burrito__supreme t1_iwif6lx wrote
Reply to comment by Chrissiel330 in Recommendations for takeout lunch near grove, or harbor side area. by BusOld5723
yeah idk if i got unlucky but i heard so much good hype about them and the one time i ordered i was violently ill afterward. 🤷🏼‍♀️
burrito__supreme t1_iwi9rp2 wrote
Reply to comment by Chrissiel330 in Recommendations for takeout lunch near grove, or harbor side area. by BusOld5723
am i the only one that got absolutely wrecked by food poisoning from wisp?
burrito__supreme t1_iuj045g wrote
Reply to comment by datatadata in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
yeah i think i have some weird tax stuff that makes it annoying for me, also new jersey is insisting i owe taxes this year despite me submitting to them my accountant prepared tax return showing i don’t. i’ve just yet to have an easy time of it haha maybe 2023 is our year.
burrito__supreme t1_iuiws7g wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
i appreciate this, thank you! i live by LCCS and it seems awesome but the fact that it’s lottery based admission makes it a hopeful option rather than a guarantee. thanks again.
burrito__supreme t1_iuisva2 wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
could you say more about schools? as a recently new resident (2 years) here i was under the impression that jc public schools are all abysmal but would be happy to be proven wrong since schools are the one thing that’s going to force us out when we have a kid.
burrito__supreme t1_iuisl1f wrote
Reply to comment by GeorgeWBush2016 in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
i actually have had a much worse go of it re: taxes since moving, bc my job is in nyc. the two state tax situation has cause complications for reasons i can’t quite understand. i didn’t think losing the nyc income tax when we moved to new jersey was that big of a win IMO.
burrito__supreme t1_iuinrw7 wrote
Reply to comment by seeyam14 in To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
it’s really easy to get to EWR from jersey city - i say this as someone who lived in queens, it’s much easier than getting to JFK and LGA. i don’t love the flight options out of EWR but that’s just me. i wish we had the scale of JFK without the hassle.
burrito__supreme t1_iuin0rw wrote
Reply to To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
lived in queens for 10 years and only moved to jc in search of an affordable apartment to buy. i’m in my early/mid 30s, have been in my relationship for 14 years (married for 6), and think those factors affect my point of view.
i loved queens for its walkability, diversity, food options, and public transit. aside from diversity, i don’t think jc compares in any way on these factors.
generally, jc is a smaller city so you’re naturally going to lose some things transitioning from nyc. there isn’t really a great music or performing arts scene here, and the public transit truly sucks compared to the subway system. you’ll probably want a car if you don’t want to be entirely dependent on the bus system, but this also may depend on where you live in jc. i live on the west side and can’t imagine not having a car here. i pay $150/mo to park behind my neighbors house.
grocery stores here suck. west side is an actual food desert. the shop rite downtown is a war zone but at least it is fully stocked and has good turnover of product bc it’s so busy. cant speak to the stop and shop in the heights.
nightlife is fine, there are bars downtown that are good. you’ll probably want to go into manhattan for legit nightlife but path service sucks at night and on weekends so be prepared to wait or to factor in $50+ ubers to your weekend plans.
no one will visit you here. your nyc friends will think you’ve moved to guam. just know that.
as a 30 something in a long term relationship with an established friend group who just wanted to own a home and wasn’t ready for the suburbs, jc is fine. i miss queens a lot though. i won’t go into detail on schools since i don’t think that’s a concern for you.
if i was you i’d stay in nyc. you’re younger (single?) and likely have more of a social life than me and some other folks who are older and more settled.
one other thing - jersey city is very different neighborhood to neighborhood. i wouldn’t dream of living downtown but i do really like my neighborhood on the west side. if you decide to move to jc do yourself a huge favor and explore a few areas before picking where to live.
burrito__supreme t1_iufw9w5 wrote
as someone who lived in new york until two years ago, you can pry this law from my cold dead hands. i fucking hate getting out of my car when i’m en route somewhere so not having to pump my own gas is an incredible luxury to me. i don’t care if people think it’s inefficient. maybe it is. i love it.
burrito__supreme t1_iu1y67h wrote
community treasures.
burrito__supreme t1_itzlzil wrote
Reply to comment by OkAbbreviations4982 in If you think taxes are high now, just wait until the 2023 school budget. People will be priced out of their homes. by mbstor23
is that not why taxes recently shot up? i was under that impression but would love to be proven wrong
burrito__supreme t1_itx7jvq wrote
Reply to comment by No_Astronaut9011 in In desperate need of immediate work by [deleted]
it’s still illegal to just immediately evict you because of late rent. have you told your landlord what’s going on with your pay?
burrito__supreme t1_itobmlt wrote
Reply to comment by alex12m in $500 rent increase in West Side! by alex12m
all the ones i’ve seen have been on zillow.
burrito__supreme t1_itnxj31 wrote
Reply to comment by alex12m in $500 rent increase in West Side! by alex12m
check some of the pre war buildings. i own my apt in a condo in an old pre war building in the neighborhood and a lot of my owners here rent out their 1bd 1ba apartments for under $2k/mo. we don’t have parking but still.
burrito__supreme t1_itm0ik9 wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in SeeClickWontFix: How Jersey City has failed to address its deteriorating quality of life by jcskunk
sure, but your original comment suggested that my experience living in nyc and not seeing trash everywhere was not the norm. and i believe it probably depends on where you live, and you’re saying that applies to jc as well. but i am making the point that i believe nyc’s municipal services to be, on the whole, better run than jc’s. and that this mismanagement in jc is holding it back from being as great as it can be (and as great as fulop would have developers believe).
burrito__supreme t1_itlucdo wrote
Reply to comment by mikevago in SeeClickWontFix: How Jersey City has failed to address its deteriorating quality of life by jcskunk
in some neighborhoods, yeah. maybe not in midtown or soho.
burrito__supreme t1_itkxl2f wrote
Reply to comment by ashlandbus in SeeClickWontFix: How Jersey City has failed to address its deteriorating quality of life by jcskunk
i lived in queens, but i have family in manhattan.
burrito__supreme t1_itjfvm3 wrote
Reply to comment by DifficultyNext7666 in SeeClickWontFix: How Jersey City has failed to address its deteriorating quality of life by jcskunk
idk. i lived in nyc for 10 years before buying my apt here, and i’ve never seen such blatant mismanagement. say what you will about the mayor of nyc and corruption and/or general buffoonery, but when i lived there in multiple neighborhoods, i never had trash strewn streets after garbage pickup, never had quality of life issues straight up ignored and/or not documented, never had to practically beg city government to give basic maintenance and care to my neighborhood (i currently live in ward b, which i’m not positive fulop is aware exists outside of lincoln park. which is a county, not city, park). in my experience, jc is a joke as far as municipal management goes.
burrito__supreme t1_itiq7rl wrote
Reply to SeeClickWontFix: How Jersey City has failed to address its deteriorating quality of life by jcskunk
shit like this is why i laugh when people say jersey city is comparable to nyc. the municipal management of this city is an utter joke.
burrito__supreme t1_itaivex wrote
Reply to What are you up to tonight? by Flashinglights0101
went to the spa, came home, smoked a bowl, ate dinner.
burrito__supreme t1_it715iu wrote
Reply to comment by jerseymami in JC Medical Center Obstetrics by bloodredjamm
can you say more about your experience at jcmc?
burrito__supreme t1_it705l4 wrote
Reply to comment by Cuprunnethover2022 in Found Cat by Jboogs856
i always see this said on here and in my neighborhood fb group and i’ve tried googling for more info but keep coming up empty handed. can you point me towards some sources on this?
burrito__supreme t1_irhbim2 wrote
not at all. i don’t live in as small a building as yours but it is a nearly 100 year old building. thick walls keep noise to a minimum, old style architecture gives us gorgeous details and huge rooms. couldn’t pay me to live in a high rise. i like hotels but i don’t want to live in them, and those “luxury” high rises all feel like hotels without the amenities that make hotels worth it.
burrito__supreme t1_iwwope1 wrote
Reply to Pacific Avenue is finally--FINALLY--getting paved. by stf210
seems like the city finally got off their asses on this. saw that the pothole minefield known as west side ave is also being repaved after much complaining