
bmore t1_j6zu09c wrote

With the tower road closed to cars but open to walking, biking and rolling, there were two ways to get from the majority white neighborhoods to the majority white neighborhoods (let's be real on what historically Black means) by car and one way if you were using a mobility device. Now there are three ways by car and zero ways by mobility device. The older residents who own cars may win, but the residents with mobility challenges or without cars who were entirely invisible in this second process of privileged organizing under the banner of equity may as well continue to not exist.


bmore t1_j5prjj0 wrote

Reply to Bus Lane Laws by siwel3

If it is solid red, you turn across it instead of entering it. Same thing you do for a separated bike lane in those instances. The dashed red at intersections is just to allow better turn queuing for cars where traffic is higher. It's honestly a shit design meant to make drivers happy and probably should be done away with as drivers still aren't happy. Just stay out of the bus lane, it isn't hard.


bmore t1_j46h91x wrote

But the state of the system has a lot to do with the forced alignment and local funding building it on the cheap to get it done over opposition from all of the idiots that are now using the half-ass product they forced as the excuse to not build more. It's a tried and true NIMBY advocacy tactic: water something down until even advocates can't defend it, then point to it as a failure and the reason we shouldn't have more.


bmore t1_j32y558 wrote

The article is terrible, almost everything reported in it is wrong (the bike lane network plan was actually supposed to be completed this year, and is from 2017, for example). There's no updated or new plan since that one had basically zero progress.


bmore t1_j2dmc5a wrote

Reply to comment by The_Waxies_Dargle in Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009

It wasn't a critique of their comment at all, but a critique of the opponents who are simultaneously demanding more parking in the project and complaining about potential traffic. You can't have it both ways. I upvoted failsafe.


bmore t1_j2cfnzq wrote

Reply to comment by SaveFailsafe in Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009

If people are so worried about the car traffic they should advocate for a building with fewer or zero parking spaces and RPP that isn't eligible for building residents. But they won't do that because if anything they actually want more cars and parking and the traffic concerns are a red herring.


bmore t1_j2bjzhb wrote

Well they fired the capital planning chief (see the post about hiring a new one) and the transit division chief, complete streets manager, bike planner, and data guy all left.


bmore t1_j2ak6hj wrote

I think the plan is shit and they should develop inclusive of the chimney and building that are currently there, but the idea there should be no development because Hampden is too crowded is a fucking joke. This is a city.