Past me smoked, drank in excess, was in a dysfunctional long-term relationship, and dropped out of grad school. Fortunately, past me also quit smoking, cut the alcohol waaay back, left the relationship, met the perfect person, and went back to grad school and got a PhD. Now, future me will have much better health, will grow old with the love of my life, and will be set up to retire reasonably comfortably. There’s always time for change.
brrraaaiiins t1_j4avjqt wrote
Reply to comment by AlternativeAardvark6 in Do it for future-you [Image] by wholesomecomics
Past me smoked, drank in excess, was in a dysfunctional long-term relationship, and dropped out of grad school. Fortunately, past me also quit smoking, cut the alcohol waaay back, left the relationship, met the perfect person, and went back to grad school and got a PhD. Now, future me will have much better health, will grow old with the love of my life, and will be set up to retire reasonably comfortably. There’s always time for change.