
chillingohdylan t1_j7rzpi1 wrote

I think when human beings are sitting at the desk, sitting on a screen for 40 hours a week, every single week, we yearn for more leisure. Our emotions want us to go on an adventure with our friends, travel, experience, appreciate music and art, help out in our communities, meet people, find a significant other we are interested in yet our society has become very isolating. It's harder than ever to meet people, find something you are passionate about outside of work, or just do stuff you always wanted to do. The grind and the reason why we are unmotivated is not because we are lazy but our brains are forced to pay attention to and be efficient in something we aren't necessarily interested in like working at bank, or being an electrician or an engineer. That requires 40 hours of our time every single week and our brains don't always want to do that thing we are supposed to do because we naturally don't want to do it. In fact, the purpose of humans was to reproduce, eat and survive. We made that much more complex with the society we built around us. And how an owning class exploits our labor.