
brentsgrl t1_irsyd2u wrote

We went this last Sunday. Drove to the satellite parking lot behind the hospital. Came down 95/128 to Centennial Drive and into Salem via Lynn St Peabody. We made the trip at 11:00 and hit zero traffic. It was a breeze. Parked on Jefferson Ave at the shuttle stop but walked downtown, didn’t want to wait for the shuttle. It’s less than a mile walk.

The key is to not expect to drive into or through downtown.

We didn’t have tickets for anything ahead of time. There are things you have to reserve in advance and things you don’t. We stopped by a few restaurants to look at lunch menus and inquire about seating. Nothing with a longer than 15 minute wait.

I grew up in the area. I avoid Salem in October. Haven’t been in years. I was almost dreading it but I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t as frustrating as it used to be. Maybe the city has learned a bit over the years?