bonanzapineapple t1_j4xxa4x wrote
Reply to comment by RobertJoseph802 in favorite weekend trips away from VT? by nektraveler
Ooh I might have to check that out!!
bonanzapineapple t1_j4xx5xg wrote
Reply to comment by escobert in moving to a rec cannabis state by ShamanLifestyle
Im not an expert, you're probably right!
bonanzapineapple t1_j4jiq64 wrote
Reply to comment by RobertJoseph802 in favorite weekend trips away from VT? by nektraveler
When is their winter carnival??
bonanzapineapple t1_j4gbgx4 wrote
Reply to moving to a rec cannabis state by ShamanLifestyle
I don't know that all that many jobs in VT drug test, outside of health care perhaps
bonanzapineapple t1_j4djs8j wrote
Reply to In early 2014 I bought this heavy glass plate from someone's apartment in downtown Hanover. Saw ones like it on a stand outside an apartment building, called a number, and was invited up. Absolutely no clue their name, if this was part of a business, nothing. Does anyone have any further info? by i_dont_c_anything
I don't recall a business like that around in 2014. Good chance it was some Dartmouth under grads or grad students trying to sell belongings to move away/make $$
bonanzapineapple t1_j4d3xk3 wrote
Reply to comment by woburnite in Hidden gem, off the beaten path, East Orange VT by woburnite
Imo the layer cake of ice and snow is far worse to drive on than an inch of fluffy fresh snow
bonanzapineapple t1_j4ct1yn wrote
Reply to comment by Chess_Not_Checkers in First time in my 15 years in VT that local, farm fresh, cage free eggs are cheaper than local commercial ones. Any one else experiencing this? by ranaparvus
Yeah, Cabot looks very comparable to other dairy products
bonanzapineapple t1_j46o4pu wrote
Was that taken yesterday? Looks like quite abut of snow
bonanzapineapple t1_j3wiv4j wrote
Reply to comment by kittybellyfulloflies in PSA: 4-Way Stand-Offs. “You go first.” “No, you go first.” “I’ll wait.” “No, you go, I’ll wait.” by Unique-Public-8594
It's true!!
bonanzapineapple t1_j3up5qp wrote
Reply to comment by madtho in MA Connector Care vs Vermont by madtho
Depends what you mean by "civilized." that's the part of eastern Vermont I'm least familiar with, but I do know they don't have an especially large hospital. Also gonna throw it out there and say if it's like most of Vermont, many of the providers are not accepting new patients. Brattleboro is close to Mass at least, you have Western Mass as a backup
bonanzapineapple t1_j3k94on wrote
Reply to MA Connector Care vs Vermont by madtho
Where In VT are you considering moving to? That makes a big difference as to the availability of health care (not health insurance, but the care itself)
bonanzapineapple t1_j3fu0ul wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Best Mexican food around Nashua? by [deleted]
When you buy store made crap guacamole
bonanzapineapple t1_j3ftp49 wrote
Reply to comment by SomeCalcium in Pot legalization not part of NH Senate GOP agenda by redditor01020
Oh yeah, their Congressional outlook is not good In the near future. 2020 and 2022 they didn't get close to getting any of the 4 congressional seats. But In many ways I think the state policies more at a day to day level. Especially, in 2023 at least, regarding weed
bonanzapineapple t1_j3ao8ra wrote
Reply to comment by sad0panda in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
Welcome to Vermont! Literally tho, I told someone in California that most of Vermont fits your statement and their head almost exploded
bonanzapineapple t1_j3anzr7 wrote
Reply to comment by syphax in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
True but he's comparing VT to South Dakota, so... 🤣
I think the only thing cheaper in MA than VT is legal weed at dispensaries lol
bonanzapineapple t1_j3anler wrote
Reply to comment by RoyalIndependence500 in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
Great summary of life in Vermont!
bonanzapineapple t1_j3aniuj wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in I need some opinions by That1FcknGuy
I think that's also true of Vermont residents tho
bonanzapineapple t1_j3an0fn wrote
Reply to comment by SomeCalcium in Pot legalization not part of NH Senate GOP agenda by redditor01020
I think you dramatically overstate how Democratic the NH electorate is. The state legislature is majority Republicans and has been for a couple election cycles. Both parties have viable candidates for most races
bonanzapineapple t1_j35miuy wrote
Reply to comment by TheSkiGeek in Why can't any of you drive. Or why do you try to kill yourself and everyone else? by QwertyPuffz
Accurate 🤣
bonanzapineapple t1_j35brtz wrote
Reply to comment by savingeverybody in anyone else miss the snow? it's currently 35°F and raining. by mossybishhh
Most likely facts
bonanzapineapple t1_j30gkul wrote
Yes. This makes me sad and anxious about the future of Vermont's climate
bonanzapineapple t1_j30gh4e wrote
Reply to comment by maxhinator123 in NH blueberries need cold winters. Climate change threatens them. by rabblebowser
I know I've been thinking about it every minute of 2023 so far as I watch the snow melt before my eyes
bonanzapineapple t1_j2qhbxk wrote
Reply to comment by Cormyll666 in Entitled people in Vermont by [deleted]
It terrifies me :(
bonanzapineapple t1_j2cjvqx wrote
Reply to comment by selimnairb in Southern NH is feeling like Spring today by margismith1111
Winters have gotten a lot warmer even just in the past 5-10 years 😢
bonanzapineapple t1_j4ymhm9 wrote
Reply to comment by Luthien__Tinuviel__x in Things to do in New Hampshire by Beautiful-Sense-3337
March and April are the two worst months. Next would be November (cause typically cold and gloomy but no snow). May-October is pretty warm, and January-February is historically cold. In between can ne very meh/bleh/gray, which someone from London for instance might be used to