
bubba1819 t1_iyn3t2u wrote

It is true that climate change will most likely cause the industry to ultimately fall. However, that will be years to decades down the road giving us time to diversify in the meantime. The conservation efforts that are being made do not give anyone enough time to diversify.


bubba1819 t1_iymnguo wrote

The Maine lobster fishing industry is responsible for an average of $1billion of the state’s economy each year. All of Maines politicians know this and this is why they are fighting the federal government so hard on this. Replacing $1 billion of revenue from the state is going to be extremely difficult if the lobster industry falls. Not to mention the lobster industry is major incentive for people to visit Maine as tourists. This issue affects everyone in this state whether you know it or not.



bubba1819 t1_iycqpjk wrote

I see what you’re saying from the article. Maybe, the chart data was updated since Nov 24? The text says that the 109% was as of the 24th so maybe some children were moved to beds out of state or something. I do agree that the number of pediatric beds seems low but I also have no reference point.


bubba1819 t1_iwhyzp0 wrote

Reply to comment by bigtencopy in Hunting guffaw by [deleted]

No idea. I took down my stand and got out of the whole situation. It’s a bummer but I don’t want to be caught in the middle of this property dispute. The land is a big piece and no where near any development, so it’s not like I was hunting near this Massachusetts persons new house. If anything, their getting ready to have it logged.

The guy who gave me permission to hunt there said that he walked the property pins himself and that my stand was squarely on his land but I still don’t want to be caught in the middle of the whole mess, so I’m out lol. I feel bad that I may have given hunters a bad name making this person from Mass think I was hunting without permission but there’s nothing I can do about it. I tried to do everything the right way.


bubba1819 OP t1_iujr6ij wrote

We’re all kinda dispersed around the state and have done the vast majority of our hunting in Washington County. Hoping that whatever property we go in on will become something that our kids and grandkids will use and so on. Many of the woods we used to hunt have been bought up by people from away and posted over the last couple of years so we’ve decided that we should all go in on something together. My job is to do the research, so here I am asking all you nice folks for your helpful input.


bubba1819 t1_iuiwfmf wrote

You’re welcome! Once you get settled it might be beneficial for you to reach out folks at the Whiting MCHT office. They’ve done a lot to help the fishing communities in the area. They helped the town of Cutler to buy a piece of land ensuring clammers would have access to a critical flat for in perpetuity. They could give you some great advice starting out and is someone you’ll most likely work with eventually. Also, if you settle in Eastport reach out to Sipayik Environmental, some truly great people and have done a lot of successful work in collaboration with other nonprofits in the area.


bubba1819 t1_iuhx7nx wrote

Very familiar with the area you are talking about. I would personally recommend Eastport over Jonesport. There’s a much greater sense of community in Eastport and your closer to Calais. Not sure if you have kids but the schools aren’t great in either Jonesport or Eastport but the Calais schools are the best in the area IMO.

As far as internet goes, if you don’t live down a long road then you’ll most likely be able to get Spectrum. Someone I know down there just got Starlink and they said that it works great. They do a lot of gaming and they have no complaints.

There is a lot of heroin use throughout Washington County but violence from drug use is rare, outside of domestic violence. Most of the jobs in this county are manual labor and often result in injuries leading to a higher level of opiates being prescribed which is in part why there is such a high level of heroin use.

Many people moving into this region from away really struggle with how remote the area is and making new friends. This is in part why I recommend Eastport over Jonesport. There are more community events in Eastport and your closer to Calais which has more going on. Calais also has the only movie theater in the county, unless Milbridge got there’s up and running. Also, if you have a passport, you can pop over into Canada and there’s a ton to do.

As far as housing goes, it’s near impossible to find a rent so I would recommend buying if you can afford it. You might be able to find someone that rents on AirBNB to rent to you for the off season while you find a place to buy. As far as buying goes, right now is a great time (I mean the market sucks but it’s better now than other times). Buying can be difficult from May to October while people from out of state are looking to buy a vacation home. If your going to settle for Eastport I’d look at buying in one of the surrounding towns. These could be Whiting, Robbinston, or Perry as some examples. Listings up towards Eastport are usually a bit less than down towards Jonesport, so long as it’s not waterfront. You should be able to find a decent house for $200-250K with a little chunk of land. If you want to go for Jonesport, I would buy something in Addison, Columbia, or Harrington. You’ll be able to get a nice house for $250-275K.

Best part of Downeast is the access to the outdoors. Spend your off time exploring the area. Pick a new hiking trail in a different town to hike each weekend. If your into hunting and fishing, join one of the sportmens clubs, good people there. Volunteer for one of the many nonprofits in the area. Check out the events going on at the University of Maine at Machias and get to know some people there.

If you have any other questions or want more info on the area feel free to PM me.

Edited to add: wherever you decide to live just make sure it’s within a 30 minute commute to your work. We don’t get as much snow in this region as we use to but lots of ice. Not uncommon for a 30 minute commute to become an hour commute in the winter, even with having AWD and snow tires.


bubba1819 t1_iqtcplh wrote

Reply to comment by scc28adi in Lobster by scc28adi

Yeah MDI is Mount Desert Island. I honestly don’t know. All the people/places I know are at least an hour drive up the coast from MDI. The closest place I know is Chipmans Wharf in Milbridge.


bubba1819 t1_iqt4xy0 wrote

Reply to comment by scc28adi in Lobster by scc28adi

I don’t know any near MDI. Jonesport-Beals Co-Op is a good one but it’s a drive up the coast from MDI


bubba1819 t1_iqt34km wrote

Reply to Lobster by scc28adi

Find a wharf in the area you’ll be in and buy directly from them. They’ll only charge $1 more per pound than what they pay the fishermen to buy their catch.