
captainogbleedmore t1_j3dgzil wrote

Windham and Windsor Counties are fine and have plenty of studios hidden away. Pay attention to Open Studio tours in the region Keep in mind that a house the is condemned and literally falling in a river will fetch over 100k up here though, and Taxes are exponentially higher than the south. Over 6k for my 200k house, and I live in a town with a lower tax rate!


captainogbleedmore t1_j0q0e8s wrote

Felt the same coming from GA. VT is so much like places in the South except for the lack of diversity, so instead of racism (which there still is a lot of) the classism is more apparent. Generally I think the people that think that VT isn't like the South or vice versa just haven't traveled enough. N Ga and parts of SC and NC are indistinguishable from here.


captainogbleedmore t1_iz6rw4t wrote

The only good thing about them where I came from was the open dumpsters and willingness to take "any" donations. Affordable waste mitigation is one of the only things I miss from living in other places compared to here.


captainogbleedmore t1_iy131oq wrote

Vermont has been repeatedly reported as the only climate -safe state in the lower 48 for years and climate refugees have been slowly relocating well before COVID. It would be nice if we could all get along, but just like everywhere else, people hate newcomers and view them as interlopers.


captainogbleedmore t1_irn0a53 wrote

I'm a GA transplant and two things to note that are different from everywhere else in the country: they don't have entrapment laws here so cops can hide in bushes and they also don't have a 10mph buffer so you can get pulled over for being 1mph over. It took me awhile to slow down, but it's better than losing your license.