chasetwisters t1_j9dqs5s wrote
Reply to comment by UnfilteredFacts in When do trains pass over the trestle trail? Is there a schedule? I took this on film, and would like to repeat with a train passing. TY! by UnfilteredFacts
I don't think freight schedules are publicized due to potential security issues
chasetwisters t1_j98kpto wrote
Reply to comment by zwgmu7321 in The weather for this week is uhm…insane? by theboyfromphl
Theres 8 daily records highs for Richmond in February in the 80s, the most recent in 2018.
chasetwisters t1_j8rujfy wrote
Reply to comment by SaltyBarDog in Sugar Shack renamed to “Vegan Donuts RVA” on Grubhub by xZOMBIETAGx
Yep. I've seen them, O'Charleys, and Hooters to name a few have these setups. I think O'Charley's was like Chucks Burgers or something. Hooters first did Hootie's Burger Bar, and now they're doing some Hot Dog thing. chicken tender thing called Chase Elliott Chicken Tenders
chasetwisters t1_j8r9dvk wrote
Reply to comment by TargetDownrange in Sugar Shack renamed to “Vegan Donuts RVA” on Grubhub by xZOMBIETAGx
Its almost like a ghost kitchen thing. Right now theres two on Uber Eats, one called The Meltdown and the other The Burger Den, that's located at the Dennys at Broad and Dickens. This is in addition to Dennys being on there.
chasetwisters t1_j7l17ua wrote
Ron Melancon has entered the chat
chasetwisters t1_j6ocp05 wrote
Reply to comment by MiloAshworthy in What infrastructure projects or development would you like to see in the area? by Lilratdog
Unlikely since all the major NE cities have subways and are at similar elevations/even closer to sea level.
The ultimate reason is subways are ridiculously expensive and we just don't have the population/density to warrant it.
chasetwisters t1_j66wvue wrote
Reply to comment by Captain_Tiberius in Libbie Avenue, Cary Street Road to close for several months starting Jan. 30 by lunar_unit
The city should be advertising it for construction bids in the next month or so. If it gets awarded by summer it'd probably be early 2024
chasetwisters t1_j5wvwnn wrote
Reply to The new "district approved" stickers that Hanover teachers have to use because rainbows aren't allowed by Awrnawr
I'd love a little more background on this. I'm not surprised in the least, but what lead to this?
chasetwisters t1_j5vhyt1 wrote
Reply to comment by dalbach77 in Richmond’s most dangerous intersections. Source: Axios by Own_Potential8144
Yep. The Barnes Dance, also known as the Pedestrian Scramble. It typically allows for diagonal crossings as well which I think would make a ton of sense around VCU.
chasetwisters t1_j51mxq4 wrote
Reply to comment by rologies in Best lunch specials around town? by Spec-Tre
They distribute to more than just Food Lion. Kroger, Publix, Wegmans, and Harris Teeter all carry their stuff. Kroger carries the most options, and also sells their stuff throughout the Mid-Atlanitc.
chasetwisters t1_j51m3xj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Best lunch specials around town? by Spec-Tre
Every Mexican joint in town has a Speedy Gonzales. The one at Pepe's is $6.95 for comparison
chasetwisters t1_j50cuzy wrote
Reply to Golden Skillet in Sandston by Gh0stIcon
I'm not sure how true to original any Golden Skillet around is. Just looking at their menus, they're all different. I don't remember what OG Golden Skillet menus were so just keep that in mind.
chasetwisters t1_j2eq1wf wrote
Reply to comment by Arcangelathanos in Not a wine expert, but I’m certain that NYE Champagne pairs well with Lee’s Famous Fried Chicken. by combinera
I think because its not a well known chain and it being the only location in VA people just default to think its something local.
chasetwisters t1_j2burls wrote
Reply to The Greater RVA Gas Station Wars by CarlCasper
You go to Wawa for food at 12 pm. You go to Sheetz for food at 12 am.
chasetwisters t1_j2buk0w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Greater RVA Gas Station Wars by CarlCasper
I miss the jumbo hot dogs on the hard rolls or whatever they were
chasetwisters t1_j2bua0i wrote
Reply to comment by BloodyRightNostril in The Greater RVA Gas Station Wars by CarlCasper
Even before Wawa moved to Florida as mentioned, Wawa is everywhere in Hampton Roads which is further south than Petersburg. The furthest south one would have been the one off 168 at Hillcrest Parkway on the way to the Outer Banks
chasetwisters t1_j1kavpt wrote
Reply to comment by lunar_unit in Why are Henrico roads so much better? by RefrigeratorRater
The counties can all fund their own projects but they have to be accepted by VDOT (other than Henrico and Arlington).
The only exception is VA and US routes in Henrico are still VDOT maintained.
chasetwisters t1_j0d31j5 wrote
Reply to comment by PercyDovetonsils in Haven’t been back in 30+ years; looking for a few nostalgic hits. Alternate title: “they closed sixth street marketplace?!?” by Johoku
That could be, yeah. Sounds like we're both fuzzy on the details but recall the same similar thing.
chasetwisters t1_j0d0pdq wrote
Reply to Haven’t been back in 30+ years; looking for a few nostalgic hits. Alternate title: “they closed sixth street marketplace?!?” by Johoku
If I recall the trains were at the James Center with the Grand Illumination. I haven't been in years to know if they still do them.
chasetwisters t1_iyb8l7c wrote
Reply to comment by andrewsucks in Regency Wal-Mart, yet another shooting. by AlreadyShrugging
Yeah based on the pictures this was in a semi-secluded corner, not the store itself.
chasetwisters t1_iyb7mkj wrote
Reply to Parham and Patterson by The_Real_Captain_Mac
You missed the giant BRAZZERS sticker across the bottom of the windshield
chasetwisters t1_iya8d2m wrote
Reply to comment by acldesmo in Y'all see the anti gay billboard in the city? by Sillloc
This isn't a southern thing. I just drove through Indiana and these kinds of billboards are everywhere, along with tons of anti-abortion billboards
chasetwisters t1_iya82xa wrote
Reply to comment by twelvesteprevenge in Y'all see the anti gay billboard in the city? by Sillloc
Per Streetview it's a Lamar billboard.
chasetwisters t1_iufxaji wrote
Reply to comment by VillageIdiotsAgent in Richmond's last Confederate statue can be removed, judge rules by sleevieb
They're rehabing the bridge the ramp ties to.
chasetwisters t1_j9hwypx wrote
Reply to comment by UnfilteredFacts in When do trains pass over the trestle trail? Is there a schedule? I took this on film, and would like to repeat with a train passing. TY! by UnfilteredFacts
Freight trains carry more than coal and grain, and robbery is probably one of their lowest concerns. As we just saw in Ohio, they carry hazardous materials. They ship nuclear waste via rail. A targeted attack on a train like that at a sensitive location could have huge implications.
Bottom line, there really isn't a reason for freight train operators to publish their train locations. Amtrak does it because people ride their trains or are picking people up from train stations so its advantageous to know. Theres just no real reason the general public needs to know where freight trains are.