cloudrunner69 t1_j6i2ryu wrote
Reply to comment by redeggplant01 in Chinese Search Giant Baidu to Launch ChatGPT-Style Bot by Buck-Nasty
Can't people own property in China but not the actual land the buildings are built on and aren't there privately owned business in China listed on the stock exchange? Doesn't really sound like communism to me.
cloudrunner69 t1_j6hu6lb wrote
Reply to comment by TheDavidMichaels in How long till we enter the age of abundance? by tiny9000
Banks and Government are going to be obliterated along with every other corporate institution.
cloudrunner69 t1_j67lmu4 wrote
Reply to comment by banned_mainaccount in When do you believe the singularity will happen? by Stranfort
So you think this sub is for people who disagree with the premise of the subs fundamental subject?
It's like going on a sub devoted to the discussion of Islam and telling everyone that you think their religion is bullshit. Or going on the longevity sub and telling everyone that they are all wrong and life extension medicine and treatment are impossible and will never happen. How do you think people should respond to someone who so vehemently disagrees with the main premise of a sub?
cloudrunner69 t1_j67jmp4 wrote
Reply to comment by joseph_dewey in When do you believe the singularity will happen? by Stranfort
I don't know if anyone can make 100% accurate predications, but I think we can still make some pretty reasonable guesses based on current and past trends. For instance we can see the evolution of things like CPU's and can make some pretty good predications on what their next stage of evolution will look like. When the singularity hits something like the next steps of innovation in processors will be impossible to determine, because the growth in that technology will be to rapid to follow.
cloudrunner69 t1_j676ey6 wrote
Reply to comment by DungeonsAndDradis in When do you believe the singularity will happen? by Stranfort
> When the singularity hits we won't be able to predict what technology breakthroughs will happen tomorrow.
More like it will be progressing so fast we won't be able to predict what happens in the next few seconds.
cloudrunner69 t1_j674qm3 wrote
Reply to comment by Ezekiel_W in When do you believe the singularity will happen? by Stranfort
Basically the singularity is the point when technological growth progresses so rapidly that is impossible to predict what comes next.
cloudrunner69 t1_j66yvu8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in When do you believe the singularity will happen? by Stranfort
Why are you on this sub then?
This sub is about the discussion of technological growth and the singularity. If you don't believe in those things then maybe this is not the place for you.
cloudrunner69 t1_j66vsrl wrote
Reply to comment by Ezekiel_W in When do you believe the singularity will happen? by Stranfort
There is only one definition for a technological singularity.
cloudrunner69 t1_j63wfbn wrote
Reply to Asking here and not on an artist subreddit because you guys are non-artists who love AI and I don't want to get coddled. Genuinely, is there any point in continuing to make art when everything artists could ever do will be fundamentally replaceable in a few years? by [deleted]
I used to be a toll booth collector before my job was automated. But I wasn't going to let that stop me doing what I loved. So I bought a few acres out in the country and built a little toll booth for myself and now I just sit in it everyday reading a magazine and smoking cigarettes and every now and then I push the button to open the gate to let through imaginary cars and buses.
So take it from me just because technology has replaced you doesn't mean you can't still find satisfaction doing what you where put on this Earth to do.
cloudrunner69 t1_j5o3hoe wrote
Reply to comment by just-a-dreamer- in how will agi play out? by ken81987
Why would a superior intelligence need to make a gazillion paperclips, is there an over abundance of paper in the future? Doesn't sound like filing papers is something a superior intelligence would be doing.
cloudrunner69 t1_j5d61qi wrote
Reply to comment by Desperate_Food7354 in What do you think an ordinary, non-billionaire non-PhD person should be doing, preparing, or looking out for? by Six-headed_dogma_man
It doesn't look at all like we are going to have brain implant by the time AGI gets here, sure we might get some rudimentary thing that allows us to control the mouse cursor or something simple but it just seems way to complicated to get make what people are proposing.
I think we are going to need highly advanced nano tech in order to do BCI's correctly and although this can be done without the help of AI we are too slow off the mark to get it done in time now.
At this point we have something like a catch 22, we need the BCI's to keep up with AI but it really can't be done properly without the help of AGI.
cloudrunner69 t1_j55l7tn wrote
Reply to AGI by 2024, the hard part is now done ? by flowday
S curves feeding off S curves.
cloudrunner69 t1_j4pgy06 wrote
Isn't most of the Christian ideology surrounding heaven and hell based more on Dante's Inferno than the actual bible?
cloudrunner69 t1_j4pc1p6 wrote
Reply to comment by arachnivore in Singularity Mods removed this post about Nick Bostrom defending eugenics by arachnivore
They can't hear you, no one can, your post was removed, your'e shouting into an empty void.
cloudrunner69 t1_j4pbosc wrote
Reply to comment by arachnivore in Singularity Mods removed this post about Nick Bostrom defending eugenics by arachnivore
Oh I see what's going on now. You're using this latest Bostrom stuff as a platform for virtual signalling.
Ok, this makes sense why your comments are all so emotionally charged and you're dismissing what others are saying rather than trying to have a rational discussion about the subject. Cause you don't care what other people think.
cloudrunner69 t1_j4p64em wrote
Reply to comment by arachnivore in Singularity Mods removed this post about Nick Bostrom defending eugenics by arachnivore
Meh I disagree. Eugenics was always about improving/enhancing the human physical body through crazy stuff like breeding only certain people. This was only because they didn't have the technology that we have today. Not to mention the obsession with nationalism. But we don't live in that place anymore which is why the definition needs updating, because we live in different times.
There is no reason why words cannot be redefined, we do it all the time. Troll, catfish, cloud, tablet, cougar. All these words have been redefined in the last few years, what's the difference?
Maybe we could say there is eugenics and there is forced eugenics. See what adding an extra word can do, amazing right?
But hey you seem to have taken a pretty stubborn position on this so I have no interest in trying to convince you there is nothing wrong with eugenics anymore.
cloudrunner69 t1_j4p3z55 wrote
Reply to comment by arachnivore in Singularity Mods removed this post about Nick Bostrom defending eugenics by arachnivore
I think the definition of eugenics needs an update.
Old school mad Nazi scientist eugenics = bad
Transhumanist eugenics = good
cloudrunner69 t1_j4k185m wrote
Reply to When will humans merge with AI by [deleted]
Seems a lot of people are thinking we need BCI's to keep up with AI and I tend to agree, unfortunately I think the reality will be we cannot make effective BCI's that will be good enough without the help of AI. Pretty sure we are going to need some of that magic alien nanotech to do it right. So it's kind of a catch 22.
But hopefully there will be a bit of a window of opportunity where we can maybe grab some of those delicious cookie crumbs coming from the AI before it goes full Super Saiyan.
cloudrunner69 t1_j4fd2it wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What void are people trying to fill with transhumanism? by [deleted]
It's all natural.
cloudrunner69 t1_j4f88bw wrote
I don't get why tranhumanism is some niche subcultuire. The fusing of human and machine seems like it will be a natural process that sweeps throughout all life whether they want it or not. If anything all I see tranhumanists as are people who are just more aware than others of this incoming tidal wave of cyberization.
cloudrunner69 t1_j4ec9dg wrote
Reply to comment by GayHitIer in Does anyone else get the feeling that, once true AGI is achieved, most people will act like it was the unsurprising and inevitable outcome that they expected? by oddlyspecificnumber7
Nobody really knows how to make a human either. They just stick it in the hole and hope for the best.
cloudrunner69 t1_j46cx2e wrote
Reply to comment by flaming_dortos in Should AI receive a salary by flaming_dortos
Gasoline and a match.
cloudrunner69 t1_j3vl7wl wrote
Reply to comment by X-msky in Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays | Australian universities by geeceeza
You mean like through the process of study and examination?
cloudrunner69 t1_j3vila1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays | Australian universities by geeceeza
Exactly. These boomers are clueless. Why do I need to bother learning to swim when I can just wear a life jacket every time I'm near water. Get with the times Grandpa.
cloudrunner69 t1_j6igu13 wrote
Reply to comment by redeggplant01 in Chinese Search Giant Baidu to Launch ChatGPT-Style Bot by Buck-Nasty
>individuals can privately own residential houses and apartments on the land (“home ownership”), although not the land on which the buildings are situated.
Did you even read what you linked? That is exactly what I said.
But seriously. Who the fuck even cares. All these political ideologies are nothing but temporary human stupidity now on the precipice of dissolving into the acids of history.