brufleth t1_ixsleo2 wrote
Reply to What Planting Trees In the Street Could Look Like in Boston: Learning From Other Cities – StreetsblogMASS by me5vvKOa84_bDkYuV2E1
How do those trees get enough water?
brufleth t1_ixskws2 wrote
Reply to comment by coraldayton in MA tax refund- is anyone still waiting for theirs? by mmmaru28
Why would that be? If you paid income tax here you should be getting roughly 14% back. Did you refile and only pay in your new state?
brufleth t1_ixrc55i wrote
Reply to comment by symonym7 in How much do you pay for the internet? by accion12
I also have T-Mobile for cell phones and it is not great. I definitely wouldn't use it for home internet.
brufleth t1_ixqv0a6 wrote
Reply to comment by TheGlassBetweenUs in How much do you pay for the internet? by accion12
This is bonkers cheap to me.
brufleth t1_ixqtts9 wrote
Reply to comment by symonym7 in How much do you pay for the internet? by accion12
This is closer to what we're paying and I just checked to confirm RCN doesn't cover here.
brufleth t1_ixqtl70 wrote
Reply to comment by accion12 in How much do you pay for the internet? by accion12
Then 75 dollars for internet in Boston is a deal.
brufleth t1_ixq1aiv wrote
Reply to comment by willzyx01 in How much do you pay for the internet? by accion12
In what dimension?
We pay significantly more for only 300 and the up speed is something trash like 25.
Edit: how many of you are also paying for cable and are looking at the internet part of the package? Those aren't the prices if you don't also bundle cable.
brufleth t1_ixhcoe9 wrote
The state should just rollout their own ISP and undercut the shit out of RCN and Comcast. It would save residents a boatload and the state could probably even make money off it after the initial rollout.
brufleth t1_iwl5j7d wrote
Reply to comment by thejester2022 in What is the deal with blinding LED headlights and the drivers who won't turn them down for approaching cars? by funkygrrl
And that's a bunch of vehicles.
I had not heard of this and I'm sure there are tons of them out there still which haven't seen any fix. I guess it is good that at least someone is being held to account, but this was just one model.
brufleth t1_iwl54nz wrote
Reply to comment by threenamer in What is the deal with blinding LED headlights and the drivers who won't turn them down for approaching cars? by funkygrrl
The aim is actually supposed to be checked during inspection and aftermarket kits aren't supposed to be allowed.
I know I've had my headlight aim checked before, but I can't speak to whether that is checked appropriately everywhere and of course most states don't even do inspections so out of state cars will have whatever.
brufleth t1_iudx2q3 wrote
Reply to comment by crm115 in Mass. Tax Refunds Will Start To Flow On Tuesday by husky5050
The state has a calculator that worked when I used it.
brufleth t1_iudvu3m wrote
Reply to comment by EzualRegor in Massachusetts bans clothing, footwear, bedding, curtains and other textiles from trash disposal by cowghost
Up until now, they just got tossed in the back of the garbage truck. Always fun to watch them get crushed up.
Is this rule being pushed by the bulk trash pickup lobby?
brufleth t1_itizonb wrote
Reply to comment by Rough-Jackfruit2306 in Local specialty ground coffee beans? by wacholderrose
I'm just seeing about $19 a bag online right now which isn't that bad. We bought a bag one day at the public market that was closer to thirty for some reason, which is silly.
You can get plenty of great beans for $15-$16 a bag.
brufleth t1_iti82m1 wrote
Reply to comment by Exit_127 in Local specialty ground coffee beans? by wacholderrose
They're good, but the price is bonkers. Like almost 2x a normal bag.
brufleth t1_ixt8x4a wrote
Reply to comment by Otterfan in What Planting Trees In the Street Could Look Like in Boston: Learning From Other Cities – StreetsblogMASS by me5vvKOa84_bDkYuV2E1
I'm talking about the ones in the picture. They're quite large but have almost no exposed dirt above them. So they're relying on roots to ground water. Trees that size struggle in Boston. See the larger trees that regularly fail on beacon Hill or the ones that die regularly in city hall plaza.
Boston actually waters new trees, but not nearly enough. We had a new tree put in out front mid summer. I watered it regularly in addition to Boston's contractor watering it every week or two and managed to get it to survive the dry as hell summer we had. The gallon of dog urine that it gets doused with daily doesn't help things either.