bonanzapineapple t1_j219lb3 wrote
Reply to comment by 5nd in Newcomers to New Hampshire and Maine continue to drive population growth: More people are dying than being born, so population growth depends on people moving in from elsewhere by TurretLauncher
If theres no available or affordable housing, they probably aren't going to be moving back
bonanzapineapple t1_j2190dy wrote
Reply to comment by pfroyjr in Newcomers to New Hampshire and Maine continue to drive population growth: More people are dying than being born, so population growth depends on people moving in from elsewhere by TurretLauncher
I also like small town living. But If you want housing density of 1 unit on every 50-100 acres, good luck having that housing be remotely affordable
bonanzapineapple t1_j215rss wrote
Reply to comment by Real-Pierre-Delecto2 in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
bonanzapineapple t1_j206w5z wrote
Reply to comment by lantonas in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Haha. Good point. Ive also seen cops parked on the side of Route 5, so it would probably be more readable there
bonanzapineapple t1_j20638n wrote
Reply to comment by zombienutz1 in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
OK, my registration is expired 😞
bonanzapineapple t1_j1xix4s wrote
Reply to comment by SabbathBoiseSabbath in Vermont lawmakers aim to make housing more available and affordable by dropkickninja
There were a couple years it declined year over year but overall the population has grown at a meager 2% or so over the past 20 years
bonanzapineapple t1_j1xirvu wrote
Reply to comment by CHECK_FLOKI in Vermont lawmakers aim to make housing more available and affordable by dropkickninja
Good question. Answer is probably cuz they are mostly rich and/or old who own their homes and plan to stay in them so aren't impacted too much by property values/costs/availability
bonanzapineapple t1_j1xhq16 wrote
Reply to comment by zombienutz1 in Vehicle Inspection for VT Newcomer by Footie57
Is just getting a warning really that likely? I know there's a shortage of cops generally but my commute includes this spot on 91 where I see a state trooper like every other morning, which makes me currently nervous about having expired temporary plates
bonanzapineapple t1_j1osdi9 wrote
Reply to comment by PeatyPuppy in Skiing conditions? Thinking about skiing tomorrow and wondering how bad things are from the recent rain storm. by hardsoft
I was thinking about heading out somewhere in VT but I don't wanna drive out there if it's pure ice
bonanzapineapple t1_j1bnval wrote
Reply to comment by ResponsibleExcuse727 in Trying to get out of the red south, hoping to end up in Vermont. by Away_Papaya_1875
You really aren't supposed to be transporting firewood across state lines. And from firewood has been affected by inflation a lt less than most things
bonanzapineapple t1_j1bnn1g wrote
Reply to comment by Away_Papaya_1875 in Trying to get out of the red south, hoping to end up in Vermont. by Away_Papaya_1875
Also might be more affordable housing. Tho I think only the Northeast Kingdom is actually (somewhat) affordable. And beware that outside of Chittenden Cty the state is quite rural!
bonanzapineapple t1_j0iu8a3 wrote
Reply to comment by zombienutz1 in Anyone have any epic snowy day memories to share? by Vermontess
Dude we had tons in Lebanon, biggest snow heaps I remember seeing and the plow on my street made a giant heart at the intersection. Such a fun day
bonanzapineapple t1_izuolpp wrote
Reply to comment by silverado-z71 in Island Pond finally starting to ice over 12/11/22 by CorrectFall6257
I was there about a week ago. Very small, but cute
bonanzapineapple t1_izskzfd wrote
Reply to comment by linuxdragons in Suppose budget was no issue. What inter-town/city rail connections would you build, either within Vermont or from places in Vermont to elsewhere? by DrToadley
That would be great
bonanzapineapple t1_izqbtiu wrote
Reply to comment by squidsquidsquid in Headache in Vermont by vtluvsbrady
Oh having primary care at the dhmc main building is horrible... Their satellite clinics are slightly better. And yeah, not all depts created equal
bonanzapineapple t1_izqbgf9 wrote
Reply to comment by usernamee484 in What are the best cities for jobs in New Hampshire? I am a financial analyst thinking about moving to NH. Thanks! by usernamee484
Hanover is much much smaller than Manchester and Nashua. Relatively few employers by comparison
bonanzapineapple t1_izoqb5q wrote
Reply to comment by notsara in One Year in New Hampshire by AlexTheTolerable
Yeah. Why I prefer NH to CA
bonanzapineapple t1_izlyujb wrote
Reply to comment by squidsquidsquid in Headache in Vermont by vtluvsbrady
I have plenty of experience with DHMC, both good and bad. But my experience with their Neurology headache clinic has been fabulous. I would definitely recommend, but I also get I'm just one person and others may have experiences that differ
bonanzapineapple t1_izhiwri wrote
Reply to comment by forrealz42 in Which is better day trip for this time of year - Cape Cod or mountain climb in the Whites? by kohlrabi_codex
Multiple people have died stranded in the Whites in the past 4-6 weeks
bonanzapineapple t1_izhc4ev wrote
Reply to comment by lipsticktracer in Flying out of/into YUL? by WhatTheCluck802
Pro tip^^ comfy buses too
bonanzapineapple t1_izh8hzo wrote
Reply to comment by SpicyLander in Finney Crossing Apartments | Williston, VT by SpicyLander
Especially near Burlington lol
bonanzapineapple t1_iyrkcln wrote
Reply to comment by mysticcoffeeroaster in This is my commute in Vermont by portersthumb
I haven't driven in Medford or Somerville but I'll take your word for it!
bonanzapineapple t1_iyqwe37 wrote
Reply to comment by Most_Expert_8080 in This is my commute in Vermont by portersthumb
Ahh Massachusetts has some pretty bad parts. Especially near Gardner
bonanzapineapple t1_iyquh5e wrote
Reply to comment by reddituser6213 in Is it just me or is it difficult to find clubs/groups for young adults around here? by reddituser6213
Ah, maybe it's a bit better down there. I'm up in the Upper Valley
bonanzapineapple t1_j2248bq wrote
Reply to comment by euro_trash_rescue in Am I the only one here, or are Vermonts road markings disappear when the roads wet? by euro_trash_rescue
It's all maintained by unresponsive bureaucracies