
brownredgreen t1_j6xph9n wrote

It's super suspicious that his bill just always happened to be below the legal requirement for a receipt.

Almost like he was trying to hide something.

Your defense of him makes me suspicious of you.

Is your name Anthony by any chance?


brownredgreen t1_j615dx0 wrote

The City is capable of building housing tho, right? They have outsourced that to private companies via incentives, but they COULD right?

Trying to find a way for the Owning class to squeeze money out of.people trying to have a roof over their head, is gonna end badly for everyone except the property owners.

Doesn't seem like a good plan.


brownredgreen t1_j6137gt wrote

I dont believe that the private sector is the solution.

I dont care if they are on board.

Housing, like healthcare, is a 100% MANDATORY HUMAN NEED

Maybe having MANDATORY HUMAN NEEDS being a profit machine fucks is a bad idea.

If building owners want their property to sit vacant, that's their decision, sure.

We should definitely pass a Vacancy Tax tho, to encourage them to get on board.

They wanna just pay absurd taxes on empty buildings paying them no rent? Their.choice.


brownredgreen t1_j48lkt9 wrote

It is absolutely defeatism to act like "there's nothing we can do!" Because there is no guaranteed way to avoid it guess that means we cannot alter our odds in any way shape or form huh?

Guess we just need to let the disgusting and morally repulsive people who WANT to spread Covid continue to do so, unmolested, huh?
