
bobmcrobber t1_j6ebmfq wrote

According to the European Model, Saturday morning is supposed to be below -10 F in most of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island except for places right along the coast. Northern New England and western Mass are supposed to be even colder, with widespread -20s or even -30s in Northern NH.


bobmcrobber t1_j5f3mlj wrote

If you don't mind commuting a bit, Franklin MA might not be that bad of a place to look either. It's about 30 minutes from both Marlborough and Norwood. It has 2 commuter rail stops (Forge Park and Franklin) on the same line as Norwood. BJs, Shaws, and Stop & Shop are in Franklin, while Market Basket, Walmart, Whole Foods, and Home Depot are in neighboring Bellingham, and the Wrentham Outlets are quite close by. Walkability is a bit iffy, especially in West Central Franklin due to 140 being a 4 lane expressway between the Bellingham border and 495.


bobmcrobber t1_j26mb2y wrote

Overall, Bellingham is fine. There are nice houses in South Bellingham, as well as apartments in Central Bellingham. The commuter rail is quite close by in Franklin. Also, there's a shit ton of shops, especially near Exits 18 (46) and 17 (43, which is in Franklin). South Bellingham has the added bonus of having easier access to Worcester and Providence via MA 146, and Attleboro via 122, 114, 120, or 295.