calm_chowder t1_iwf0cp6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Google to pay 40 states $392M in location-tracking settlement by AudibleNod
So if we're in one of those states can we sign on to get money...?
Cause I could sure use some money right now.
calm_chowder t1_iv2ws0r wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ukraine suffered a comms outage when 1,300 SpaceX satellite units went offline over funding issues by thatoneguy889
How tf is this straightforward 7 word sentence confusing to you?
calm_chowder t1_iv2wn06 wrote
Reply to comment by radicalelation in Ukraine suffered a comms outage when 1,300 SpaceX satellite units went offline over funding issues by thatoneguy889
There's something about power itself that attracts the cartoonishly evil.
calm_chowder t1_iv2vcyy wrote
Reply to comment by WirelessBCupSupport in Official: Man who made synagogue threat has been identified by AudibleNod
Pierogis slapp. I called them periogioes as a kid. Incredible with sour cream.
calm_chowder t1_iv2v8f8 wrote
Reply to comment by needabiggerhammer in Official: Man who made synagogue threat has been identified by AudibleNod
Latkes w sour cream and applesauce.... chef's kiss
calm_chowder t1_iuomk1f wrote
Reply to comment by Trtmfm in 1 dead and up to 6 injured in shooting at a Halloween party in Kansas City, Kansas, police say by bonniethegamer223
.... when America runs out of people to shoot....?
calm_chowder t1_iuom5o0 wrote
Reply to comment by lesath_lestrange in 1 dead and up to 6 injured in shooting at a Halloween party in Kansas City, Kansas, police say by bonniethegamer223
Jesus fuck, seriously?! Ugh, America.
calm_chowder t1_iuf9fhd wrote
Reply to comment by godel32 in Ukraine says Iran’s help for Russia should push Israel out of neutral stance by Lahampsink
If Russia attacked Israel you better believe a bunch of Middle East countries would join in. Israel has a population of 9 million people, slightly more people than live in New York City - not an endless supply of soldiers. They can't afford an unnecessary war or to lose any territory.
calm_chowder t1_itasj2j wrote
Reply to comment by DrKillgore in Failing nursing homes to face tougher penalties by Thetimmybaby
Yes, if warranted. If an elderly person wants to die, it should be an option. Why not? Living should also be an option, but realistically no elderly person is ever gonna get better from being elderly. If their situation is bad enough they want to pass we should let them do it with dignity.
Imagine suffering every day and knowing it'll only get worse every day and can never get any better, but potentially living another 5 or 10 years being more tortured every single day. You've done everything you wanted to/could do in your life and now with nothing ahead of you you're forced to get up each and every day for fresh suffering and to lose another part of yourself, no dignity, no self reliance, no modesty, no independence... just because your shitty body won't quit when your mind and soul are already half gone.
calm_chowder t1_ixg0lse wrote
Reply to comment by DryGumby in Tax Filing Websites Have Been Sending Users’ Financial Information to Facebook by phunky_1
Often even 4 figures. It's disgusting how cheap a lot of politicians are to buy.