bolanrox t1_iuj47cb wrote
Reply to comment by SwallowYourDreams in TIL: An advertising company wanted to use Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire in a Hemorrhoid commercial by jmoney6
There is a ring of fire hot sauce
bolanrox t1_iuir8ck wrote
Reply to TIL Apollo 15 astronauts Scott, Worden and Irwin secretly carried 400 unauthorized postal covers in one of Scott’s spacesuit pockets to the Moon aboard the Falcon. They took payments for carrying the covers; were reprimanded by NASA and never flew in space again. by thenerdknuckle
Scott also took an un authorized watch with him too
bolanrox t1_iuhjjmz wrote
Reply to comment by bumpywigs in TIL part of a Teletubbies episode was actually banned in some countries for supposedly being too scary. by thedubiousstylus
Nickty knock
bolanrox t1_iufzz8h wrote
Reply to comment by wowbobwow in TIL When soul legend Wilson Picket recorded his iconic version of "Mustang Sally," he & his band rushed to hear the playback. The tape machine broke, cutting the tape into 30-40 tiny pieces. The engineer Tom Dowd carefully spliced them all back together, & that's the famous album version by wowbobwow
Also they bolted the amps and mic stands to the ground so they couldn't be stolen. Another reason for the consistency. That and booker t and the mgs were fucking tight
bolanrox t1_iufx5vb wrote
Reply to comment by Electr0Girl in TIL the song Tusk by Fleetwood Mac and the USC marching band is the only song that features a marching band to ever make the top ten of the US billboards top 100 songs. by MightGuy420x
I don't know what a Holla back girl is, but I hate her - Brian Griffin
bolanrox t1_iufx22j wrote
Reply to TIL the song Tusk by Fleetwood Mac and the USC marching band is the only song that features a marching band to ever make the top ten of the US billboards top 100 songs. by MightGuy420x
How about the you are my brother guy from American idol?
bolanrox t1_iuacq6d wrote
Reply to comment by Willsmithsdignity in TIL Sting is credited with co-writing the Dire Strait's hit song 'Money For Nothing' without writing any of the lyrics. It's because of Sting's singing 'I want my MTV' used the melody from The Police's "Don't Stand So Close To Me" triggered a copyright credit. by shaka_sulu
Stewart's brother and founder of irs records
bolanrox t1_iuacnl6 wrote
Reply to comment by ShotPut4668 in TIL Sting is credited with co-writing the Dire Strait's hit song 'Money For Nothing' without writing any of the lyrics. It's because of Sting's singing 'I want my MTV' used the melody from The Police's "Don't Stand So Close To Me" triggered a copyright credit. by shaka_sulu
Checks for free
bolanrox t1_iuacl0s wrote
Reply to comment by NinDiGu in TIL Larry Graham of Sly and the Family Stone is widely credited with introducing percussive playing on the electric bass in the 1969 song Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Again). He stated that he developed bass slapping in an earlier band in order to compensate for that band's lack of a drummer. by trifletruffles
Omg slap the like button
bolanrox t1_iu8rcro wrote
Reply to TIL Larry Graham of Sly and the Family Stone is widely credited with introducing percussive playing on the electric bass in the 1969 song Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Again). He stated that he developed bass slapping in an earlier band in order to compensate for that band's lack of a drummer. by trifletruffles
How about the one now bass line on every day people?
bolanrox t1_iu8iqaj wrote
Reply to comment by SteefD_NL in TIL Sting is credited with co-writing the Dire Strait's hit song 'Money For Nothing' without writing any of the lyrics. It's because of Sting's singing 'I want my MTV' used the melody from The Police's "Don't Stand So Close To Me" triggered a copyright credit. by shaka_sulu
Yep. They wanted someone who sounded like sting to sing that part. And an engineer said, you know sting is staying next door
bolanrox t1_iu662vf wrote
bolanrox t1_iu63wu8 wrote
Reply to TIL that Richard Feynman, one of the greatest theoretical physicists ever, was rejected admission to Columbia University because of his Jewish ancestry and instead went to MIT. by icbm67
didn't they also kick out the Ghostbusters?
bolanrox t1_iu6274b wrote
Reply to comment by Mogradal in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
i remember wondering why i got buzzed after like two beers the first time i had 90m min IPA (coming from bud or whatever cheap beer people had at parties usually).. heard about people not being able to stand after having 2 or 3 120 min not realizing the ABV..
bolanrox t1_iu5vwit wrote
Reply to comment by Tree8 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
they have solid beers. the blackout stout is pretty good.
bolanrox t1_iu5tzsu wrote
Reply to comment by PoopMobile9000 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
One woman saw the wagon trains, and the Moon landing.
another guy saw Lincoln get shot and talked about it on a TV show.
Biden was born closer to Lincolns inauguration than his own.
bolanrox t1_iu5tplo wrote
Reply to comment by Tree8 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
and the best porter out there: Edmund Fitzgerald
bolanrox t1_iu5tjqz wrote
Reply to comment by DAMN_Fool_ in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
good luck with that
bolanrox t1_iu5tf4x wrote
Reply to comment by capsaicinintheeyes in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
it was such a stupid idea.. we lost x amount money in taxes spending more than double/ triple that amount trying to enforce it, and made the Mob what it is/was
bolanrox t1_iu5fq2p wrote
Reply to comment by HPmoni in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
he wasnt for it or against it, he was just enforcing the law.
bolanrox t1_iu5dv9l wrote
Reply to comment by PoopMobile9000 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
for sure
Peter Capaldi saw Doctor Who when it first aired in 63 and in 2013(?) he was the Doctor.
bolanrox t1_iu52uaj wrote
Reply to comment by brkh47 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
its like Wyatt Earp.. WHen he died he was really known only for refereeing a boxing match everyone thought he was paid to fix.
He and his wife happened to live longer than most of this contemporaries and were friends with the Hollywood circles.. and Josie was a bull dog about white washing and expanding on his hisotry..
bolanrox t1_iu0iio2 wrote
Reply to comment by ShalmaneserIII in TIL that the fragrance/perfume given as a gift to the Marquis de Lafayette by George Washington, is still produced by the same manufacturer today. The fragrance has been worn by Washington, John Quincy Adams, JFK, George Gershwin, and countless others. by mcmcplok
I like to think that the last thing that went through his mind, other than the bullet, was that he was wearing the same Cologne as Washington - Red.
bolanrox t1_iu0i53i wrote
Reply to comment by Justfundk in TIL that the fragrance/perfume given as a gift to the Marquis de Lafayette by George Washington, is still produced by the same manufacturer today. The fragrance has been worn by Washington, John Quincy Adams, JFK, George Gershwin, and countless others. by mcmcplok
new old fashioned recipe?
bolanrox t1_iusrfqm wrote
Reply to TIL Fish is not the main component of sushi, it's rice by TranquillizeMe
it would be sashimi other wise