
bobthebuilder983 t1_jbq7yvo wrote

The greatest trick the devil has played was convincing everyone that god won the war.

Here are my reasoning

One was that god was a created everything and based on the biblical text never destroyed. Miltons paradise lost makes it that rebellion and death were things that were created after satan uprising. Not a creation by god, which one could argue was not in gods nature. For the universe would be a representation of gods self. So we have a pacifist fighting a war with a being that by nature is not.

Second the universe is chaotic and then we have a scripture that tries and create structure amongst the chaos. when it would have been easier to create a system and a manual. Only reason one would create a structure after the fact is the lack of ability to change the universe.


bobthebuilder983 t1_j87ifju wrote

Interesting, and I didn't think about that. The only issue I see is that it needs two animals. This could be a learned experience. Children can think they are helping people even when they are not. Then, associate that action with receiving help. My dogs are a great example of this. When they run around wanting to be a part of things and only create choas.

It feels good receiving help. To do good then is based on what is understood about good. So we reciprocate.


bobthebuilder983 t1_j7ssmlj wrote

Social contract theory argues that at one point, we lived without morality. If so, then we were never born in a moral system to begin with. I argue that arguments against Rousseau social contract creates a strong case that all morality was created by us and not independent of us. Morality is a logical conclusion to ensure our survival as a species. Or the survival of the us vs them. The reason for the similarities is because of our senses. Even though unique to each individual. It is confined within a range. It would be like arguing that the ten digit system we use was given to us from an external force. Instead, it was based on us being able to count to ten with our hands.

The issue then becomes what we do with this logical information. So we run into Hume's is ought problem. This leads to different uses of these logical conclusions.

My theory on why we came together is based on our similarities of loss and the indifference of the world. What I mean by this is the death of family members. This makes us want change in whatever form that may be.