comicnerd93 OP t1_jaujscr wrote
Reply to comment by emk544 in Looking to potentially move to Allentown. Anyone here know anything about it? by comicnerd93
The Mrs and I are gonna take a drive on Wednesday to see if it's what we really wanna do.
comicnerd93 OP t1_jaugaj7 wrote
Reply to comment by SampleShrimp in Looking to potentially move to Allentown. Anyone here know anything about it? by comicnerd93
Ahh...forgive my ignorance
comicnerd93 OP t1_jatri64 wrote
Reply to comment by sirfuzzitoes in Looking to potentially move to Allentown. Anyone here know anything about it? by comicnerd93
My job would be in Allentown so within a 40ish minute drive would be nice. I've been seeing some affordable town homes within walking distance so was looking mainly in the area near my job but open.
comicnerd93 OP t1_jatr1m2 wrote
Reply to comment by portguy79 in Looking to potentially move to Allentown. Anyone here know anything about it? by comicnerd93
Thank you. Like I said I'd be transferring branches within my bank. so not super worried about jobs. Finance is a writer by trade but has retail and data entry experience.
comicnerd93 OP t1_jatq6s4 wrote
Reply to comment by SamuelLCompassion in Looking to potentially move to Allentown. Anyone here know anything about it? by comicnerd93
Do you mind elaborating? Like are they rezoning and people are losing jobs which is why it's hard to stay? I would have a job moving there. Finance would leave her current job and look for something new.
comicnerd93 OP t1_jatohpx wrote
Reply to comment by albert_r_broccoli2 in Looking to potentially move to Allentown. Anyone here know anything about it? by comicnerd93
That's fair. I know I see them all the time in r/buckscounty .
comicnerd93 t1_j07nryd wrote
Philly has a lot of great museums. From the Art museum to the Mueter Museum. There's a lot of nice little ones that are full of niche interests. Unfortunately the Neon Musuem just closed.
Also to get on my obligatory soapbox The Masonic Library and Musuem of Philadelphia/The Masonic Temple of Philly is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city and is a real hidden gem. A building that people travel from all over the world to see that most philadelphians just walk past.
comicnerd93 t1_jegc95h wrote
Reply to Hot take: bus rapid transit on the boulevard would be better than a subway by avo_cado
While I agree with this I don't think it will happen. While I think the boulevard is over capacity and reducing a lane in either direction for a BRT lane would be great I doubt people who drive it every day (I dont) would most likely fight the road diet tooth and nail.