
chasetwisters t1_j9hwypx wrote

Freight trains carry more than coal and grain, and robbery is probably one of their lowest concerns. As we just saw in Ohio, they carry hazardous materials. They ship nuclear waste via rail. A targeted attack on a train like that at a sensitive location could have huge implications.

Bottom line, there really isn't a reason for freight train operators to publish their train locations. Amtrak does it because people ride their trains or are picking people up from train stations so its advantageous to know. Theres just no real reason the general public needs to know where freight trains are.


chasetwisters t1_j50cuzy wrote

I'm not sure how true to original any Golden Skillet around is. Just looking at their menus, they're all different. I don't remember what OG Golden Skillet menus were so just keep that in mind.