
blueskieslemontrees t1_itvfww8 wrote

I alsondeal with high anxiety that is very focused on safety. As an example, I have never been anxious walking through Carytown with just 1 friend, or visiting the Jefferson hotel with a single companion. When I am in the city even in evenings, with my husband, I feel safe. I havent really been street harassed. But if its just me running to a shop on my own, midday, I really pay attention to whats between where I park and the shop door to decide where to park.

You will see a lot of "graffiti" here but also a lot of commissioned murals. So don't assume every painted wall is vandalism. We also have like top 3 in the country "tattoos per capita" so a heavily tattooed individual means honestly nothing in terms of their association. I have a friend who is director level at a fortune 500 company here in town with 2 full sleeves of tattoos. And he leads worship band at his church.

So some of your usual markers may not be true danger flags. But stay alert. Make it obvious you are paying attention to your surroundings, and again, travel with companions after dark when able.


blueskieslemontrees t1_itv90nw wrote

As a fellow female I hear you, I see you. We navigate the world with a different set of goggles than our male counterparts, especially depending on where you come from.

VCU campus itself, during normal business hours, is relatively very safe. Primary student housing areas are going to be filled with other college kids and you should feel comfortable most of the time. The exception would be like your post 10 pm hours. There are rougher neighborhoods that at points butt up against the VCU perimeter and in the later hours you just need to be more aware of your surroundings. Honestly like any other major metro/city area later at night. VCU is a downtown campus so its not like going to college in a suburban or rural/small town and it comes with the city pros and cons. There is a lot of great food and drink options and plenty of active social life for college students. I think you might be most comfortable getting in a shared housing situation rather than living alone (ie renting a room in a house of other VCU females) close to campus. When you go out at night try to do so with at least a small group vs walking alone, that kind of thing


blueskieslemontrees t1_itme3al wrote

To further the idea, we need to stop treating public school as a pipeline for university (and in some districts prison as the alternate). Plenty of other countries have successful models that are built around differing outcomes - trade school track vs university track, etc. I just am not sure how you build an option for track changes if aptitudes change after diversion


blueskieslemontrees t1_itlcwsp wrote

Reply to comment by alguev in Budget friendly wedding venues? by alguev

The Knot and Wedding Wire are easy search engines that often have basic pricing listed on each venue so you can get an idea and narrow your list. I also remember the Renaissance being "reasonable" in cost.

When we planned our wedding we went with the Marriott in Short Pump off Dominion Rd and had a great experience. I wanted an indoor venue in case of weather and it so happened Hurricane Matthew came through so it was a good call. I am going off memory but I think for our 80-ish guests it was $12-13k for the hotel package which included food, a basic bar, and all the infrastructure setup (tables, tableware, servers, etc) and that did include the 20% service fee and taxes.


blueskieslemontrees t1_itl8d67 wrote

So if you do the math you are looking for $20/person for space only or do you include anything else like chairs, tables, plates, silverware? To $100/person all inclusive. I will be honest - 6 years ago that was extremely hard to come by and with inflation I don't think you are likely to find it without having some inside connections and really digging around. The exception is if you are open to a non weekend day during midday. You might find a deal that way. Keep in mind whatever place you get priced at, expect a 20% "service fee" on top of the cost. So really you need to find an $8k venue for 100 people all inclusive. Also its almost non existent to find a venue where that price will also include cake, dj, photographer or flowers, as a heads up. Add those costa to your budget separately.


blueskieslemontrees t1_iskpe5o wrote

Of all the places in the country to live FL is the last place I would pick for reasons across the spectrum. So I am not surprised you are miserable.

But similar to your experience there, about 6 months out of the year here in RVA indo not want to be outside due to the pollen or heat and humidity. Our summers are awful and not enjoyable and our spring weather is perfect but a biological bomb has gone off and shuns you. Midwest summers are my ideal. So to each their own.

That said, RVA is "sticky" - many who leave return