
comefromawayfan2022 t1_j0qm86m wrote

I believe there used to be a guy in Lee who put tiny houses on his property and lended them out to homeless veterans but like you mentioned, he ended up getting in a pissing contest with the town(I'm thinking zoning or building codes violations) and I think the town ended up suing him or trying to sue him to get him to shut it down


comefromawayfan2022 t1_j0q9rz7 wrote

I can only use Portsmouth hospital for an example because that's where I volunteered and I know a ton of people who worked there. Some of the people I knew did live in Portsmouth or the surrounding towns like rye and new castle but a lot of the people lived in Dover,Durham, Rochester, Barrington,Lee,madbury,heck even Strafford and commuted in. I know for a fact that for awhile Portsmouth hospital had a rule that if you worked in a job that requires you to be on call you either had to live within so many miles of the hospital or stay in house(meaning sleep in the hospital) if you were on call.

One of my friends mentioned that she could leave the hospital and do things within Portsmouth when she was on call but she was required to be within a 20 minute drive from the hospital so she couldn't go far


comefromawayfan2022 t1_iytykx8 wrote

I have chronic pancreatitis. The ER is my ONLY option for treatment when my pancreatitis is bad enough because usually by the time I'm sick enough to need an ER for my pancreatitis I'm at the point where I need IV pain meds, IV fluids and IV nausea meds and chances are I'm probably going to need to be admitted. They can't do iv meds in my doctor's office so my PCP just sends me to the ER. And as soon as urgent care hears that I have a history of pancreatitis they send me to the ER as well when I go to urgent care with abdominal pain complaints so I feel like I can't win


comefromawayfan2022 t1_iytjwf8 wrote

I would say that exact same thing about Wentworth Douglass and Portsmouth hospital too. Have lost track of the amount of frustrating ER visits Ive had with er Drs with zero compassion. Last time I was at the Portsmouth ER I was there over the summer,chronic pancreatitis flare up and I needed to be admitted and hadn't been able to eat in two weeks. Dr basically refuses to deal with me and said "If you'll excuse me I have actually sick patients to see" within a couple days of that visit I ended up hospitalized in Boston where the Dr said I should've been admitted was like ummm I did try to get help


comefromawayfan2022 t1_iymw3n1 wrote

I'd take c&j. I've never had issues with the c&j bus being late. I've taken the Amtrak down Easter from Durham many times and the latest it's ever run behind was almost an hour(I was taking an early train that day trying to get to a Broadway touring showtime at the Boston opera house and was sweating bullets on that one...normally I'm pretty relaxed with travel delays because I don't have a specific schedule)


comefromawayfan2022 t1_iwz7qo3 wrote

It's fake. They do a similar thing with the fire service. My roommate (who's actually a firefighter/medic) enjoys picking up those calls and going "oh yeah? Which department are you on? What's your badge number? What for the fire service are these funds specifically going to be used for?" Gets dead silence and a click every time


comefromawayfan2022 t1_irwegvg wrote

Pretty much all of them. I've read handle with care,nineteen minutes, my sister's keeper, change of heart, between the lines, pretty much most of them are heavy hitters. Change of heart takes place in NH too. One of the characters that's heavily featured is on death row at the NH state prison in concord