chriswaco t1_iv10ssh wrote
Reply to comment by InsGadget6 in China Is Now a Major Space Power by goki7
The US rarely admits mistakes unless they were made by the other political party.
chriswaco t1_iubg7h3 wrote
Reply to comment by Isotope_Soap in B.C. permanently bans use of rat poison by pirate_republic
Rats make wonderful pets. My brother had one in college that he liberated from a bio lab.
chriswaco t1_iu7z8ka wrote
Reply to comment by rubemechanical in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
Galileo. Otis Redding. Others
chriswaco t1_iu7qlu1 wrote
Reply to comment by starmartyr in TIL Jewish persons could not hold public office in Maryland until 1826 by synonyco
Depends on the state and the type/definition of private club. In Michigan it's been illegal since 1976 for most family clubs:
>(2) If a private club allows use of its facilities by 1 or more adults per membership, the use must be equally available to all adults entitled to use the facilities under the membership. All classes of membership shall be available without regard to race, color, gender, religion, marital status, or national origin. Memberships that permit use during restricted times may be allowed only if the restricted times apply to all adults using that membership.
Of course, that doesn't prevent discrimination, it just makes it more difficult. We had a friend in the 1980s that was the first Jew at a major country club here. Typically two existing members have to sign the membership request and they simply wouldn't do it for Jews. He was an auto exec, though, and the thought of losing all of the execs from his company changed a few minds.
chriswaco t1_iv125s5 wrote
Reply to comment by InsGadget6 in China Is Now a Major Space Power by goki7
Right, but now China has the complete start-to-finish expertise to create their own station. Soon they’ll be better than we are at it, just like manufacturing.