cC2Panda t1_izdqmo5 wrote
Reply to comment by Sybertron in Because all we have in life is our word and fake internet points too I guess. by JPwnr
Maybe I'm just unlucky but the it seems like any big movie that plays there will have the way more intolerable people at Newport compared to most theaters. Teens texting the whole fucking time a couple rows ahead of you, people talking through the movie, some mouth breather with food that just learned to eat(with their mouth open) right next to you, some dude in the back whose phone rings multiple times, etc.
cC2Panda t1_iz6gtjf wrote
Reply to comment by bsanchey in NYC comptroller says Adams has ‘exacerbated’ widespread city worker vacancies by mowotlarx
She got it corrected she just had to advocate for herself in a way that I think a lot of people wouldn't. Basically the actual way they do the math to find our final pension changed at some point, so if you were hired before a certain date you kept the old pension calculation but if you were hired after they used a different calculation the made your pension less.
They claimed that because she had a gap in employment that her pension would be calculated with the new lesser calculation, rather than the better calculations from her first job in the early 90's.
So it wasn't that they were negating her time as a para, they were making a claim that because she was re-hired that she was only able to claim benefits with a newer crappier calculation.
cC2Panda t1_iz66k1m wrote
Reply to comment by bsanchey in NYC comptroller says Adams has ‘exacerbated’ widespread city worker vacancies by mowotlarx
I straight up don't trust government pensions moving forward. My mother was a severely underpaid paraprofessional for more than 20 years, then she took a different job that paid far better but wasn't government, but in the last few years she took another government job that pays much more than she did as a paraprofessional. She had to fight with a bunch of admin fucks because they were basically saying that because she went to a private job(for a public institution)for a few years that she would effectively be treated as a new employee and her time building her pension as a para wouldn't count.
cC2Panda t1_iyzw00p wrote
Reply to comment by Mint_Mug in So I guess this is a reoccurring theme now? by DeepFried328
I think Kimchi tacos are what made Roy Choi famous.
cC2Panda t1_iy5w920 wrote
Reply to comment by ThepunfishersGun in A Rikers Officer Had Sex With a Detainee. It Took 7 Years to Fire Him. by marshall_project
On top of that I think that we should increase polices total annual pension/benefit contributions, but every single lawyers fee and lawsuit should be paid out by the police as a whole. When an abusive asshole is costing every other cop their year end bonus they'll whip him into shape really fucking quick.
cC2Panda t1_iy5nzwo wrote
Reply to comment by metafunf in A Rikers Officer Had Sex With a Detainee. It Took 7 Years to Fire Him. by marshall_project
When private unions protect rapists and murders like police/prison guard unions you'll have a point, but as of now Starbucks unions won't be protecting baristas from murder charges so they aren't even in the same ball park. The only real reason people have problems with these unions isn't because of pay and benefits but because they are shield from prison time for crimes they commit, if police were held accountable then very few people would care.
cC2Panda t1_iy3lre6 wrote
Reply to comment by JoeKnucklesLoughlin in Perfect morning to paddle out and set pots for the last time this season. Nothing like some late Fall jumbo sized Blue Claw Crabs, a true Jersey classic! by JoeKnucklesLoughlin
I wonder if you could put sealed airtag or something on it to track the thieves.
cC2Panda t1_ixuq3n0 wrote
Reply to comment by G00d_One in JC “Ethnic Festivals” of 2001 by cbuzz8
Probably. San Janeiro got canceled in NYC.
cC2Panda t1_ixhz484 wrote
Reply to comment by badquarter in First time ever getting stuck at the 1-9 lift bridge to Kearny by JCwhatimsayin
Water access supersedes land access by law, I think they only have to give 30 minute or an hour notice but most of the time they try to do it not during rush hour and schedule further ahead IIRC. I used to be late periodically because of asshole ships forcing the portal bridge to open and holding up multiple trains full of people. Once the portal bridge got stuck and we were stuck between Newark Broad and Secaucus for 3 hours or so.
cC2Panda t1_iwq3bvg wrote
Reply to comment by Jazzlike_Drawer7174 in Paulus Hook Goldman Sachs parking lot, waiting for new residential tower construction by mwc665324
I see so few children that are school age in Paulus Hook aside from people coming into St Peter's. I think it's mandatory in Paulus Hook to move to the suburbs the moment your first child hits the age of 5.
cC2Panda t1_iwkx3az wrote
Reply to Are New Jersey’s so-called ‘luxury apartments’ really so luxurious? News 12 finds out by Redditlurker922
That site has a ton of actual scam links.
cC2Panda t1_iw6xlhu wrote
Reply to comment by MightyBigMinus in Best French Fries in Jersey City? by Gas_pains_suck
Which fries they have multiple options.
cC2Panda t1_ivjkset wrote
Reply to This man is going to JC/Hoboken restaurants just to dine and dash for his TikTok page by Globesurfer123
Dude looks like Gollum if you put human sized eyes on him.
cC2Panda t1_ivh61x6 wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
The entire system needs massive reform. We need a system that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punitive actions.
Our current system does not provide fair and speedy trial as dictated by the sixth amendment.
Our prisons create worse people and have some of the highest recidivism in the developed world, so clearly it's not working.
44% go back to prison in the first year of release. And then we just blow even more money. The financially smart thing is to try to reduce recidivism by actually helping the prisoners. Less wasted taxes and less victims.
cC2Panda t1_ivfkuu3 wrote
Reply to comment by Im_Not_Really_Here_ in Left Unmonitored In His Cell, He Etched His Suicide Note Into a Wall On Rikers Island by hau5keeping
I've said this a dozen times before on this sub, but we need to better fund out court system to actually make it "fair and speedy". We spend more than $1,500 per day for someone to be in Rikers. Even if you are someone who believes in small government the financially intelligent thing to do is better fund our courts so that people get to trial in a timeframe that doesn't ruin their life. The societal, economic, and human cost of putting the average person awaiting trial in prison for 4 months is disastrous.
cC2Panda t1_iv5kfix wrote
Reply to comment by RAWisROLLIE in Using phone with Speaker on PATH train. by lazysloath1
If you're going that route I'd say slap it across the car. Make them decide to chase you or their phone but not both.
cC2Panda t1_iuydei7 wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in "The FBI has received credible information of a broad threat to synagogues in NJ." via @FBINewark by Brudesandwich
I'm just saying they devote 1/3 to Kanye and mention qanon, oath keepers, 3 percenters, etc. a total of 0 times.
cC2Panda t1_iuyawcc wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in "The FBI has received credible information of a broad threat to synagogues in NJ." via @FBINewark by Brudesandwich
That was Black Hebrew Israelites which are their own form of insane.
cC2Panda t1_iuy31mk wrote
Reply to comment by henry_sqared in "The FBI has received credible information of a broad threat to synagogues in NJ." via @FBINewark by Brudesandwich
Coincidentally the CNN article about this spend about a third of it talking about Kanye's Deth con 3. As if it's him not qanon, 3 percenter, oath keeper, etc. dumbfucks that are the actual threat.
cC2Panda t1_iuabph4 wrote
Reply to comment by SwimmerJock in New York City from the Worldview-3 satellite at an extremely low angle by kazamatzuri
I think it's probably early 2018 or late 2017. 95 Hudson in Jersey City topped out in September 2018 and it looks about half finished.
cC2Panda t1_iu4n49x wrote
Reply to comment by OcotilloWells in TIL that Fahrenheit 451, a book about a distopian future where books are banned and burned, was banned and burned by the apartheid regime in South Africa with other tens of thousands. by open_closet
The FBI might show up at your door anyway. After the Boston bombing there was an uptick in people saying they got FBI visits after looking up how to make a pressure cooker into a bomb.
cC2Panda t1_iu1hjz1 wrote
Reply to comment by N0_ThisIsPATRICK in Found this setup of flowers in the middle of the street. For Jersey City having a bad reputation, they have some really nice displays all over by FishinDrones
Especially Paulus Hook that area is practically a ghetto.
cC2Panda t1_itzirge wrote
Reply to comment by PEPE_22 in Menendez adviser confirms new federal investigation, but says senator is unaware of scope by SoundMachineJC
Should have moved on last election cycle and probably before that.
cC2Panda t1_ity7s0u wrote
Reply to comment by BurnTheCrown in Since the pandemic, subway seat hogs have really been on some bullshit by cakeschristmas
I just close one eye and point at the seat I want and it works almost every time.
cC2Panda t1_j0iz6vy wrote
Reply to comment by bananafishandchips in Proposed legislation would allow NJ's advanced practice nurses prescribe without a doctor’s oversight: Proposal would cement a change that began with pandemic; some doctors are strongly opposed by rollotomasi07071
Considering the opioid epidemic, I think it's fair to say that bad use of prescriptions can have devastating effects not just on the individual but while communities.