burritoace t1_jadar51 wrote
Reply to comment by pangaea1972 in Pittsburgh Police Union, City administration reach tentative contract agreement, sources confirm. by Intelligent_Ship_431
It's a contract between two parties
burritoace t1_jad9sqm wrote
Reply to comment by barsmart in Woman dead after officer-involved shooting in Pittsburgh’s St. Clair neighborhood by byzvntine
I understand what you're getting at, I just think this particular issue has another layer of complexity. "Pittsburgh Area Woman Killed by Police" is actually a more inflammatory headline in some ways, so there is something else going on here. Given that the police seem to be one of the only institutions that get this kind of kid-glove treatment by local media it is safe to assume there is a reason.
burritoace t1_jad8vn1 wrote
Reply to comment by cjoshi112385 in Want to extend a deck. Any idea about cost if anyone has done it recently? by cjoshi112385
You are more than welcome to design the deck and price/procure the materials (and even build it). It's not rocket science but it does take time and effort, and experience helps. Figure out how much wood you need and call up a lumber yard, they'll happily give you a price on it.
burritoace t1_jad8r67 wrote
Reply to comment by ktxhopem3276 in Want to extend a deck. Any idea about cost if anyone has done it recently? by cjoshi112385
>Labor 15-35 plus material 15-30 = 30-65
Your link said materials are only about a third of the cost (correct), so you have to add that 15-30 again. $90/sf is not a fuck you price. Not sure why you think you know what the "real cost" should be.
I wager this project would take about a month for a two person crew. That's about $10k in labor at the very least. The materials are at least that much, between lumber, decking, concrete, fasteners, etc. Nobody is walking away with a huge profit on a deck job at that price.
>Most people could build a deck themselves in a month just working weekends. These prices have gone bananas bc people are stupid enough to pay them.
No they could not. Most people don't have the first clue about how to approach a project like this on their own. These are the prices because this is what it costs to build such a thing.
burritoace t1_jacyidw wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Foot_528 in Want to extend a deck. Any idea about cost if anyone has done it recently? by cjoshi112385
Theoretically there is at least one possible universe where this works!
burritoace t1_jacxsrm wrote
Reply to comment by ktxhopem3276 in Want to extend a deck. Any idea about cost if anyone has done it recently? by cjoshi112385
I'm referring to your link, which notes that their $15-30 number is for material which is only 1/3 of the cost. If you use $30/sf for material and $60/sf for labor then you're in the right ballpark. That's nearly twice your $50/sf value.
burritoace t1_jacvjdj wrote
Reply to comment by ktxhopem3276 in Want to extend a deck. Any idea about cost if anyone has done it recently? by cjoshi112385
$15-30/sf is material cost only
burritoace t1_jacve61 wrote
Reply to comment by KentuckYSnow in Want to extend a deck. Any idea about cost if anyone has done it recently? by cjoshi112385
The contractor probably takes home like $2000 in profit at most on a job like this
burritoace t1_jacv8zg wrote
Reply to comment by Robert_L0blaw in End of February 2023, from Troy Hill. by H0ff8675A
I think you're right that the paintings have gotten better and more interesting
burritoace t1_jacv6pf wrote
Reply to comment by jwt155 in Fetterman doing well, ‘on a path to recovery,’ aides say by ImperialIIClass
Wow, good one!
burritoace t1_jacufnp wrote
Reply to comment by jwt155 in Fetterman doing well, ‘on a path to recovery,’ aides say by ImperialIIClass
You're a real wingnut, just firing off half-cocked insinuations all over the place. Not sure why you imagine anybody would take you seriously. I bet all the other fuckin morons over at the conservative subs love it though
burritoace t1_jac61s3 wrote
Reply to comment by jwt155 in Fetterman doing well, ‘on a path to recovery,’ aides say by ImperialIIClass
Lol damn you are awful
burritoace t1_jac5gz6 wrote
Reply to What have experiences here been with the musical equipment/instrument selection @ CLP Oakland? by LockedOutOfElfland
Lol the Jupiter 8 is like a $20k synth!
burritoace t1_jac5d3u wrote
It's probably at least $10k in materials and $15k in labor (a month or so for a small crew), plus a fair amount of foundation work (digging, equipment, concrete). $25-30k is a good estimate but impossible to know without seeing your site. If others but for much less they either built smaller or a long time ago.
burritoace t1_jac4zo2 wrote
Reply to comment by barsmart in Woman dead after officer-involved shooting in Pittsburgh’s St. Clair neighborhood by byzvntine
I get this attitude, but I don't really think an article with that headline would see meaningfully less traffic. Local news is just overly deferential to the police and thus largely incapable of handling this issue fairly.
burritoace t1_ja9exk0 wrote
Reply to comment by Basic-Lawfulness6974 in Odd question but are garbage disposals just not really a thing here or is a coincidence I just don't see any on pretty much any rentals I look at? by Sunfish-Studio
I'd rather intercept food waste and put it where it belongs than chop it up and pray it goes down the drain without an issue. If you think about it the whole approach is kind of absurd. Imagine chopping up your leftover vegetable waste and stuffing it down the drain rather than just putting it in the compost/trash.
burritoace t1_ja8q1m7 wrote
Reply to Rotten egg/sulfur smell in Bethel Park? by byzvntine
Lol OP is the local crime poster. This is a nice change of pace!
burritoace t1_ja8oa8i wrote
Reply to comment by WattOnWheels in Odd question but are garbage disposals just not really a thing here or is a coincidence I just don't see any on pretty much any rentals I look at? by Sunfish-Studio
They also really don't provide much improvement in convenience, IMO. Not really worth going to the trouble to install one for most people.
burritoace t1_ja8narh wrote
Reply to comment by myhouseisabanana in Woman dead after officer-involved shooting in Pittsburgh’s St. Clair neighborhood by byzvntine
It's mostly an attempt to avoid describing exactly who killed who
burritoace t1_ja3p0sn wrote
Reply to comment by animatewall in From Pittsburgh Independent: "Breaking: Piper's Pub Reopens" (with limited weekend hours for now) by djangodjangofett
Lost their PLCB license maybe?
burritoace t1_ja3omyf wrote
Reply to comment by billfriedman9987 in If Fetterman resigns, who would Shapiro appoint? I’m kind of obsessed with Giselle Fetterman. by [deleted]
You sound like a misogynistic shithead
burritoace t1_ja2p4ks wrote
Reply to comment by billfriedman9987 in If Fetterman resigns, who would Shapiro appoint? I’m kind of obsessed with Giselle Fetterman. by [deleted]
Where are you guys getting this shit? Tucker Carlson?
burritoace t1_ja2oacg wrote
Reply to comment by JuliaX1984 in February averaged 12 degrees above normal and set 3 record highs by physicallyatherapist
I'm talking about you, not ostriches
burritoace t1_ja11qo0 wrote
Reply to comment by JuliaX1984 in February averaged 12 degrees above normal and set 3 record highs by physicallyatherapist
It would be great if the solution was just burying one's head in the sand
burritoace t1_jadhogb wrote
Reply to comment by barsmart in Woman dead after officer-involved shooting in Pittsburgh’s St. Clair neighborhood by byzvntine
Very strange. This is a case where the police are getting soft treatment by the media which they extend to nobody else. Plenty of other institutions don't enjoy this kind of treatment.