bmore t1_j6zu09c wrote
Reply to comment by munchnerk in Roadway will remain open at base of the Roland Water Tower by locker1313
With the tower road closed to cars but open to walking, biking and rolling, there were two ways to get from the majority white neighborhoods to the majority white neighborhoods (let's be real on what historically Black means) by car and one way if you were using a mobility device. Now there are three ways by car and zero ways by mobility device. The older residents who own cars may win, but the residents with mobility challenges or without cars who were entirely invisible in this second process of privileged organizing under the banner of equity may as well continue to not exist.
bmore t1_j6pactq wrote
Reply to comment by Frofro69 in Some residents protest president's plan to rebuild aging B&P Tunnel in Baltimore by SpaghettiOsPolicy
Turns out Sandtown wants 20,000 city jobs with $50m in workforce training to get people into those labor apprenticeships.
bmore t1_j6p679h wrote
Reply to comment by EfficiencySuch6361 in Some residents protest president's plan to rebuild aging B&P Tunnel in Baltimore by SpaghettiOsPolicy
There is an entire FEIS and ROD with specific answers to their concerns, they just don't believe the data and think it's made up. More tests confirming the prior data they already refuse to believe won't change their minds.
bmore t1_j6p5vuz wrote
Reply to comment by MuffinRat84 in Some residents protest president's plan to rebuild aging B&P Tunnel in Baltimore by SpaghettiOsPolicy
Well also, there will be no freight in the new tunnel. These folks succeeded in opposing that so it will stay in the old, more dangerous tunnel with worse (ie no) ventilation systems that runs through the same poor communities. Big win all around /s.
bmore t1_j6p5fl0 wrote
Reply to comment by SpaghettiOsPolicy in Some residents protest president's plan to rebuild aging B&P Tunnel in Baltimore by SpaghettiOsPolicy
Have you noticed that the protestors (so 4 of the 5 that make up this group) are actually white, generally wealthier Reservoir Hill residents?
bmore t1_j6p553b wrote
Reply to comment by disgruntled_oranges in Some residents protest president's plan to rebuild aging B&P Tunnel in Baltimore by SpaghettiOsPolicy
Electrified. Hogan is responsible for the diesel conversion for cost savings because he doesn't care about kids' lungs. They'll go back to electric.
bmore t1_j6p553d wrote
Reply to comment by disgruntled_oranges in Some residents protest president's plan to rebuild aging B&P Tunnel in Baltimore by SpaghettiOsPolicy
Electrified. Hogan is responsible for the diesel conversion for cost savings because he doesn't care about kids' lungs. They'll go back to electric.
bmore t1_j6p501w wrote
Reply to Mayor, county executive want a new look at how Baltimore’s water system is run by PleaseBmoreCharming
While we are a shitshow, we are at least repairing things. The county has taken the approach of deferring all maintenance. Is this not a grab to share that additional maintenance burden cost with city residents?
bmore t1_j6nb70t wrote
Reply to comment by BmoreCityDOT in We plan to permanently close the alley between N Bond St & N Broadway, as it is too narrow for vehicle traffic. If you oppose the closure, you must inform our office by calling 443-984-2150 or emailing within 7 days. by BmoreCityDOT
Comment periods then. Literally anything to get this stuff built faster.
bmore t1_j6lipa0 wrote
Reply to We plan to permanently close the alley between N Bond St & N Broadway, as it is too narrow for vehicle traffic. If you oppose the closure, you must inform our office by calling 443-984-2150 or emailing within 7 days. by BmoreCityDOT
How can we shorten bike project implementations to a week?
bmore t1_j5prjj0 wrote
Reply to Bus Lane Laws by siwel3
If it is solid red, you turn across it instead of entering it. Same thing you do for a separated bike lane in those instances. The dashed red at intersections is just to allow better turn queuing for cars where traffic is higher. It's honestly a shit design meant to make drivers happy and probably should be done away with as drivers still aren't happy. Just stay out of the bus lane, it isn't hard.
bmore t1_j4gte2z wrote
Reply to comment by MeanMrBiter in Breakfast is on Remington. by Special-Literature16
It's pretty damn expensive for Sysco special
bmore t1_j47juik wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainObvious110 in Did you know there are discounted plans for riding scooters? by BmoreCityDOT
The apps here require the photos too.
bmore t1_j47jljf wrote
Reply to comment by moderndukes in A reminder that "light rail" (as a concept) and "The Light Rail" (that we have) are not synonymous by gaiusjuliusweezer
No they were new.
bmore t1_j46h91x wrote
Reply to comment by Matt3989 in A reminder that "light rail" (as a concept) and "The Light Rail" (that we have) are not synonymous by gaiusjuliusweezer
But the state of the system has a lot to do with the forced alignment and local funding building it on the cheap to get it done over opposition from all of the idiots that are now using the half-ass product they forced as the excuse to not build more. It's a tried and true NIMBY advocacy tactic: water something down until even advocates can't defend it, then point to it as a failure and the reason we shouldn't have more.
bmore t1_j3xuudr wrote
Reply to comment by mrd49 in Do Baltimore’s I-83 speed cameras actually work? City transportation officials say yes (some stats inside) by z3mcs
County legislators who argue local control all day love to prevent Baltimore from having the same authority because they're hypocrites who speed to their downtown law firms.
bmore t1_j32y558 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in City completes part of multiyear streetscape project designed to protect Baltimore bicyclists - CBS Baltimore A main route on Baltimore City’s 2015 Bike Master Plan is now complete along Central Avenue. by BmoreCityDOT
The article is terrible, almost everything reported in it is wrong (the bike lane network plan was actually supposed to be completed this year, and is from 2017, for example). There's no updated or new plan since that one had basically zero progress.
bmore t1_j32avvd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in City completes part of multiyear streetscape project designed to protect Baltimore bicyclists - CBS Baltimore A main route on Baltimore City’s 2015 Bike Master Plan is now complete along Central Avenue. by BmoreCityDOT
The second half of the installation bringing it to Monument is occurring this spring. They ran out of paving and striping season to do that part this fall.
bmore t1_j32a5qs wrote
Reply to comment by gmp012 in If you were hit and run by a blue Volvo at the corner of Falls and 36th by Nicktendo
For starters, Baltimore Police do not investigate hit and runs without uniquely identifiable striking vehicle information and a clear description of the driver. People know this and know they have a strong chance of facing no repercussions if they flee.
bmore t1_j2dmc5a wrote
Reply to comment by The_Waxies_Dargle in Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009
It wasn't a critique of their comment at all, but a critique of the opponents who are simultaneously demanding more parking in the project and complaining about potential traffic. You can't have it both ways. I upvoted failsafe.
bmore t1_j2cfnzq wrote
Reply to comment by SaveFailsafe in Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009
If people are so worried about the car traffic they should advocate for a building with fewer or zero parking spaces and RPP that isn't eligible for building residents. But they won't do that because if anything they actually want more cars and parking and the traffic concerns are a red herring.
bmore t1_j2cf6xd wrote
Reply to comment by completethesestreets in Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009
As a former professional housing advocate herself, it's definitely maddening to see this from her.
bmore t1_j2bjzhb wrote
Reply to comment by NotARageComic in Today, Friday, December 30, due to a transition in contractor servicing, fleet inspections, and emergency maintenance necessary for service resumption in the new year, Circulator service is cancelled until January 2. by BmoreCityDOT
Well they fired the capital planning chief (see the post about hiring a new one) and the transit division chief, complete streets manager, bike planner, and data guy all left.
bmore t1_j2ak6hj wrote
Reply to Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009
I think the plan is shit and they should develop inclusive of the chimney and building that are currently there, but the idea there should be no development because Hampden is too crowded is a fucking joke. This is a city.
bmore t1_j6zukzf wrote
Reply to Roadway will remain open at base of the Roland Water Tower by locker1313
There was an awesome proposed grid connection through Skyview that these same communities fought, seeking a gate to block access to maintain the "secluded nature" of the community.