bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jducah6 wrote
Reply to TIL that method used to rob the banks in the movie The Place Beyond the Pines (2012) was the actual method "Friday Night Robber" Carl Gugasian successfully used for over thirty years. by Saint_Gut-Free
That was a great movie.
Serious, not Hollywoody, but great.
A good companion film is Winter's Bone.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jdr6buk wrote
Reply to TIL in 1979, in between a double-header, the White Sox exploded a crate filled with disco records to stands of over 50k disco haters. Thousands flocked to the field afterward, which became so destroyed that they forfeit the 2nd game to the Tigers - the last time in AL history. by JackMacWindowsLinux
The White Sox did not do that.
Steve Dahl, a Chicago DJ, did it.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jd6ibme wrote
Reply to comment by tetoffens in TIL the term "death row" comes from an assassination attempt on FDR. The shooter Giuseppe Zangara was sentenced to death, but there was already a convict awaiting execution, and FL law forbade them from sharing cells. A second cell was built, turning the "death cell" into the first "death row." by AdmiralAkbar1
FDR went to Florida with Anton Cermak, the mayor of Chicago. My understanding is that it's likely the Chicago mob wanted Cermak dead while he was out of town and that FDR may not have been the actual target.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jcsuaz7 wrote
Reply to TIL Crush Syndrome happens when the human body experiences severe skeletal muscle trauma under constant pressure for a long time resulting in shock and kidney failure; an example is a human trapped under a building in an earthquake. by ChiggaOG
This happens to me when I think about Aubrey Plaza.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jc6dy21 wrote
Reply to A shaded relief map of South Asia rendered from 3d data and satellite imagery [OC] by visualgeomatics
OK, now do the seaweed monster that's about to eat Florida.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jacc8h6 wrote
Reply to comment by Wonthropt in Eggs and margarine drive food inflation to record 17.1% by VORTXS
Exactly, and we know that egg producers made record profits at least in the states.
Spinning a supposed supply crisis into profits should be illegal.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jacafzl wrote
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jabi47s wrote
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_jaanb3r wrote
No one has mentioned bar lacing.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j9s13kg wrote
Reply to LPT: When debating or arguing with someone and it’s going nowhere, ask them, “What evidence would it take for you to consider that you’re wrong?” If they say “Nothing,” then it’s time to end the conversation. by blowfishmo
Example 1
A: This fork is made of plastic.
B: Oh yeah? What evidence would persuade you that you're wrong?
Example 2
A: Trump won the election.
B: What evidence would persuade you that you're wrong?
A: Trump admitting that he lost.
Nah, this whole LPT sounds good, but I don't think it's very practical.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j9omoj1 wrote
Reply to comment by SuperSonic4 in LPT: Get the brave browser if you want to listen to music on YouTube with your screen turned off without having the subscription. Simply get brave, click the ... , go to Settings and enable background music. Now you switch over to other apps or even turn off your screen. iOS/Android by Long8D
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j9omnsm wrote
Reply to comment by SVCLIII in LPT: Get the brave browser if you want to listen to music on YouTube with your screen turned off without having the subscription. Simply get brave, click the ... , go to Settings and enable background music. Now you switch over to other apps or even turn off your screen. iOS/Android by Long8D
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j94wz29 wrote
Reply to comment by lennyxiii in 'Naked and Afraid' Contestant Burns His Penis Sleeping Next to a Fire by nimobo
Have you watched all the people who don't make it?
I don't think that's acting.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j8gm7pa wrote
Reply to comment by Pick_Zoidberg in Biden fires Architect of the Capitol after calls for his resignation by Picture-unrelated
Not everyone.
The Capitol Police knew, and they requested the national guard be brought in 3 days beforehand.
Someone intentionally made the National Guard sit on their hands.
People weren't shocked. This was an inside job.
I await further firings.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j6n3f7o wrote
I disagree with this LPT.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j4fkl4m wrote
Reply to comment by SugarSweetSonny in Paul Ryan says he 'had too much power' as House speaker by bomberesque1
Well, we will see what happens.
Either the GOP turns on him or he passes away.
If he doesn't die before they turn on him, he will play whatever cards he has left.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j4fj2iy wrote
Reply to comment by SugarSweetSonny in Paul Ryan says he 'had too much power' as House speaker by bomberesque1
The evidence is being held by Putin.
He may have even had instructions about avoiding blabbering.
That's hard to believe, but he still thinks he's running for president.
The Republicans have not split with him yet.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j4fenu5 wrote
Reply to comment by Llenette1 in Paul Ryan says he 'had too much power' as House speaker by bomberesque1
His favorite band is Rage Against the Machine, and he very specifically starred in congress as the Machine.
But seriously, I have my own pet theory.
Remember when Republicsns were opposed to Trump? Remember too when they all met with Trump and emerged lije docile puppies? Remember further when the word on the street was that Republicans were afraid of Trump?
Finally, do you remember that, when the Russians hacked the DNC and Assange leaked the contents, the Russians also hacked the RNC and never leaked anything?
My theory is that Putin handed Trump damning contents from that leak which he revealed to them in that meeting. Trump then threatened to expose them if they didn't cooperate.
Paul 'Rage Against the Machine' Ryan finishes the meeting by saying they're all family and drops out of politics ASAP.
Trump is holding seriously damaging info provided to him by Putin and using it to manipulate the GOP.
Bill Barr says Trump's election claims are bullshit but thst he's still voting for him? He says that Trump will destroy the Republicans if he doesn't get the nomination?
Trump is going to reveal something devestating if he loses the nomination or gets imprisoned.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j3ixsrb wrote
Reply to comment by unseemly_turbidity in Box Office Revenue [OC] by CharcoalCharts
It's still gonna be low.
Covid killed theaters.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j25pecz wrote
Reply to TIL that the narrative that Coca-Cola designed the modern Santa Claus as part of an advertising campaign is not true, because Coca-Cola did start using Santa in advertising in 1933. But Santa had been portrayed almost exclusively in red from the early 19th century by giuliomagnifico
It's not about red.
It's about the plump dude wearing exactly that outfit.
That was inspired by a cartoonist named Thomas Nast.
Saint-->Nast-->Nast imitators-->Coke ad
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j1p6o2b wrote
Reply to comment by B7UNM in TIL that incarcerated prisoners make a contraband drink in prison called "pruno" which entails fermenting fruit, sugar cubes, bread, and water in a ziplock bag a several days. by FlashyBehind
Minimum wage or below
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j1gwb7a wrote
Reply to LPT: From now until midnight Christmas, give yourself a complete break of all your worries. by Boemerangman2
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j0wuipi wrote
Reply to comment by absolutelyshafted in TIL Lake Baikal is located in southeast Siberia and is the oldest and deepest lake in the world, at 25 million years old and 1,700 meters deep. It contains 20% of the world's unfrozen freshwater and is home to a rich and unusual freshwater fauna that is of significant value to evolutionary science. by wisely_lined56
OK, let's stop being silly about this.
Seals have been documented 15 km inland.
Here's a source:
Lake Baikal is more than 15 km from any ocean.
Now, it's your turn for evidence-based argument.
If you post another generalization, we're done.
bozitybozitybopzebop t1_j0wtszm wrote
Reply to TIL Lake Baikal is located in southeast Siberia and is the oldest and deepest lake in the world, at 25 million years old and 1,700 meters deep. It contains 20% of the world's unfrozen freshwater and is home to a rich and unusual freshwater fauna that is of significant value to evolutionary science. by wisely_lined56
Fun fact: a lot of the early scientific research about Lake Baikal was done by Polish scientists sent to nearby camps.
bozitybozitybopzebop OP t1_jed7ncx wrote
Reply to comment by tebannnnnn in LPT: It's only a harmless prank/practical joke if everyone is laughing at the end by bozitybozitybopzebop
That may be an exception. Confused or weirded out should not turn into scared, upset, or angry. It loses its status as harmless at that point.