coastal_girl14 OP t1_jdrxyng wrote
Reply to comment by tangtang1028 in VIDEO: Simsbury streets disturbed by 200-car takeover by coastal_girl14
Do your It's the Dems! The Democrats encourage street racing and all sorts of crime. Nonsense. CT has one of the highest standards of living in the country.
coastal_girl14 OP t1_jdrgwqe wrote
Reply to comment by Knineteen in VIDEO: Simsbury streets disturbed by 200-car takeover by coastal_girl14
I agree! I'm curious who they are...
coastal_girl14 t1_jdqsonv wrote
Riverview Bistro, Westport The Boathouse, Saugatuck The Whelk, Westport Harbor Lights, Norwalk Rive, Westport La Plage, Westport L'escale, Greenwich
coastal_girl14 OP t1_jdqrfyj wrote
Reply to comment by moderncincinatus in VIDEO: Simsbury streets disturbed by 200-car takeover by coastal_girl14
The roads are winding and most have a speed limit below 35. Having a high speed chase with 200 cars seems deranged. They got plate numbers. The whole thing is bizarre. This had to be planned and staged. What kind of wing nut group does this?
coastal_girl14 t1_jd9w1aq wrote
Reply to comment by TheDudeMaintains in Goodbye giant DD cup by realbusabusa
The maps were in the Old State House.
coastal_girl14 t1_jd4rqax wrote
Reply to comment by danathecount in Goodbye giant DD cup by realbusabusa
Yes, I've seen some older insurance maps that showed the Connecticut River Valley stretched all the way to Newport News, VA.
coastal_girl14 t1_jcphase wrote
Reply to What are good activities/attraction to visit in Mid April in the Hartford area? by Few-Competition-8195
Mission Escape Games, A murder room game in West Hartford.
Axe It axe throwing in Newington.
coastal_girl14 t1_jc52bpl wrote
Reply to How much snow is Connecticut getting? by duskyxlops
I wish we would get some snow. It is currently pouring rain in So. Ffld County.
coastal_girl14 t1_jbe1lwi wrote
Even if one believes in witchcraft, putting people to death for being accused of the practice is extreme. Especially, if the "practice" was signified purely by a physical ailment or body part.
The Republican's argument has no merit. Unless they are stating they should be tried, convicted, and executed for the same self-professed crime, as one of the representatives admitted to studying the occult in the past. Which is probably a graver act than most of those accused during the actual trials would have committed.
Moreover, their position smacks more as sexist than about exonerating crimes of witchcraft per se.
coastal_girl14 t1_jb3wlep wrote
Reply to comment by ZoqY in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
Lol. Ah, yes the Great Equivocator.
coastal_girl14 t1_jb3vdhq wrote
Reply to comment by ZoqY in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
Why are you focused on BLACK Lives Matter? Why not any of the other protest movements? What is it about BLM that triggers you? How is it that you cannot differentiate between the violence of people who follow a lying, thieving, pretender who wanted to be president for life from people who have died at the hands of police, suffered from police brutality, and want equality under the law?
You don't have to answer, it's clear as day from "my side".
coastal_girl14 t1_jb3od93 wrote
Reply to comment by ZoqY in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
You should read the comments in the thread.
coastal_girl14 t1_jb3o7ri wrote
Reply to comment by ZoqY in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
My own side. You should stop listening to Fox News. Protesting police violence is the same as trying to overthrow the government, cancel democracy, and kill the VP as well as members of Congress? But yeah, they're exactly the same.
coastal_girl14 t1_jb3mhoa wrote
Reply to comment by ZoqY in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
Jan 6th was an act of treason promulgated by the then POTUS. Anyone conflating BLM and MAGAstans has already lost the argument. Whataboutism is the last bastion of the indefensible.
coastal_girl14 t1_jb33smk wrote
Reply to comment by Aves44 in Found near The Berlin Turnpike, not pro-Trump just anti- Biden. Art is everywhere. by TrashPandaShire
Geezus. It's amazing isn't it thinking back to HS and who some people became? Some you could predict and others it's just wild to see.
I went to school with a MAGA-stan, too. He would troll me sometimes on FB because of my opposition to all things Boiled Yam...until I asked him if he had a good time on Jan.6 in DC. I knew from a very credible source, that he was there. Alll of a sudden he was just a tourist. Lol. Haven't seen any FB posts from him in a bit. Although I could be blocked...sob.
coastal_girl14 t1_jaf2g1j wrote
Reply to comment by 1Bzi in Connecticut lawmakers considering legislation to give terminally ill patients medical aid in dying by 76before84
Yeah, that surplus sucks doesn't it? Oh, and the most successful strategy against COVID. What a disaster!!
coastal_girl14 t1_jaf1v41 wrote
Reply to Connecticut lawmakers considering legislation to give terminally ill patients medical aid in dying by 76before84
This was discussed in 2019 as well. During my mother's stay in hospice. It would have been a godsend. Hospice is not always the best solution. For some it works well. I had wished at the time that I had the emotional fortitude to leave my mother's bedside and testify in favor of the previous measure.
coastal_girl14 t1_ja0a81b wrote
Reply to comment by Kodiak01 in One of the only tunnels in CT -- Vernon by ILovePublicLibraries
coastal_girl14 t1_ja0a3t5 wrote
Reply to comment by Aware_Department_657 in One of the only tunnels in CT -- Vernon by ILovePublicLibraries
Lol. Firstly, it's not one lane as there's traffic in both directions separated by concrete. Secondly, a one lane tunnel is still....a tunnel.
coastal_girl14 t1_j9xtl45 wrote
Reply to comment by Historical_Ice6993 in One of the only tunnels in CT -- Vernon by ILovePublicLibraries
There's a pretty long one on the Merritt/Wilbur Cross near New Haven.
coastal_girl14 t1_j9xkeie wrote
Reply to comment by suburban_mom_jeans in The little things in CT by DreadnoughtPoo
Whole Foods...
coastal_girl14 t1_j9xj0c1 wrote
Reply to comment by littleA1xo in The little things in CT by DreadnoughtPoo
S&S essentially costs the same as WFs now. Don't know about Shoprite or Big Y. I do know in Ffld County S&S better up their game (produce has been sucking wind) because Shop Rite is renovating (Canton store is my only reference for a reno'ed Shop Rite and it's really nice), Stews Leonards has a better selection, Wegmans is building a store, and TJs is much cheaper.
coastal_girl14 t1_j67pqg6 wrote
Reply to Yale by thug_nificent
I used to work in New Haven. Granted it's been a few years but the city government was um, seriously corrupt. In order to be considered for city contracts, certain donations needed to be made in sufficient quantities to certain campaign funds. So Yale may be a problem but the city "leaders" were also an issue.
coastal_girl14 t1_j67m8dv wrote
Reply to Pottery classes in Ct? by Primary-Positive-299
Silverman Arts Center. They have a full range of art courses.
coastal_girl14 OP t1_jdskkq6 wrote
Reply to comment by TemporaryBench2271 in VIDEO: Simsbury streets disturbed by 200-car takeover by coastal_girl14
Hey, thanks for the info.