calm_chowder t1_je2ug21 wrote
Reply to comment by OopsNotAgain in Hundreds of thousands to continue strikes and protests in France | France by bnh1978
Sad thing is if Americans WERE protesting like this for worker's rights, aside from the militarized police the primary people fighting against them would the slobbering brainless Conservative masses fighting to be bent over and buggered by their rich overlords.
calm_chowder t1_je2u223 wrote
Reply to comment by mangoserpent in Hundreds of thousands to continue strikes and protests in France | France by bnh1978
>I am currently admiring the French. They kind of seem like one of the few modern nations where the citizenry actually give a shit about democracy.
Shout out to Israel and the hundreds of thousands protesting right now against their minority-elected fascist leader.
calm_chowder t1_je2tsj7 wrote
Reply to comment by alexefi in Hundreds of thousands to continue strikes and protests in France | France by bnh1978
Tbf if they weren't upset about the Reform itself that probably wouldn't bother them. If the Reform was to lower the retirement age to 60 and he passed it without a vote I don't they'd be protesting.
calm_chowder t1_je2tcti wrote
Reply to comment by Lance-Harper in Hundreds of thousands to continue strikes and protests in France | France by bnh1978
Those policies are already in place or they're part of the new retirement Reform? Because those laws are fucking insane, even worse than in the US. Which is hard to believe for a European country. There's so many reasons a person might not be able to work continuously with zero breaks for 40 years.
Can someone else confirm this is true? Do you have a source??
calm_chowder t1_jc8wqtc wrote
Reply to comment by xxBurn007xx in Conn. woman 1st non-Vermonter granted assisted suicide right by getBusyChild
That's a tragedy and I've also dealt with the suicide of a loved one, and they were only 18.
What people don't seem to realize is death with dignity laws are not suicide booths anyone having a bad day or suffering a treatable mental illness can just show up at on a whim and die. They involve panels and hearings involving the person and their doctors to ensure only those who are suffering with no prospect of alleviation have the option to (as the term says) die with dignity.
You can be anti-suicide and still support death with dignity, if you'd just take the time to educate yourself instead of making completely wrong assumptions based on your personal tragedy. It's terrible your sister committed suicide but she would absolutely not be eligible for "death with dignity" end of life care, she would be directed to services which could help her even if that means inpatient care.
Seriously, the number of people in this thread who have absolutely no clue what death with dignity actually is but have strong opinions against it due to their own ignorance is fucking embarrassing.
calm_chowder t1_jc8vii1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Conn. woman 1st non-Vermonter granted assisted suicide right by getBusyChild
Bodily autonomy does NOT mean "you can do whatever you want with no limits" and it doesn't mean complete immunity from the law, it means each individual has the right to choose what is and isn't forced on their body, generally in a medical or psychological sense (such as the gender you identify as). That the person controls was is and isn't done to them. It doesn't mean speeding as fast as you want or unfettered access to regulated prescription medication or the ability to do literally whatever you want in larger society with no limitations.
This thread is full of such ignorant, uninformed, absurd takes where the commenter clearly doesn't have any clue what a term actually means. I mean I get that this is reddit but how in tf can you be so ignorant about a simple concept like bodily autonomy especially when it's in the news so much lately? Too much right wing media lying to you about how scary giving people bodily autonomy would be or just stupid?
calm_chowder t1_jc8tqqc wrote
Reply to comment by iowaman623 in Conn. woman 1st non-Vermonter granted assisted suicide right by getBusyChild
Currently most death with dignity laws require a sort of hearing where not only is the person themselves examined/evaluated but their doctors have to also testify that the person is suffering and that suffering can't be alleviated, and that the person is of sound enough mind to understand the decision they're making. People don't just walk into suicide booths like in Futurama and end it on a whim.
In fact that's exactly why death with dignity laws exist. So suicide is available with oversight to those who truly need it. Not wanting to raise you kids or your heirs wanting an inheritance would never, ever, ever pass an oversight board. Most (if not every single one) of your examples is completely absurd and shows your absolute ignorance.
If you don't know fuck all about a topic you know you can just not comment, right?
calm_chowder t1_jc57d8v wrote
Reply to comment by Flimsy-Lie-1471 in In Truth or Consequences, N.M., leaking pipes cause millions of gallons of water to go down the drain amid drought by Thetimmybaby
Because most of this infrastructure was built in the 50s and 60s when the government actually had money to spend due to a 75% corporate/millionaire tax rate and invested it in infrastructure and improving life for Americans. It's impossible to make this infrastructure indestructible and it was always meant to be maintained or failures are unavoidable.
Unfortunately Republicans (esp Reagan) gutted the government's income (by slashing corporate and the obscenely rich's tax rate to near zero), deregulated everything, ended infrastructure maintenance as "wasteful government spending" and basically sabotaged the future of our country. Things will only get worse as infrastructure is more and more stressed and out of date/neglected and the climate changes.
These accidents are becoming more and more common and that trend will continue, and as other countries keep pace with modernization the US will fall comparatively further and further behind until in many ways we're no longer a first world nation, at least in comparison to all others. It's inevitable with the path we're on, which shows no signs of or even avenues for changing. In fact in almost every single respect we're already dead last on every single metric of first world nations.
calm_chowder t1_jbrs9xj wrote
Reply to comment by kstinfo in Kiska, sometimes know as the world’s loneliest orca, has died at Marineland by waitingforthesun92
A mercy that she died. Finally free again.
Fuck humans.
calm_chowder t1_jbrrxud wrote
Reply to comment by scout_jem in Kiska, sometimes know as the world’s loneliest orca, has died at Marineland by waitingforthesun92
2 minor pedantic notes: orcas are dolphinidea, a member of the dolphin family - not a member of what people generally are referring to when they say whales, which in common parlance refers to cetaceans with baleen (no true teeth). And they're not domesticated, which is a genetic level change over generations to make a species more amenable to humans. These animals are at best tame, which is aclimating an individual animal to humans.
On another note many people and even several countries class these animals as sentient beings and therefore most instances of their captivity is considered gross cruelty and even a crime. Even by the most lenient standards most of these animals in theme parks live in conditions which constitute torture. Many dolphinidea literally commit suicide (by willful self-induced suffocation) when forced to live in these conditions. Others go insane and may turn in to murders against their captors (such as Tilikum - who despite killing several people was clearly the victim, who very understandably snapped after years of psychological torture).
calm_chowder t1_j75my85 wrote
Reply to comment by justalittlestupid in Purported leader of pro-Nazi homeschooling network no longer employed by own family-run business, according to a company statement by uniquedifferences
Statistically speaking (as a Jew) they're correct. Jews make up 0.2% of the world population yet makes up 60% of all religious hate crimes. We're not replacing anybody, let alone white people.
Of course I know that's not what they mean though. They think Jews are somehow behind POC becoming a higher percentage of first world nations. Somehow.
calm_chowder t1_j5wghki wrote
Reply to comment by Redqueenhypo in Twitter faces legal complaint in Germany over anti-Semitic content by davetowers646
Which is insane. There's two countries on earth led by Jews - Israel (obviously) and Ukraine.
calm_chowder t1_j4ivozm wrote
Reply to comment by TheOriginalNutter in Honduras Loses 10% of its Forests in Just 11 Years by decorama
Going abroad once every 5 years would be a huge bump up for most people.
calm_chowder t1_j3kopfm wrote
Reply to comment by Karenomegas in As alcohol-related liver disease rises in the U.S., a clinic takes a new approach to treatment by grungegoth
Which would be an excellent alternative if LSD were a legal option and not one of the most tightly controlled drugs in the country, if not the world.
calm_chowder t1_j3ko5fw wrote
Reply to comment by come-on-now-please in As alcohol-related liver disease rises in the U.S., a clinic takes a new approach to treatment by grungegoth
>but if you're only gonna have 1 or 2 light beers how much of the socializing was because of the alcohol vs other factors(atmosphere, ritual of drinking,
If that's your normal amount of drinking then you don't have liver disease to worry about in the first place so.....
calm_chowder t1_j30u782 wrote
Reply to comment by atlantis_airlines in A family finds swastikas in the lawn as antisemitism surges by Shaul_Ishtov
Not to mention antisemitism has existed in an almost unbroken chain for 2000 years. What we're seeing today didn't spring to life out of thin air, it's a link in a chain.
calm_chowder t1_j30tzr0 wrote
Reply to comment by Xenjael in A family finds swastikas in the lawn as antisemitism surges by Shaul_Ishtov
Honestly as a Jew it's a huge comfort to know.
calm_chowder t1_j30t73s wrote
Reply to comment by IamToddDebeikis in A family finds swastikas in the lawn as antisemitism surges by Shaul_Ishtov
calm_chowder t1_j21vv3f wrote
Reply to comment by Pokerhobo in Exxon sues EU in move to block new windfall tax on oil companies by davetowers646
Thank you. This bOtH sIdEs bullshit needs to be called out wherever it appears.
calm_chowder t1_j21kint wrote
Reply to comment by linuxares in New sanctions starting to bite Russia’s economy as Moscow admits deficit impact by Minezenroll
Bread won't run out because they literally stole most of Ukraine's wheat harvest. But vodka.... that could cause problems.
calm_chowder t1_j1h4r16 wrote
Reply to comment by TheWinks in IRS delays rule change for people who get paid on Venmo, Etsy, Airbnb and other apps by TerpFlacco
Has more to do with the fact the rich can afford expensive lawyers and the IRS can't.
calm_chowder t1_iy9i5ud wrote
Reply to comment by dublem in 'OneLove' anti-hate armbands sell out after FIFA World Cup ban by King-of-New-York
Bout time. It's been a minute.
calm_chowder t1_ixnjdwe wrote
Reply to Body of Israeli Druze young man seized by Palestinians in Jenin returned to his family - Israeli military by Superbuddhapunk
They didn't just "seize" his body - they took this teenager off life support and literally murdered him. Then took the body to use as a bargaining chip.
What they did is fucking disgusting.
calm_chowder t1_ixj5ib7 wrote
Reply to comment by LenyAK in European Parliament declares Russia a state sponsor of terrorism by twotwo_twentytwo
Expect some of the sternest words yet! Brutal.
calm_chowder t1_je78el1 wrote
Reply to comment by ParanoidFactoid in London Mayor announces free meals for children during holidays by je97
Let's not be completely cynical about this. Let's applaud steps in the right direction, if for nothing more than our collective mental health.