. And where will everyone live for those 20 or so odd year ls when there is nowhere to live or be when everything is tore up?
blueskieslemontrees t1_j2doomc wrote
Reply to comment by blueskieslemontrees in Parent tries to teach son positivity about police. He ends up with brain injury. by ludba2002
Geez thanks for all the downvotes when I am just trying to help you further the cause by explaining what the hell you mean. With an overabundance of acronyms a good portion of the population doesn't know every corner of the internet.
blueskieslemontrees t1_j2b8tms wrote
Reply to comment by PataMadre in Parent tries to teach son positivity about police. He ends up with brain injury. by ludba2002
Can you spell it out. Not everyone is up to speed. Will help if you edit
blueskieslemontrees t1_j2altiw wrote
Reply to Richmond/RVA gifts? by tchrsleuth
The shop at The Jefferson also has RVA themed "things" that make my 85 yr old grandmother happy
blueskieslemontrees t1_j18ksuv wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Considering a move to RVA by jtommy38
To be fair people get way too hungup on the winter. Everyone entirely ignores the most amazing summers ever. 70s, sunny, slightly breezy for like 2 straight months. Its summer nirvana. The humidity is null compared to the bullshit we deal with in RVA. In WI and MN you can actually spend all day, all summer long, outside and not be at risk of heat exhaustion. So much more to do when you aren't hiding from the sun like that level in Mario.
And winter is cold, yeah. We have heaters in buildings and cars for that. Its not like Richmonders spend a lot of time outside in winter. You only deal with the biting cold between the door of a building and door of your car. You have proper winter sports too if you dress right. Ice skating (also have indoor), snowshoe, cross country ski, ice fishing, snow mobile
blueskieslemontrees t1_izszxg9 wrote
Springfield vet clinic in West end. Bonus - if you have a cat Dr Scottish specializes in geriatric feline medicine. His wife also owns Journeys End. Both are fantastic people
blueskieslemontrees t1_iydt2fe wrote
Reply to comment by wickedwoobie328 in Safe place to leave car by happydaze27
From the decks or from the long term lot?
blueskieslemontrees t1_iyd4272 wrote
Reply to comment by ltdan123 in Town Center Mall, Short Pump by HoldingtheMoon
I agree with all of this. Even down to the ways they draw folks in. Its not just a place to shop. Its a destination woth its things like the train for kids, and the summer shows series, etc. If you are super bored, you could just walk around and people watch /window shop while having a coffee and pastry and kill an hour or two. A traditional mall doesn't have that feel. In particular the difference between open air and trapped inside brown/pink tiled walls
blueskieslemontrees t1_iy3y2wn wrote
Reply to comment by Vajama77 in [North Chesterfield] Virginia law enforcement worker killed in shootout with deputies after murdering family of teen he catfished, police say by archetype1
Um, likely they do but not in the way you and I would want them to...
blueskieslemontrees t1_ixxq05m wrote
Reply to Kid (6) birthday party ideas by arl_hoo
Maymont nature center. Children's museum. In a mall in chesterfield you can rent the train for your party. Pump it up (indoor bkunce houses). Chuck e cheese is still around. Bowling. One of the art places - like paint your own pottery. SCOR.
blueskieslemontrees t1_ivlhs45 wrote
Reply to comment by Asterion7 in What are y’all sick with? by xTiredSoulx
Same here, also not RSV. Kids are over it now but we are now in thick of it. Took a walk today and got worse so now I wonder if I actually have allergies? I don't know
blueskieslemontrees t1_iv71gro wrote
Reply to Getaway recommendations for a couple with a 2yr old and nice sized credit through Airbnb? by StemmiMa
I keep eyeing Massanutten for our 2 littles. Especially in summer. Just a civilized cabin situation
blueskieslemontrees t1_iuhnrky wrote
Reply to comment by Antique-Engineering7 in places urgently hiring??? Had a guy try to pull a gun on me over burgers on chamberlayne by _RetroBear
Ups / FedEx also tend to do holiday hiring for the increase in demand. Its super early shift loading trucks but if you have an able body it pays semi decent and leaves time for another job during the day. If you have to take a pay cut to get out or reduced hours it would be one way to supplement income
blueskieslemontrees t1_iu6omgp wrote
Reply to comment by Kindly_Boysenberry_7 in RVA Real Estate AMA - "What The H*ll Is Happening?" Edition by Kindly_Boysenberry_7
Yeah the plan is for our next house to be home for 20+ years barring a major life change
blueskieslemontrees t1_iu6mepm wrote
Reply to comment by Kindly_Boysenberry_7 in RVA Real Estate AMA - "What The H*ll Is Happening?" Edition by Kindly_Boysenberry_7
Knowing you don't have a crystal ball, just going by gut instinct. Do you think come spring, if rates are still higher, buying new constriction will be the best decision price / investment wise
blueskieslemontrees t1_iu6jm9k wrote
I watch listing for fun. We won't be ready to seriously look to buy until sometime next year.
I am not seeing sellers dropping list prices on new listing yet. I assume they are still in the denial stage of grief for the market change.
Are you also seeing a lack in dropped listing prices? Talking sub $600k listings
blueskieslemontrees t1_iu6jfi6 wrote
Reply to comment by Kindly_Boysenberry_7 in RVA Real Estate AMA - "What The H*ll Is Happening?" Edition by Kindly_Boysenberry_7
FYI from a former lender - assumptions have to be built into the note when the loan was first taken. Most people don't think then about having assumability so its not very common. A buyer would also only be able to assume remaining balance. So that means a higher down payment to cover the difference
blueskieslemontrees t1_iu6iwsr wrote
Reply to comment by ohihaveasubscription in RVA Real Estate AMA - "What The H*ll Is Happening?" Edition by Kindly_Boysenberry_7
From a lenders perspective they rate debt to income on gross
blueskieslemontrees t1_itvg9c7 wrote
Reply to comment by Extreme_Necessary_56 in A trembling foreigner by Extreme_Necessary_56
And remember that the number 1 source of sexual assault is someone the victim knew. Not random strangers. So if a situation feels off, leave. Dont spare their feelings act on instinct
blueskieslemontrees t1_jb32mpd wrote
Reply to comment by buttsofpoop in Swing Dance at Reveler! by buttsofpoop