
coolducklingcool t1_iwva4d0 wrote

An accurate title would have indicated the year of the offense or the positions affected. Otherwise the news source is just capitalizing on the post-2020 panic over election fraud. Which they are allowed to do, I guess. They’re for profit, after all. But I just don’t think we need to reward them for shitty clickbait tactics. They knew what they were doing with that headline.

Honestly, why else would OP post if? Does anyone actually care about a local election for Board of Ed from 2015?


coolducklingcool t1_iu6d6v0 wrote

The thing is, none of this adds up. And I know you’ll tell me it does, but I promise you, you don’t have the full story.

Teachers are mandated reporters. If we have even a suspicion that a student is in danger, we are legally required to report it. To not report it is a felony and we could be prosecuted. So, relax. You don’t know what happened, but you are not in danger. If you were the school would be legally bound to remove the individual. Even if you thought it was an admin cover up, I can assure you that teachers wouldn’t simply keep quiet, knowing a dangerous individual is on the staff.

You are leaping to more conclusions than you can count.

And also, online high schools are generally a joke and dropping out will significantly affect your future. Is it really worth it? Get switched out of the class and move on.


coolducklingcool t1_itbg6kr wrote

I wasn’t a fan of what I was seeing on here either. I’m not what they like to call a ‘bootlicker’ and I think police systems need significant reform and oversight. BUT I can see the tragedy here for these two individual men that lost their lives. By all accounts, they were the kind of cops we need more of, not less of.

But regardless, this is literally Reddit. It is absolutely ridiculous to assume that the posts and comments in this sub represent the entire state of nearing 4 million people. Relax. 🙄