
brownredgreen t1_j1z7aol wrote

Well hold on. Jewish Law determines who is Jewish hallukakly (no i cant spell yiddish words)

A Jewish mother, or conversion, is what makes someone religiously Jewish. But plenty of self identified Jews, who live Jewish lives, had a Jewish father, and never formally converted.

Now, Santos can get fucked, he's a liar.

BUT. Who is a Jew? Is not actually a question with a singular answer.


brownredgreen t1_j1m5ias wrote

Tipping is a shit system.

The employer needs to provide its workers with fair wages.

Do you tip your USPS workers? They deliver in the cold and rain and heat....

Oh, they get reasonable pay from their employer? Huh, so it CAN be done....

Repeat: tipping is a shit system

Edit: to be clear, i operate inside the shit system we have. Im not Mr.Pink from Reservoir Dogs. That said, we SHOULD change it.


brownredgreen t1_iy9f0xf wrote

"The right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins"

But apparently, that's not necessarily true, since swinging your fist in the air (at an imaginary target) might get one involuntarily committed..... despite no noses being hit

People are fearful.

I think this solution is bad as its "MOAR COPS!" but in slightly different clothing.

We dont wanna spend money providing housing to people for free--UNLESS that free housing is a prison, jail or mental institute.

If it is true that democracy entails risks, this feels like one we must accept.

Obvi that doesn't mean abandon these folks, but actually provide quality of care: all types, physical, mental and social.

If someone WANTS to duck their own life up--and only swing their fists in the air--why do I have ANY RIGHT to tell them they cant?

We should provide options for people who want them, but forcing someone to something, should be enacted very, very cautiously.
