
boomb0lt OP t1_jdg8lhn wrote

For a long time, I was my own worst enemy, constantly telling myself I was a burden and feeling utterly worthless. Losing a good friend to their demons a few years ago was a wake-up call for me. Now, whenever my thoughts take a negative turn, I challenge them and remind myself that I'm simply being unkind to myself. It's important to remember that these demons are a part of what makes us human, but we need to occasionally check in with them and question their intentions, as they may not always be serving our best interests.


boomb0lt OP t1_jdg72m5 wrote

You're absolutely right that mastering one's inner voice takes time and practice. Meditation can indeed be a great help. My intention in sharing this message is simply to offer a glimmer of hope and encourage someone who might be struggling to start questioning their own negative thoughts. While it may be a more difficult journey for some, if even just one person benefits from this perspective, it's worth putting it out there for others to see.