charlesdexterward t1_jeeagps wrote
Reply to comment by MysteriousTelephone in Hollywood’s Covid Protocols Get Expiration Date; Vaccine Mandate Will End by LordHyperBreath
They absolutely have not. My workplace still makes you isolate if you have Covid and we’re food service. Not an industry known for sending someone home if they’re sick.
charlesdexterward t1_j69rau1 wrote
Reply to comment by Ace_of_Sevens in At a wedding in California. Never seen this in a Church before. by MelonTosser
My Lutheran church growing up did not. I occasionally saw this if I visited an evangelical friends youth group or something, but the arm was always bent like the lady in the grey coat, I never saw anyone do a full arm extension.
charlesdexterward t1_j5aznh7 wrote
Reply to comment by davtruss in Whiting, Hussey, "Romeo and Juliet" 1968 by GoldenChinchilla
Okay? What does that have to do with anything?
charlesdexterward t1_j5ael7m wrote
Reply to comment by davtruss in Whiting, Hussey, "Romeo and Juliet" 1968 by GoldenChinchilla
Thora Birch is a bad example. There are a lot of behind the scenes stories about her father/manager being really controlling and creepy.
charlesdexterward t1_iuwttdy wrote
Reply to comment by buidontwantausername in Do spiders always build their own webs, or do they sometimes live in a web vacated by another spider? by GoodAndBluts
Is that’s what’s happening when you see a tree that’s just completely covered in spider webs?
charlesdexterward t1_iu9fait wrote
Reply to comment by philbobalboa in Switching to all Darn Tough socks: How many pairs, what kinds? by Highwayman1717
Yeah, first pair I ever got ripped the second time I wore them. I guess I could have sent for a replacement, but it didn’t feel worth the hassle. Cheap ass socks from TJ Maxx will last me 2-3 years, typically.
charlesdexterward t1_is5ay31 wrote
Reply to comment by catsloveart in Lets you listen to cat purrs Whenever You’re Stressed–and can calm your cat too by coinagepills
I did all that, it’s not playing for me, either.
charlesdexterward t1_jeey3q9 wrote
Reply to World's most mysterious song. by jasonroue
Shazam returned a couple different songs with similar droney qualities but that weren’t the right song. I looked for Jeanne Fay (the music supervisor for that episode) on social media to see if I could just message her and ask, but none of the Jeanne Fays who came up look like they could be her. So yeah, real mystery here.