
brock_lee t1_iyhz4fa wrote

That should be more than sufficient. "Boxes" are often even stronger than you think they're going to be because all the pieces together as a system. I might even suggest MDF rather than plywood, if you are considering painting or using contact paper on top. It's cheaper, and takes paint REALLY well. Might even hide a 1x2 rib down the middle for added anti-sag support.


brock_lee t1_iydherh wrote

Well, as he shows it, the frame holds the glass, but once you remove the inside part, the glass is still glued or caulked to the outside part of the frame and it takes effort to remove it. If you do remove the inside frame (which would come out as one piece exposing the large glass pane), the glass should stay in. The problem is, you never know of the door has the glass glued in, if the glue is still holding, and so on. You'll likely be fine, and yes, it would be far easier to tint without the frames in place with a much better result, but just be cautious that the glass does not fall inward. Once you remove the frame, it should be immediately apparent if the glass is going to come loose.


brock_lee t1_iy9aa6v wrote

I often remember his line "We serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast..." Back when no one made any bones about what a bar is for. None of this "we don't serve you if you appear intoxicated" crap. People GO there to get drunk.


brock_lee t1_ixxoucv wrote

Father in law worked at NIST (and it predecessor the Bureau of Standards) for 35 years or something. In radio propagation. Got some cool stories about things like color TV. The first specs brought to the government would have rendered B/W TVs useless, and they said "go back and make black and white, and color TVs work on the same frequencies, it can be done." Also, the first draft for the emergency broadcast system had circuitry inside radios and TVs, until they showed how easy it was to hack, so the system changed, and the system was set up via broadcasters, not the devices.


brock_lee t1_ixuuvbw wrote

Sometimes if I cook bacon and let it go a little too long, some kind of heat overload sensor trips and it stops heating. For a while. You can even hear it's different. Everything "works" but there's less of a hum. Maybe 20 minutes later, the fuse/breaker resets and all is well. You might try seeing if you can find a schematic and if there's a heat sensor overload fuse that does not automatically reset and maybe got blown during the outage.


brock_lee t1_ixqystg wrote

In the US, health insurers are required to cover a screening colonoscopy for free, over a certain age. Note also that in the US if you get one of those home testing kits which indicates you need a colonoscopy, that colonoscopy is not considered a screening colonoscopy, it is diagnostic, and is subject to your insurance copays and deductibles.


brock_lee t1_ixdqelu wrote

That's why I specified flood safe or anti-flood hoses. They have valves inside that detect leaks (in different ways) and shut off. Those valves can become defective, so for instance the first time you use the washer in a day, they partially close, but the second time, they open.

I sounds however, like the electric valves in the washer are faulty.


brock_lee t1_ixdoxiy wrote

Call the place you bought it and tell them it appears defective as the fill time is far beyond excessive. Also explain the above. You checked your valves, filters, and so on. They may send a technician at no cost to check it out. Just make sure you can reproduce the problem if they send a tech.

Finally, if you have anti-flood hoses, make sure they are not defective.

(They are not always colored like that)


brock_lee t1_ix9p9fe wrote

There is/was a TV series that YouTube started recommending to me. It was basically watching customs agents in Australia, UK, and Canada. The Canada ones were actually pretty strict. When someone was caught bringing in food, they often got a hefty fine because they had often filled out the declarations card saying they did not have any food. So, the fine was for lying, not having the food.