
brewski t1_j99wijv wrote

Maybe. Usually the quicker you get to a real highway the better. Those state roads have lights and traffic. So really the answer depends on where you're starting from. In this day and age, I would ask Google maps. Plug in a day and time (e.g. Monday 7am) and try some different options. It's been a long time since I've had to commute anywhere that I couldn't bike to.

Good luck with the new job.


brewski t1_j8w5xqh wrote

I don't doubt you, though I'm not sure there is a "preference" more than that's just who tends to frequent the place. East Rock is diverse on paper, but not always in practice. There was a reasonable amount of diversity there the last time I went, including black women. But that was at least a decade ago.


brewski t1_j8moltm wrote

Sorry if this is late. I have found that Google maps offers the best advice for local buses. You can input your departure or arrival time/date and it will tell you what his to take. Will also tell you if it is running late.

I find the CT transit schedules to be confusing, since many of the bus lines have multiple variations.


brewski t1_j8fuv2f wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Adderall shortage by [deleted]

Please provide a reference or remove this post (or I will remove it). What I have read says it is mostly due to increased diagnosis during the pandemic.


brewski t1_j7nxare wrote

Reply to comment by GBJGBJGBJx3 in i want to come home by 99hailstorm

I think the main issue with the track is that they'd have to increase the turn radius on a lot of places. It's an extremely crowded corridor. That means massive amounts of eminent domain. Thousands of people would list their homes and businesses. It's not going to happen.


brewski OP t1_j5w77vc wrote

Stop blaming the victim when you have no details. Someone lost a mother/daughter/sister/wife. How awful it would be for their grieving family members to come here and see you baselessly accusing her of being high on PCP and stumbling into traffic. I'm going to delete your nasty comment and if you keep attacking this victim you will be banned from the sub.