chiggenNuggs t1_iycmq3k wrote
Maybe not the specific entry, but it probably gets aggregated and used for summarization and analysis quite a lot.
chiggenNuggs t1_ivgltli wrote
Reply to comment by gooberfaced in LPT - Never hire the tree trimmer "working in the area" by Browley09
Seriously. This applies to any situation where you’re on the receiving end of any direct cold calling or unexpected door-to-door or on-the-street type solicitation.
Consumer products, home services, insurance, financial products- doesn’t matter. If someone suddenly shows up and starts putting the pressure on you to spend some money, 99% of the time they’re running some kind of shady angle, even if it’s technically not illegal or an outright scam.
If you need a product or service, do some basic research first.
chiggenNuggs t1_ja8f66e wrote
Reply to comment by Extension-Bus-9260 in How the US and Canada Reduced Their Power Sector Emissions: Top Source of Electricity in Each State and Province Since 2005 [OC] by NoComplaint1281
The giveaway of a shitty map is when Michigan is treated as two separate states, lol