
bostonchef72296 t1_j1f11ti wrote

Don’t claim medical restrictions that you don’t actually have. That’s a dick move and it makes people with disabilities lives harder because then when property managers get fed up with too many people claiming restrictions they try to not give leniency to anyone at all.


bostonchef72296 t1_iz5radi wrote

Omg your reading comprehension dude. Where did I say ZERO GOOD and all evil? All I said was actively causes harm. I didn’t say ONLY causes harm. I’m done with this convo you clearly cannot understand nuance or anything In a grey area and just wanna argue. I don’t mean this as an insult at all but you sound like you have autism


bostonchef72296 t1_iz5oce1 wrote

Lmao I am the farthest from religious anyone could possibly be dude. And don’t put words in my mouth. Nowhere did I say I was better than someone else and if that’s the message you’re getting you need to continue on with your high-school education and make sure you study for those finals coming up in a few weeks.


bostonchef72296 t1_iz5l0dv wrote

No, that’s not the same at all because religion actively causes harm to the world while someone expressing their gender does not. Yes there are problems with the way society is and the patriarchy but the simple act of gender expression does not cause harm so it is not the same thing. Don’t try to compare apples and oranges to make your point. And you are “telling” someone something. You’re speaking/writing to them. What difference does it make if you categorize it as “just an opinion.”


bostonchef72296 t1_iz4m0zx wrote

The right wingers argument for not wanting to allow people to use the bathrooms they identify with is that any man could just say they identify as a woman and use the woman’s bathroom and assault someone. So if men start randomly identifying as women when they actually don’t feel that way, they will just be proving the right wingers right that it is dangerous to let trans women in bathrooms. (regardless of the fact that no assault took place)

It is also delegitimizes trans identity when someone “identifies” as a woman just to gain access to a space when they actually don’t feel that way. Trans people have fought really hard to be able to use the right bathroom and we still get harassed and assaulted and sometimes even killed for just existing in spaces like that, so it’s really offensive for a cis man to say “oh, well the wait for the mens is too long I’ll just identify as a woman to use the other bathroom.” Like, just no. Just use the bathroom, as a man. It’s really not a problem. You don’t need to bring an offensive, problematic identity issue with it.

I have no problem with genderfluid people, of course. If that is their genuine expression of their gender. If it only happens around bathroom usage, they can fuck right off. But still, I don’t give a single fuck if a man uses a woman’s bathroom. We are all adults here. Just don’t be a creep and we are all good. It’s a single stall in this situation so it is 0% a problem. There’s just no need to bring gender identity into it at all.