bunkerbash t1_j6jqnm6 wrote
Reply to comment by Adventurous_Air2867 in I’m homeless living in my car and today I got a flat tire. by Adventurous_Air2867
Sent. I hope your day gets a bit better!
bunkerbash t1_j6jmbc4 wrote
Reply to comment by IndicationOver in I’m homeless living in my car and today I got a flat tire. by Adventurous_Air2867
Thank you for looking that up! Maybe someone should make a post with the info. Given how relatively mild it’s been so far, I worry this cold weather is going to catch people unawares.
bunkerbash t1_j6jkrd8 wrote
Reply to comment by Adventurous_Air2867 in I’m homeless living in my car and today I got a flat tire. by Adventurous_Air2867
Can you message me your PayPal? And if you find come Friday that you don’t have a place other than your car to stay will you let us know so we can help you find a place for the night? I cannot impress upon you enough that it will be life threateningly cold. I expect, or at least hope, some places will open up additional warming shelters so you may not need to pay anything.
bunkerbash t1_j6jiogj wrote
OP this isn’t tire related but do you have a plan other than sleeping in your car for Friday and Saturday? It’s going to be dangerously cold.
bunkerbash t1_j68pd8c wrote
Reply to A Statement from Commissioner and Colonel Concerning the Memphis, Tenn. Incident (released 01/27/2023 7:57 pm) by BobbyBuzz008
They’ll continue to harass, intimidate, assault, and murder the Connecticut public. And they’ll continue to shut down the state to throw themselves parades. They have all the power and whatever lip service they spew, they know it. The lawmakers support the police because they’re rich and the police only exist to protect the assets of the rich and the anti-worker system that further bloats their bank accounts. ACAB
bunkerbash t1_j5n6ha4 wrote
Reply to comment by Biforfun69 in What restaurants do you recommend in Biddeford by P-for_Paloma
Best chicken salad I’ve ever had.
bunkerbash t1_j5ihq14 wrote
Reply to Visited Cape Disappointment State Park near Ilwaco today! [OC] [2710X2710] by Davethephotoguy
Awesome photo!! Wow!
bunkerbash t1_j4eo4wv wrote
The Old House Parts Store in Kennebunk, ME is absolutely first rate. Def worth a visit!
bunkerbash t1_j3qjpqj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I used an AI to try and create the Quintessential Vermonter.i know about 3 people who look like this guy. How did the AI and I do? by The_Barbelo
I bet it’s fun to sit on the shoulders of actual artists and claim you’ve actually created anything of value. And it’s Muslim. Muslin is a type of fabric.
bunkerbash t1_j2khgf5 wrote
Reply to Seattle, someone's backyard by pastoriagym
Does it stay that green and lush out there year round? You guys truly live in heaven. Connecticut is a dead, dry, sepia toned nightmare and will be until the end of April :-(
bunkerbash t1_j2dy8rx wrote
Reply to comment by PettyWitch in We need more comprehensive gender education in our public schools by [deleted]
So you are a troll then?
bunkerbash t1_j2cm1cu wrote
Reply to comment by CTrandomdude in We need more comprehensive gender education in our public schools by [deleted]
I’m starting to suspect she’s a troll and takes these absurd stances in order to draw more ire against the ‘extreme liberal left’. I suspect next she’ll be demanding litter boxes in every public restroom or something. Or she’s just completely off her rocker.
bunkerbash t1_j2clslw wrote
Reply to comment by Reefer_Chiefer1024 in We need more comprehensive gender education in our public schools by [deleted]
You are correct. Mental Illness is a hell of a drug I guess.
bunkerbash t1_j2cl3fp wrote
Reply to comment by HarlequinMadness in Where the river bends, Olympic National Park by pastoriagym
Man I’d love to paint it, but I’m not sure a brush could ever improve on the beauty of this photo.
bunkerbash t1_j2cl10a wrote
bunkerbash t1_j291lcn wrote
Reply to comment by itswhatyouwill in Berlin Turnpike Citgo's disgusting fridge by lowlife9
I randomly bumped into a gal who used to do marketing for the foodbag chain. She said when Atlantis took over they immediately began treating the existing employees very poorly and cutting corners wherever possible. She quit pretty soon after the take over because of the work conditions.
bunkerbash t1_j28s0bd wrote
Reply to comment by bagel0_ in Berlin Turnpike Citgo's disgusting fridge by lowlife9
And good luck getting anything done by approaching Atlantis. They’d kill their own grandmother for sport. Truly never before encountered a company who so perfectly embodies ruthless greed.
bunkerbash t1_j26xymm wrote
Reply to comment by RoyalAntelope9948 in Brandon this morning by RoyalAntelope9948
Wow that’s beautiful
bunkerbash t1_j25pp65 wrote
Reply to comment by bagel0_ in Berlin Turnpike Citgo's disgusting fridge by lowlife9
They are an abhorrent company. I literally had to call the police who had to call the fire dept and health inspector to rescue three elderly and vulnerable women from a property they were renting to them. They’re incredibly unscrupulous, and every single town should be fighting to keep them out.
bunkerbash t1_j25pct0 wrote
Reply to Berlin Turnpike Citgo's disgusting fridge by lowlife9
Is this the one that’s now owned by Atlantis?
bunkerbash t1_j1md4s7 wrote
Reply to comment by SD_Lostboy in The Cougar Chronicles Part II: A Very Merry Cubmas by SD_Lostboy
Loooool. Ah well, better luck next year, SD Lostboy!
bunkerbash t1_j1k2dep wrote
Reply to comment by satansdebtcollector in The Cougar Chronicles Part II: A Very Merry Cubmas by SD_Lostboy
Have we gotten an update yet? This is the most exciting thing to happen in CT since the witch trials.
bunkerbash t1_j1gop8j wrote
I thought we established all the cougars were actually golden retrievers??
bunkerbash t1_j1enaze wrote
Reply to comment by betteroffsleeping in The line to see Avatar: The Way of Water at Jordan's IMAX in Natick by Tara_is_a_Potato
Be sure to stay til the end of the credits 😉
bunkerbash OP t1_j76u7hb wrote
Reply to comment by Comm1ssionary in ‘Hiking Paradise’-Washington State. 9x6” gouache, finished today! by bunkerbash
Thank you!