> Bob Kahn and I would be arguing for days about how to go about the handshake. We immediately knew how to implement it after seeing a video of Kanye doing a three-way-handshake.
- Vint Cerf
> During my CERN days I struggled a lot with design decisions while working on ENQUIRE. I was fortunate enough to have a direct line to Kanye. He told me what to do.
chilicuntcarne t1_j1qpfe5 wrote
Reply to comment by PsyOpBunnyHop in Quentin Tarantino responds to Kanye West saying Django Unchained was his idea by PineBarrens89
> Bob Kahn and I would be arguing for days about how to go about the handshake. We immediately knew how to implement it after seeing a video of Kanye doing a three-way-handshake.
- Vint Cerf
> During my CERN days I struggled a lot with design decisions while working on ENQUIRE. I was fortunate enough to have a direct line to Kanye. He told me what to do.
- Tim Berners-Lee