bunchofsugar t1_jeah3rs wrote
Reply to comment by KeepBoppin in What the fuck should i do with this? by Player551yt
Because it wasnt. All pre-CS DM games had either complete lack of depth or were too hard to play for an mass market gamer.
Team Fortress was kinda an exception, but back then it was hard to find enough players to make it work unless you were playing on internet, and good enough internet was luxury back then.
bunchofsugar t1_je9smn1 wrote
bunchofsugar t1_jeals8x wrote
Reply to comment by Monkee-D in What the fuck should i do with this? by Player551yt
OG CS was like that actually.
But unlike lets say Quake you it was actually possible to win or at least score some kills without going really in depth.
In CS strategy and smart part of the game was kinda obvious for the new player. In Quake it took some experience to figure out that playing smart is actually more important than having reflexes.