bramletabercrombe t1_ja15diy wrote
Be careful what you wish for, La Nina has ended. Historically that translates to a very snowy March
bramletabercrombe t1_j8l2hkw wrote
Reply to comment by CaseyGamer64YT in Sandy Hook Survivor Survives Second Mass Shooting by midmodmad
any true moderate republican was primaried out of the party in the last 20 years by Koch. Proof: John McCain was once the most right wing republican member of the Senate. He died the most liberal. He never changed.
bramletabercrombe t1_j8kmpl1 wrote
Reply to comment by MyGodItsFullOfClowns in Sandy Hook Survivor Survives Second Mass Shooting by midmodmad
America has a terrorist problem. It's called the Republican party.
bramletabercrombe t1_j6b32a9 wrote
Reply to comment by fingers in This is a cult, right? by CassCat
that should be the new translation of e pluribus unum
bramletabercrombe t1_j6b2te7 wrote
Reply to comment by IndicationOver in This is a cult, right? by CassCat
This post reminds me of this quote:
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." -John Steinbeck
bramletabercrombe t1_j6b2hse wrote
Reply to comment by WhittlingDan in This is a cult, right? by CassCat
Facebook is it's own nation. In the information age it's the most powerful nation on earth. Listen to Zuckerberg's recent speeches. He sounds like a despot because he knows he owns all he politicians that have any ability to stop him.
bramletabercrombe t1_j6b28ie wrote
Reply to comment by Lost_city in This is a cult, right? by CassCat
I'll assume you never heard Homestead strike. Maybe you would have if he only built 2508 libraries. You see, when you have unlimited wealth you can also buy unlimited PR to whitewash the fact that you were once a mass murderer. No one should have unlimited wealth.
bramletabercrombe t1_j6b1ccc wrote
Reply to comment by CassCat in This is a cult, right? by CassCat
it should be illegal. That's what kings do. One person shouldn't have the power to shape the direction a society leads, that's the job of government. The fact that we let companies skirt antitrust law for generations then allow the heirs of those companies to dictate societal changes is disgusting. If they want to create a charitable trust let THE PEOPLE decide where that money goes and who's name goes on it.
bramletabercrombe t1_j6b0kf6 wrote
Reply to comment by jppianoguy in This is a cult, right? by CassCat
Read up on what that scumbag Walton family does with their billions. They use CLATs to shelter their money from taxes.
The basic operation of a CLAT is as follows. The donor gives property to
a trust. The trust then pays the charity a certain amount each year for
a certain number of years. When the trust terminates, the property is
then transferred to the donor's heirs.
This is a modern kingdom. Not only has this scumbag family spent the last 30 years sending all of our manufacturing and trade secrets to communist China but they never had to pay a dime in taxes while they were selling out the U.S.A.
bramletabercrombe t1_j666g8b wrote
Reply to I-95 in CT ranks as most congested corridor in USA beating out LA; Merritt Parkway also makes top 10 by celticnutjob
Let's stop kidding ourselves, there are PLENTY of solutions to the problem of traffic but there is no political will to solve them. Not when lobbying firms like AAA spend billions lobbying congress to nix any legislation that favors mass transit over cars.
bramletabercrombe t1_j3eo5cp wrote
bramletabercrombe t1_iwg8i8j wrote
Reply to comment by Last-Instruction739 in Any burger restaurant in CT that mimics “in and out burger?” ( the west coast chain? by Used-Examination1439
awful name. Sounds like a place women go when they are hungry and forgot to use protection the night before.
bramletabercrombe t1_iwg8ddd wrote
Reply to comment by thesluggard12 in Any burger restaurant in CT that mimics “in and out burger?” ( the west coast chain? by Used-Examination1439
if you want to make your own chick fil a at home just cook a chicken patty and pour a mixture of honey molasses sugar bbq sauce and mayo then some more sugar into a bowl and pour it on top. It's amazing to me how people will wait in line to eat what is basically 2x the sugar content of mountain dew
bramletabercrombe t1_iv83vu5 wrote
Reply to When it's 73 degrees in Connecticut in November, it's the perfect time for a lobster roll at Stew's.... by RedditDadofCT
I've had Stew's lobster rolls. They cover the top with dried overcooked mealy claw meat to make it seem like it's filled with chunks of lobster meat then you find everything underneath is the stuff they scrape from the shells. Pretty weak.
bramletabercrombe t1_iu9jtpm wrote
Reply to comment by CT_Patriot in so who wants bet.... by AdHistorical7107
I get the sense even a bear would be able to wrestle a gun away from you...
bramletabercrombe t1_itxhf32 wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in What is the best insurance company in CT to insure a teenager driver who has a new vehicle? by ThrowAnonymous1000
does anyone know a good broker in Fairfield County?
bramletabercrombe t1_jcpaxby wrote
Reply to comment by TheSecretAgenda in $105 Billion Train to NYC in 45ish minutes by EliteDetonater
that's like one plane