brownredgreen t1_j7mrjjm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
I dont believe you.
Repeating your lie wont change that.
brownredgreen t1_j7lts6y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
But you wont. Youll delete your account and disappear like all the other trolls do.
brownredgreen t1_j7ls00u wrote
Reply to comment by atyppo in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
Oh, I agree. But this goes to the point. High ridership doesnt cover operating costs, let alone capital projects. So saying "they raised fares when they had high ridership!" Is fundamentally missing what rider fares can pay for.
brownredgreen t1_j7lrtvp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
No, i dont believe you.
I think youre a lying liar.
brownredgreen t1_j7lkzhm wrote
Reply to comment by PKMKII in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
Fares DONT cover operating costs. They are but a fraction. Fares alone dont cover operating costs, ergo this "ridership is the issue" line is completely missing many important factors.
brownredgreen t1_j7lkt7u wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
Because I dont trust random internet shits to pay up
Youre a welcher.
brownredgreen t1_j7ibw95 wrote
Reply to comment by snakopaks in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
Is Moral Law, law?
Is a white horse, a horse?
If the Moral Law, is Law, then strikes are never illegal
If Moral Law is not Law, then white horses arent horses.
brownredgreen t1_j7i708s wrote
Reply to comment by snakopaks in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
Slavery was permitted by The State.
It was always wrong, always immoral.
If you cant stop working, you are a slave. Currently, barring a criminal conviction in a court, slavery is not allowed in the US.
brownredgreen t1_j7hp8lz wrote
Reply to comment by veyd in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
People =/= a person
People change language. A person does not.
brownredgreen t1_j7gy0w7 wrote
Reply to comment by veyd in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
Individuals dont get to redefine words.
Calling my shoes Gavagai doesn't make it so.
brownredgreen t1_j7gw9p7 wrote
Reply to comment by veyd in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
Speakers of language are capable of using language incorrectly.
Saying "LIC isnt part of the outer boros" is a misuse of language
brownredgreen t1_j7g76p5 wrote
Reply to comment by queensnyatty in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
You're a bad troll
The fact that you think moral law is "whatever is best for me in the moment" shows how absolutely idiotic you are.
0/10, wont reply again
brownredgreen t1_j7g6hu7 wrote
Reply to comment by queensnyatty in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
Immoral laws deserve no respect.
Not all laws are the same.
I also support runaway slaves. The moral law > the legal law
brownredgreen t1_j7g5y6l wrote
Reply to comment by queensnyatty in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
In your mind, how's this different than a "legal" strike?
Isnt that also, from your view "a bunch of civil servants quitting"?
brownredgreen t1_j7g5145 wrote
Reply to comment by veyd in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
That's wrong.
Outer Boros means "non Manhattan"
So yes, downtown Brooklyn is "outer boro"
Also, I don't use that phrase myself, cause its pointless.
brownredgreen t1_j7g4n94 wrote
Reply to comment by queensnyatty in Tired of parking placard abuse? The DOT is holding a public hearing on some new rules that target parking placard abuse in loading zones on the 7th, and there aren't nearly enough comments. You can comment on the site, via email, or attend the hearing. by ThoolooExpress
Strikes are never illegal.
Strikes are workers putting down their tools.
Telling someone it's illegal to put down their tools? Sounds like slavery.
Fuck Reagan.
brownredgreen t1_j7bm836 wrote
Reply to comment by Maskedragin in Prime hydration by [deleted]
I did. What the fuck is Prime?
brownredgreen t1_j7bm0iq wrote
Reply to Prime hydration by [deleted]
What the hell are you talking about?
brownredgreen t1_j6yb0mg wrote
Reply to comment by GKrollin in George Santos' campaign spent more than $26,000 at an Italian restaurant in Queens. That's enough to buy 1,131 orders of the rigatoni bolognese. by MrKleen10
Boo, bad troll.
brownredgreen t1_j6y9e13 wrote
Reply to comment by GKrollin in George Santos' campaign spent more than $26,000 at an Italian restaurant in Queens. That's enough to buy 1,131 orders of the rigatoni bolognese. by MrKleen10
Dig into the expense report.
brownredgreen t1_j6xtdg3 wrote
Reply to comment by IndyMLVC in George Santos' campaign spent more than $26,000 at an Italian restaurant in Queens. That's enough to buy 1,131 orders of the rigatoni bolognese. by MrKleen10
You called the comment important.
It is not important.
brownredgreen t1_j6xst05 wrote
Reply to comment by IndyMLVC in George Santos' campaign spent more than $26,000 at an Italian restaurant in Queens. That's enough to buy 1,131 orders of the rigatoni bolognese. by MrKleen10
The comment provided no context, merely an asinine theory that ignores the most damning part of the evidence against him: the precise dollar amount paid.
brownredgreen t1_j6xsfij wrote
Reply to comment by IndyMLVC in George Santos' campaign spent more than $26,000 at an Italian restaurant in Queens. That's enough to buy 1,131 orders of the rigatoni bolognese. by MrKleen10
It is not important.
In fact, its a poor attempt at defending Santos, when he is CLEARLY a shady, lying fuckhead.
The $199.99 amount is FAR more important to understand than the total amount spent.
Yes, lots of food for lots of people can add up to big numbers.
No, $199.99 charges REPEATEDLY are not a coincidence.
brownredgreen t1_j6xqopm wrote
Reply to comment by 9943620jJ in New Yorkers witnessed more homelessness, encampments during Mayor Adams’ first year by Nscience
Perception bias is a hell of a drug.
And most tourists from the UK or elsewhere, tend to stick to, well, touristy areas. Politicians tell cops to do more in those areas to keep them "clean" for the tourists.
So i suspect its about what neighborhoods youre thinking of in London, vs which ones you visited in NYC.
That said: the media loves to play up fear, and the homeless cause some people fear (they can be unstable, and unstable people can be dangerous) so the media will happily overblow a homeless situation to get clicks
brownredgreen t1_j7nk1w0 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in MTA Could Nix Fare Hikes with Just $350M More Per Year, Lieber Says by psychothumbs
Didn't you say 10:1 odds?
Also: what exactly are you so hung up on? What percentage decrease would trigger a repayment? 1%? 6%? 14?