bunkerbash t1_jeet8e4 wrote
Reply to comment by Money-Measurement961 in Has anyone moved out of CT because of seasonal depression? I enjoy CT but I’m only happy during June- august. by [deleted]
I agree with you OP. I find nothing pleasant about fall. It’s just a harbinger of winter.
bunkerbash t1_jeet3uc wrote
Reply to comment by oreosandlettuce in Has anyone moved out of CT because of seasonal depression? I enjoy CT but I’m only happy during June- august. by [deleted]
It’s doesn’t need to be mental health related. Some of us just hate winter. ‘Milder temps’ meaning it’s in the 30s does not make it pleasant or agreeable to people who hate winter. It’s still grey and dark and depressing for months on end. It grinds your soul down and so every spring your worse off than the last.
I totally get what OP is saying. If I could I afford to move I wouldn’t just leave CT I’d leave this thrice damned country. As it is, I’ll probably just leave this plane of existence instead. It’s the only way out.
bunkerbash t1_je388cf wrote
Had to look up belltown. I thought they were using weird slang for East Hampton 😂
bunkerbash t1_jddv9ng wrote
Reply to comment by buddboy in Police: Stamford woman sexually assaulted teen, gave alcohol to minors by jaydecay123
I gotta say I think it depends. I worked with this bastard for a couple years and he 100% seemed like the type. The arrest went down after id left that company but when I saw the news I wasn’t shocked at all. He was aggressive, handsy, demeaning towards the women in the office, tried to encourage similar behavior from the other men in the office, and tried to turn everything into a sexual joke. Yuck
bunkerbash t1_jczz3at wrote
Reply to comment by Down_vote_david in 5 Minors Killed in New York Crash Are Related, Recently Moved to Derby: Superintendent by Jawaka99
And the parents have already raised over $40,000 on gofundme… given their lack of parenting up to this point you gotta wonder if the donations will actually be used for funeral expenses.
bunkerbash OP t1_jc9959l wrote
Reply to comment by prstets in Lake Champlain from Oakledge Park, Burlington VT. Little 4x6” gouache I finished today! by bunkerbash
Oh that’s so neat! Thanks for sharing!
bunkerbash t1_jbedhsi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Point Lobos State Park, Carmel, CA [OC][4032x3024] by Mrpetasus
Oh hahaha thank you! Sometimes I lose track 😅. I’ll tag you when I finish this one!
bunkerbash t1_jbde440 wrote
Oh my goodness this is stunnnnning!! Would you mind if I painted it please?
bunkerbash t1_jacjari wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Decriminalizing Psilocybin by Agile_Grizzly
Wholly agree. The criminalizing of only certain drugs is intentionally done to feed the prison labor system and withhold care and support from those with mental health disorders. It’s a maddeningly archaic way to run a country, but I suppose as long as it makes the ultra rich even richer it’s unlikely to change.
bunkerbash t1_jaaz2ky wrote
Reply to Who’s excited for some snow ❄️ by Dark-_-Memer
I am not. But if anyone takes pretty snow landscape photos please post them. Id love some fresh painting inspiration :-)
bunkerbash OP t1_ja2z3ji wrote
Reply to comment by ollibums319 in Rock Harbor, Eastham Ma- painted from a photo my friend took yesterday! by bunkerbash
Thanks! I’ve never been and went from what my friend labeled his picture as he’s generally a very reliable source.
bunkerbash t1_j9wuz5l wrote
Reply to The little things in CT by DreadnoughtPoo
Get yourself some very good dehumidifiers because the summer humidity will fuck you up. We live at the top of a hill and have no issues with leaks or flooding and still have to rub humidifiers in our basement and garage to keep the mold at bay.
bunkerbash OP t1_j9bp0qq wrote
Reply to comment by dailyqt in ‘Sol Duc Falls from upstream’. Finished painting this last night! by bunkerbash
Just a touch, and I’m a bit tickled anyone noticed!! That location reminds me so much of Rivendell. I was sliiiiiiightly channeling the stylized illustrative watercolor landscapes that Tolkien painted of Middle Earth. :-)
bunkerbash OP t1_j9bopd7 wrote
Reply to comment by C0git0 in ‘Sol Duc Falls from upstream’. Finished painting this last night! by bunkerbash
Good thing I love buying green paint!!
bunkerbash OP t1_j9bonar wrote
Reply to comment by daeedorian in ‘Sol Duc Falls from upstream’. Finished painting this last night! by bunkerbash
Hahaha thanks! I loved how you captured the light streaming in there in your photo!
bunkerbash OP t1_j95tit6 wrote
Reply to comment by ArmoredFangs in ‘Sol Duc Falls from upstream’. Finished painting this last night! by bunkerbash
Hiya! Just fair warning you may now get a direct message from a scammer offering to ‘sell’ you a bootleg of this. I’m not currently offering prints and that scammer will steal your cc info
bunkerbash t1_j946q8a wrote
I’m jealous. The fuck even does our motto for CT even mean??!
bunkerbash OP t1_j91uays wrote
A fellow redditor, u/daeedorian shared a wonderful photo of theirs in the comments of my previous Sol Duc Falls painting. Their photo is of the falls from the opposite direction and I figured I def should paint it as well! This is a 10x8” gouache on paper!
bunkerbash t1_j91ql56 wrote
Reply to comment by knightofsolarisbos in What are y’all doing tonight? by jacksparrahh
bunkerbash t1_j8zsyxs wrote
Reply to comment by MyHeadbeDirty in What are y’all doing tonight? by jacksparrahh
Just sending you a hug. I hope the sobbing helps release some of what has you down.
bunkerbash t1_j8zsvc3 wrote
Reply to comment by Sunnyteapot080 in What are y’all doing tonight? by jacksparrahh
Have fun with Pratchett! His books are miraculous!
bunkerbash t1_j8zsmu3 wrote
Reply to What are y’all doing tonight? by jacksparrahh
I painted for about 12hrs straight and now I’m hitting the hay so I can wake up and paint some more. Yay painting!!!
bunkerbash t1_j84vral wrote
Reply to comment by Resident_Ad_4152 in Former Fairfield official with history of animal abuse now accused of torturing cat, police say by urkiddingrite
Why allow fresh air and sunshine. I vote for a toss head first into an oubliette
bunkerbash OP t1_j76u948 wrote
Reply to comment by Lizzsterfarian in ‘Hiking Paradise’-Washington State. 9x6” gouache, finished today! by bunkerbash
Thank you!
bunkerbash t1_jefdjyj wrote
Reply to comment by oreosandlettuce in Has anyone moved out of CT because of seasonal depression? I enjoy CT but I’m only happy during June- august. by [deleted]
We toss out that rhetoric because we’re taught to. I have a therapist. But in the last month I have watched runaway capitalism and corporate greed all but kill my little sister and ruin my family forever. So yea, maybe actually life as we exist in this godawful oligarch run country isnt worth living.