byllz t1_jd466s6 wrote
Pager shows green. Looks like it was very deep, so it had mild shaking in a very large area, but no heavy shaking anywhere.
byllz t1_jbl7cy8 wrote
Reply to I just published an article in The Journal of Mind and Behavior arguing that free will is real. Here is the PhilPapers link with free PDF. Tell me what you think. by MonteChristo0321
My thoughts. You are restricting Laplace's Demon without justification. You called the demon "the ultimate predictor." A reasonable interpretation of that would be that if something is necessarily true from known information, then the demon will know it. I think this would have been the correct understanding of the demon for the situation. Instead, you have gone with the interpretation that if something is algorithmically provable from known information, then the demon will know it. A given program will halt or it will not. One of those is necessarily true. It is not algorithmically provable. That doesn't, in any reasonable sense of the word mean the program is free.
Second I think you fail to show an infinite computational medium. Perhaps a person with an infinite lifespan in an infinite universe would have an infinite computational medium. And so a question like "will he ever take x action" might be undecidable. However, If you restrict the scope to a given timeframe. "will he kiss that girl he likes today", you are restricting your focus to a finite period of time, and a finite space (i.e. a sphere of space 1 light-day in radius). You lose your infinite computational medium, and suddenly you have a decidable problem.
byllz t1_jb62rrc wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Hello there; I’ve got a question for the astronomers: how sparse is our local cluster? by Steel-Rains
There are vast voids in space. There are few to no galaxies in these areas, and they take up about 80% of the universe. Anywhere not a void is actually relatively boisterous compared to the average.
byllz t1_jape02i wrote
Reply to comment by AtebYngNghymraeg in TIL "to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" is an example of an impossible task. The idiom dates at least to 1834, from the Workingman's Advocate: "It is conjectured that Mr. Murphee will now be enabled to hand himself over the Cumberland river or a barn yard fence by the straps of his boots. by meat-juice
And it makes sense. The operating system is a program. For it to run, like any program, it needs to be read from disk, placed into memory, and then executed. "What is the problem?" You may ask. "Computers run programs all the time." The problem is that the procedure to read the disk, load a program into memory, and execute it is part of the operating system. If the operating system isn't running yet, how is it going to get the operating system running? It seems as impossible as pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.
byllz t1_j598pfp wrote
Reply to comment by MrDStroyer in TIL The famous "rods from god" concept of a space-based weapons system of orbiting tungsten rods was developed by science fiction writer Jerry Pournelle. by BitterFuture
Tungsten would be ideal, but iron nickel alloy from asteroids would do in a pinch.
byllz t1_j2f8sip wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in If fish accumulate mercury in the more toxic, methylmercury form, is it toxic to them? by XComhghall
Quite the opposite. Humans are high in mercury. Except for vegetarians. Feel free to eat vegetarians.
byllz t1_j1a7k9d wrote
I was just thinking this as I noticed the current top post in /r/science.
byllz t1_iz0t350 wrote
Reply to Scientists have analyzed the specific labor costs for producing a 1 carat diamond in mines and through artificial synthesis. The work of human turned out to be more effective: 26 minutes versus 2-3.5 hours. by Skoltech_
I'm sure the mine worker's pay properly reflects their greater productivity.
byllz t1_iv4g9lr wrote
Reply to comment by truthseeker1990 in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
The answer lies in time. In a given period of time, just from random fluctuations there is a chance the number of surviving lines will decrease, based on how many lines are left and the population. So, given enough time, assuming the population doesn't grow, the chance the number of lines will decrease eventually approaches 100% just like theoretically you can flip a coin as many times as you want and always get head, the chance you will eventually get tails approaches 100%
byllz t1_iv4038c wrote
Reply to comment by za419 in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
It isn't just the growth, it is the sheer population. Suppose you had an ancient generation that was down to 2 women with matrilinear descendants. One line accounts for 99.9999% of the current population, and the other the rest. If your world population is 1,000,000, then the likelihood you will have a new Eve pretty soon is high, as there is currently only 1 woman left of the minority line, and the chance of any given woman not having daughters, or her daughters not having daughters is pretty high. But if the world population is 8,000,000,000 then the chance of a new Eve is low any time soon as you would need 8000 such occurrences.
byllz t1_iv3tw9u wrote
Reply to comment by za419 in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
Mitochondrial Eve likely hasn't changed in quite a while. With rapid population increases since agriculture became a thing, lines are much less likely to die off.
byllz t1_iv3r0vs wrote
Reply to comment by truthseeker1990 in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
It is just a natural effect of lots of time combined with a population that doesn't grow quickly (as human population didn't for the majority of its existence). Take all the women living at a specific time in history and track each of their lines. Over time, just by random chance, one line will grow in members, which means another line will shrink. Every so often this random growing and shrinking will mean a line will shrink to nothing. However, once it is gone, it is gone forever, and so will never grow again. One by one they are snuffed out, until only one remains. And then Mitochondrial Eve moves forward in time. Since populations started growing considerably, lines have been dying out less.
byllz t1_iv3h1xm wrote
Reply to comment by PracticalWallaby4325 in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
Humans and Neandertals coexisted and interbred about 50,000 years ago. Mitochondrial Eve is thought to date back about 150,000 years ago. Of course, it is possible that there are as of yet undiscovered branches in the mitochondrial family, and Mitochondrial Eve dates back quite a bit further. Before the dude from South Carolina took his DNA test, Y chromosomal Adam was thought to date back about 150,000 years, but finding him pushes Adam back perhaps 250,000 years. And if some Neandertal mitochondrial lineages are found in humans, that could push Mitochondrial Eve back to more than 500,000 years or so, to before humans and Neandertals split.
byllz t1_iv2wsb4 wrote
Reply to comment by RhabarberJack in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
It is one family of mitochondria, but there are random mutations that happen regularly. Through tracking these mutations, you can tell how closely different people are related to each other, matrilineally speaking.
byllz t1_iv2pscv wrote
Reply to comment by reeherj in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
Also possible, there is some neandertal mitochondrial DNA in some family that hasn't been tested yet. Some dude in South Carolina about a decade ago got a genetic test and learned that his Y chromosome diverged from everyone else ever tested like 250,000 years ago. Turns out this one patrilineal family survived with few members in Cameroon. It is perfectly possible some ancient undiscovered matrilineal line with Neandertal mitochondria is alive and well in some remote corner of the world.
byllz t1_iv1ssbz wrote
Reply to comment by scottish_beekeeper in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
And before anyone asks, yes humans and Neandertals diverged sometime after that.
byllz t1_iv1rntu wrote
Reply to comment by scottish_beekeeper in Why don't we have Neandertal mitochondrial DNA? by nodeciapalabras
Mitochondria lines also die off just because of random chance. There was a woman who lived a couple hundred thousand years ago. Every woman alive is a direct female line descendent of hers. There were likely thousands of other women alive at the time, but every one of their female lines eventually died out, but hers survived. Why? No particular reason. Just random chance.
byllz t1_it56upi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why does alcohol kill bacteria, but not the cells that our bodies are composed of? by Chairman_Mittens
I thought alcohol caused the burning feeling because it was a TRPV1 agonist, the same as capsaicin, not because of any cellular damage.
byllz t1_jd5iu4v wrote
Reply to comment by DevoidHT in Powerful earthquake felt in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India | Earthquakes News by UnHolySir
Usually, an earthquake like this would hardly have hit the international news. People are currently on edge about earthquakes because of the Turkey one. That being said, there are usually about one 7.0 or higher earthquakes per month. So far this year, there have been 6.