bmore t1_iz612jl wrote
Reply to comment by BmoreCityDOT in The Sharp St Separated Bike Lane Virtual Meeting is happening! Wed, Dec 7, 6p. by BmoreCityDOT
Is there an email for folks to comment in case they can't attend? Looks like a lot of folks in here want speed management a separated lane along the whole corridor, would be great if they could send that to someone.
bmore t1_iynyb0t wrote
Reply to comment by wineberry_robot in We could certainly do better... by spaceribs
I agree with your larger points but
>The Charm City Circulator almost exclusively serves rich white communities. In fact, this is the case for much of the public transport in the city.
Not really true at all.
bmore t1_iynqbus wrote
Reply to comment by damagecontrolparty in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
Money is a pretty major factor in a on call 24/7 executive role overseeing a massive budget.
bmore t1_iyndmq7 wrote
Reply to comment by Inevitable_Sherbet42 in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
I am not talking about the performance of an individual. You keep talking about if they have earned their pay. I would argue they in fact have not. But you seem to think getting rid of them and offering to pay a new person less is something that will improve our ability to hire more competent leadership, which I find fascinating.
bmore t1_iynajcm wrote
Reply to comment by Inevitable_Sherbet42 in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
Do you think we'll attract stronger talent if we pay that position less?
bmore t1_iynafcr wrote
Reply to comment by mrdank in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
So you think we'll attract stronger talent if we pay less for the position?
bmore t1_iymclai wrote
Reply to comment by gmp012 in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
The true dialogue? Is this some weird code word? I asked a simple question that you both seem a bit hesitant to answer.
bmore t1_iymcg2g wrote
Reply to comment by buckeyebaby in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
Ok but I'm curious:
>Do you think we'll attract stronger talent if we pay that position less?
bmore t1_iyl6610 wrote
Reply to comment by buckeyebaby in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
>Do you think we'll attract stronger talent if we pay that position less?
bmore t1_iykz4jj wrote
Reply to comment by buckeyebaby in Why are we not even discussing recalling Nick Mosby? by buckeyebaby
Why is it infuriating that we pay the schools CEO a reasonable if not uncompetitive salary for a position of extraordinary challenge and responsibility? Do you think we'll attract stronger talent if we pay that position less?
We have audits and we have an independent OIG. I swear to god the folks that complain the most about our fucked government know the least about it.
bmore t1_iycmcix wrote
Reply to comment by theSuttyman in “With the Central Ave complete street redevelopment and other efforts like it, Baltimore is making wise use of scarce resources in a forward-thinking, fiscally responsible manner to prioritize the needs and desires of its fully invested residents and business owners.” —Michael Scepaniak & David Ho by BmoreCityDOT
A standard bike lane next to parked cars that kills bicycle riders and increases crossing distance for pedestrians resulting in them being hit and killed as well is the model that should be followed? Brilliant.
Dropping a yield for peds sign that the city runs out of because they're run over so much is the model? Also brilliant.
We should definitely listen to you and not peer reviewed research on what makes safer streets.
bmore t1_iybq6uy wrote
Reply to comment by theSuttyman in “With the Central Ave complete street redevelopment and other efforts like it, Baltimore is making wise use of scarce resources in a forward-thinking, fiscally responsible manner to prioritize the needs and desires of its fully invested residents and business owners.” —Michael Scepaniak & David Ho by BmoreCityDOT
Damn have you seen all the signs, meters, striping, poles, signals, multiple thousand pound hurtling metal boxes, and more uglier shit on every street in the city?
bmore OP t1_iy87zt5 wrote
Reply to comment by paper_flames in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
Or in Hogan's case:
Follow all of these steps knowing it's vaporware, but that it will fool the electorate, so you can disrupt Maryland transit plans and continue using your power as governor to fund road widenings near your real estate firm's (that you did not put in a blind trust) holdings to make them more valuable.
bmore OP t1_iy5hlel wrote
Reply to comment by addctd2badideas in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
Racists gonna racist
bmore OP t1_iy5fbuv wrote
Reply to comment by addctd2badideas in Elon Musk’s Boring Company Ghosts Cities Across America by bmore
You can't have a grander system if you keep canceling every line in the system for 70 years.
bmore t1_iy4h7iq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Five houses targeted for demolition in Mount Vernon historic district by Rubysdad1975
>big developer, or some luxury apartment builder which we actually don’t want either
Who is we? I 100% would want luxury apartments or a big developer building in Mount Vernon instead of demolition and a prayer garden or surface lot. Are you kidding me with this?
bmore t1_iy1mhzv wrote
Reply to comment by The_Waxies_Dargle in In a heap. Heading out of Druid Hill Park towards Madison Ave. by neutronicus
Report the location to the company. If it isn't moved in 72 hours report it to the city. They'll fine the company and remove it.
bmore t1_iy1lpk1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Five houses targeted for demolition in Mount Vernon historic district by Rubysdad1975
They haven't listed the properties, so it's really impossible to say if there are any buyers.
bmore t1_iy07km9 wrote
Reply to comment by 2468975 in Pension for Baltimore City council members by 2468975
Police make overtime. The median salary at BPD is in the 90s, and overtime pushes it into the 100s easily.
bmore t1_iy073ok wrote
Reply to comment by Appropriate-Lab-5015 in Pension for Baltimore City council members by 2468975
Can you point me to something that says "nearly all" of city elected officials have never held jobs outside of government? And to be clear you're specifically asserting Dorsey, Cohen, and Costello have never held jobs outside of government?
bmore t1_ixzd4cv wrote
Reply to comment by 2468975 in Pension for Baltimore City council members by 2468975
>Aren’t our elected officials supposed to do this for us too?
Well it really depends on what voters are asking of them. I'd certainly like them to expand worker rights and benefits. But that doesn't seem to be popular enough in this country. As I said, people are more interested in tearing down benefits for others than organizing for better conditions for all.
IMO the Fire/EMS pension vote should have been a loser that threw people out of office, but obviously our populace doesn't care that much about first responders getting good benefits given it was a politically inconsequential vote. That sucks and I disagree with it, but I'm clearly in the minority.
bmore t1_ixzc5xz wrote
Reply to comment by frolicndetour in Pension for Baltimore City council members by 2468975
They get 2.5% of their highest salary x years served, and if elected after 2016 it's capped at 60% of their highest salary.
The pension for someone who ran for council, stayed on until they were term limited at 8 years, and retired would be about $15k annually. So anyone trying to use it as a get rich quick scheme as implied by folks in this thread would be...bad at getting rich quick? There are better ways to make money.
bmore t1_ixzay8o wrote
Reply to comment by SuperBethesda in Pension for Baltimore City council members by 2468975
Yes, if you want to do this you can.
bmore t1_j0i2aji wrote
Reply to comment by DisentangledElm in We're testing out scooter no-parking zones. by BmoreCityDOT
You're commenting good luck enforcing this on a post about effective data-backed enforcement. Kinda weak.
By the way, companies will and do ban riders for repeated parking offenses.