chicken_nugget08 t1_j7e61d1 wrote
Reply to Weekly History Questions Thread. by AutoModerator
I cannot for the life of me remember the name of a philosopher. Here’s what I got: he was an older philosopher (from Greece possibly?) that got popular during the medieval era and essentially sent people into tailspins because of his belief that “you can’t truly know anything”. I also remember that the way the medievals found out about him was that some dude published his works cause he thought the belief was ridiculously stupid.
chicken_nugget08 t1_j7xsbex wrote
Reply to comment by LateInTheAfternoon in Weekly History Questions Thread. by AutoModerator
Ah you’re right!! I was not sure at all what era he was from originally tbh I just guessing lol so it is totally likely that I misremembered. The class I took that he was mentioned in covered late antiquity all the way to Age of Enlightenment so yeah I was definitely just taking a shot in the dark at the time frame. The fact that you were able to figure out who I was talking about from that is impressive considering I got most of it wrong 🤪