cloudrunner69 t1_j3vila1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays | Australian universities by geeceeza
Exactly. These boomers are clueless. Why do I need to bother learning to swim when I can just wear a life jacket every time I'm near water. Get with the times Grandpa.
cloudrunner69 t1_j3vhsb4 wrote
Reply to comment by X-msky in Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays | Australian universities by geeceeza
You have made a great argument and I agree there should be no reason why a brain surgeon can't just step away front the operating table for a few minutes to check with google that the incision is going into the prefrontal cortex and not the testicles.
cloudrunner69 t1_j3vhct0 wrote
Reply to comment by X-msky in Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays | Australian universities by geeceeza
> it's the ability to acquire the knowledge and the ability to understand it is what matters.
Isn't the entire point of an exam to test someones ability to understand the subject?
cloudrunner69 t1_j3v7jqs wrote
Reply to Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays | Australian universities by geeceeza
This just reminded me how many online courses there are and makes me wonder how many people have been cheating in exams using just google and now with this.
I cannot imagine how many people have acquired industry certs without that actual hard-coded knowledge through real study. No wonder all the so called experts I get into arguments with on reddit are so obviously full of shit.
cloudrunner69 t1_j2u27wv wrote
Reply to Will the AI be able to fart or masturbate? by Snoo68113
Finally someone asking the real questions.
cloudrunner69 t1_j0kwtsp wrote
>where they’ll have an ability to focus on their hobbies, and passions and won’t have to work a day in their life ever again.
A hobby is work. The word your'e looking for is job.
cloudrunner69 t1_j0kwoux wrote
Reply to comment by aFoxNamedMorris in The Reality of Universal Basic Income Future by Prototype47
One of the biggest problems is people think UBI stands for Universal Basic Income but it stands for Unconditional Basic Income.
cloudrunner69 t1_iz8z0gt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The end of ageing? The scientists behind the race to turn back time by cata890
>No they didn't. Big beards like that were very much in fashion at the times 1840s/1880s that Darwin operated.
Not at all true. It is well known Darwin was a punk and his beard was a rebellion against the clean shaven conservatives.
cloudrunner69 t1_iz8jn6g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The end of ageing? The scientists behind the race to turn back time by cata890
They said the same thing about Charles Darwin.
cloudrunner69 t1_iy1q127 wrote
Reply to Genetically modified tobacco plant makes cocaine. Some people use it as coffee alternative others for pain reduction meds. by epSos-DE
Finally Monsanto using their evil powers for good.
cloudrunner69 t1_ixygqqd wrote
Reply to comment by Lucky_Squirrel in A 100 sided die by DerMagicSheep
They line them up with the ones that are down.
cloudrunner69 t1_ixkam1t wrote
Reply to comment by Desperate_Donut8582 in Fifteen minutes of fame Is it over? by Charming_Judgment_14
It means nothing, just edge lord gibberish.
cloudrunner69 t1_ix6ew01 wrote
Reply to comment by TheForgottenHost in New CRISPR cancer treatment tested in humans for first time by Phoenix5869
All data is progress.
cloudrunner69 t1_iw2i59c wrote
If AGI can replace 8 billion people then why would you think billionaire CEOs' are safe, what makes them so special in the lens of an AGI, are they not just as easily replaceable as everyone else?
cloudrunner69 t1_ivouzd1 wrote
Reply to comment by stofenlez557 in Is Artificial General Intelligence Imminent? by TheHamsterSandwich
Multifaceted exponential growth. The S curves are feeding off the S curves.
cloudrunner69 OP t1_ivjvbgc wrote
Reply to comment by Devoun in Out of all the movies that depict a dystopian future with humanity taken over by robots the Disney Cars movie could be a highly probable outcome. by cloudrunner69
It's a good question. Unfortunately the ASI is so far beyond our understanding that we cannot possibly begin to comprehend why it does what it does.
cloudrunner69 t1_ivf1f49 wrote
Reply to comment by slickhedstrong in Humanoid robots could generate $154 billion in revenue over next 15 years, Goldman Sachs reports by Gari_305
Bullshit. I've seen every Terminator movie and they all end with the humans winning.
cloudrunner69 OP t1_ityibgh wrote
Reply to comment by Primus_Pilus1 in First time for everything. by cloudrunner69
Where they living in a world powered by electricity? Because I'm not great at history but from what I can recall they didn't have electricity like we do now during the bronze and iron age.
cloudrunner69 OP t1_itygecx wrote
Reply to comment by Primus_Pilus1 in First time for everything. by cloudrunner69
What level was the technology of this lost civilization?
Submitted by cloudrunner69 t3_yefz53 in singularity
cloudrunner69 t1_itp0fui wrote
Reply to [ Removed by Reddit ] by [deleted]
Or learn to be lifeguard and live your life working on some nice beach.
cloudrunner69 t1_itozzzt wrote
Reply to comment by iSpatha in How should an individual best prepare for the next five - ten years? by BinyaminDelta
I know right. Like 20% is fucking crazy. That would be around a billion people unemployed world wide which is significantly enough to have some serious impact on global society.
cloudrunner69 t1_itozha6 wrote
Reply to comment by TheHamsterSandwich in How should an individual best prepare for the next five - ten years? by BinyaminDelta
You could be right but then exponential growth is a sly beast. Look at le rapidness in tech development within le last 10 years and then wonder how much faster that will go when AGI is thrown into le mix.
cloudrunner69 t1_j3vl7wl wrote
Reply to comment by X-msky in Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays | Australian universities by geeceeza
You mean like through the process of study and examination?